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Gesuchte Kategorie: Jahr 2021

  • Through the Kaleidoscope: Comparing Visions of NATO
    | 2021
    Dembinski, Matthias; Fehl, Caroline (2021): Through the Kaleidoscope: Comparing Visions of NATO, in: Dembinski, Matthias/Fehl, Caroline (eds), Three Visions for NATO. Mapping National Debates on the Future of the Atlantic Alliance, Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 99–106.
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  • The EU, Venezuela, and democracy promotion: A rejoinder to Elliott Abrams’ comments
    | 2021
    Wolff, Jonas (2021): The EU, Venezuela, and democracy promotion: A rejoinder to Elliott Abrams’ comments, PRIF Blog.
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  • WMD Compliance and Enforcement in a Changing Global Context
    | 2021
    Wunderlich, Carmen; Müller, Harald; Jakob, Una; United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (2021): WMD Compliance and Enforcement in a Changing Global Context, Genf.
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  • Preventing Mass Atrocities:
    | 2021
    Hering, Robin; Hofmann, Gregor P.; Stappenbeck, Jens (2021): Preventing Mass Atrocities:. Germany Finally Needs a Strategy, in: Peacelab (eds).
    Zur Publikation
  • The potential of social diagnostics for P/CVE
    | 2021
    Ruf, Maximilian; Walkenhorst, Dennis (2021): The potential of social diagnostics for P/CVE, Radicalisation Awareness Network.
    Zur Publikation
  • Die NATO in Afghanistan: Geschichte eines Versagens oder Scheiterns?
    | 2021
    Dembinski, Matthias (2021): Die NATO in Afghanistan: Geschichte eines Versagens oder Scheiterns?, PRIF Blog.
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  • Sticks and Carrots for Peace: The Effect of manipulative Mediation Strategies on Post-Conflict Stability
    | 2021
    Ruhe, Constantin; Volg, Iris (2021): Sticks and Carrots for Peace: The Effect of manipulative Mediation Strategies on Post-Conflict Stability, Research & Politics, 8: 2. DOI: 10.1177/20531680211018368
  • The Dance of Peace and Justice: Local Perceptions of International Peacebuilding in West Africa
    | 2021
    Leib, Julia; Ruppel, Samantha (2021): The Dance of Peace and Justice: Local Perceptions of International Peacebuilding in West Africa, International Peacekeeping. DOI: 10.1080/13533312.2021.1927726
  • Overcoming Gulf-Rivalry? Challenges and Chances of Saudi-Iranian Dialogue
    | 2021
    Karahamad, Mustafa; Pickhardt, Julia (2021): Overcoming Gulf-Rivalry? Challenges and Chances of Saudi-Iranian Dialogue, PRIF Blog.
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  • Der Weg zu einem sicheren zivilen Cyberspace
    | 2021
    Reinhold, Thomas (2021): Der Weg zu einem sicheren zivilen Cyberspace, Hoch3 - Die Zeitung der Technischen Universität Darmstadt, 17: 10, 14.
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  • Prävention von Massenverbrechen
    | 2021
    Hering, Robin; Hofmann, Gregor P.; Stappenbeck, Jens (2021): Prävention von Massenverbrechen. Von der Staatsraison zur Strategie, in: Peacelab (eds).
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  • The Capitol Rioters and their Supporters Beyond “Us vs. Them”: A View from outside the US
    | 2021
    Pfeifer, Hanna; Ben Aharon, Eldad (2021): The Capitol Rioters and their Supporters Beyond “Us vs. Them”: A View from outside the US, PRIF Blog.
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  • Germany's Strategy on Security Sector Reform and Gender: Ensuring Value-based and Interministerial Implementation
    | 2021
    Coni-Zimmer, Melanie; Schiffers, Sonja Katharina (2021): Germany's Strategy on Security Sector Reform and Gender: Ensuring Value-based and Interministerial Implementation, LSE.
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  • A Post-Foundational Conception of Politics and Space: Henri Lefebvre and Jacques Rancière revisited in Resisting Athens
    | 2021
    Mullis, Daniel (2021): A Post-Foundational Conception of Politics and Space: Henri Lefebvre and Jacques Rancière revisited in Resisting Athens, in: Friedericke; Pohl, Lucas; Roskam, Nikolai (eds), [Un]Grounding, Bielefeld: transcript, 323–342.
  • Power Imbalances and Peace Building: A Participatory Approach between Local and International Actors
    | 2021
    Ruppel, Samantha (2021): Power Imbalances and Peace Building: A Participatory Approach between Local and International Actors, Africa Amani Journal, 8.
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  • Regierungswechsel: Das Ende der Ratlosigkeit?
    | 2021
    Brockmeier, Sarah (2021): Regierungswechsel: Das Ende der Ratlosigkeit?, PeaceLab-Blog.
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  • Gaussian Processes for Surrogate Modeling of Discharged Fuel Nuclide Compositions
    | 2021
    Figueroa, Antonio; Göttsche, Malte (2021): Gaussian Processes for Surrogate Modeling of Discharged Fuel Nuclide Compositions, Annals of Nuclear Energy: 156, 1–18. DOI: 10.1016/j.anucene.2020.108085
  • Review, Israeli Foreign Policy: A People Shall Not Dwell Alone, Uri Bialer, Diplomacy & Statecraft
    | 2021
    Ben Aharon, Eldad (2021): Review, Israeli Foreign Policy: A People Shall Not Dwell Alone, Uri Bialer, Diplomacy & Statecraft.
  • Review, Fraternal Enemies: Israel and the Gulf Monarchies, Clive Jones and Yoel Guzansky, Diplomacy & Statecraft
    | 2021
    Ben Aharon, Eldad (2021): Review, Fraternal Enemies: Israel and the Gulf Monarchies, Clive Jones and Yoel Guzansky, Diplomacy & Statecraft.
  • Less is More: Limited Fact-Finding to Avoid Overburdening the European Court of Human Rights in inter-State Cases
    | 2021
    Marauhn, Thilo (2021): Less is More: Limited Fact-Finding to Avoid Overburdening the European Court of Human Rights in inter-State Cases, Völkerrechtsblog.
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  • Land versus Landschaft
    | 2021
    Grünenwald, Ursula (2021): Land versus Landschaft. Die Ausstellung "Magnetic North" in der Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt mit Werken der kanadischen Moderne,
    Zur Publikation
  • Why Won't Israel Recognize the Armenian Genocide? It's Not Just About Turkey
    | 2021
    Ben Aharon, Eldad (2021): Why Won't Israel Recognize the Armenian Genocide? It's Not Just About Turkey, Haaretz.
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  • Carter's Holocaust Commission Should Inspire Biden on Armenian Genocide
    | 2021
    Ben Aharon, Eldad (2021): Carter's Holocaust Commission Should Inspire Biden on Armenian Genocide, Newsweek.
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  • The Gamification of Violent Extremism & Lessons For P/CVE
    | 2021
    Schlegel, Linda (2021): The Gamification of Violent Extremism & Lessons For P/CVE, in: Radicalisation Awareness Network (eds): Radicalisation Awareness Network.
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  • AfD, Corona-Pandemie und (städtische) Geographien der Peripherisierung
    | 2021
    Mullis, Daniel (2021): AfD, Corona-Pandemie und (städtische) Geographien der Peripherisierung, PRIF Blog.
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  • Polarisierte Städte: Die AfD im urbanen Kontext. Eine Analyse von Wahl- und Sozialdaten in sechzehn deutschen Städten
    | 2021
    Mullis, Daniel; Geilen, Jan Lucas (2021): Polarisierte Städte: Die AfD im urbanen Kontext. Eine Analyse von Wahl- und Sozialdaten in sechzehn deutschen Städten, Geogr. Helv.: 76, 129-141.
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  • Peru: General Elections in the Air, a Crisis of Democracy on the Ground
    | 2021
    Bannan-Fischer, Laura (2021): Peru: General Elections in the Air, a Crisis of Democracy on the Ground, PRIF Blog.
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  • The People’s Call for R2P: To Be or Not to Be?
    | 2021
    Xian, Yaolong; Yaday, Parveen Kumar (2021): The People’s Call for R2P: To Be or Not to Be?: New Mandala.
    Zur Publikation
  • Akteneinsichten: Die deutsche Außenpolitik und der Völkermord in Ruanda
    | 2021
    Brockmeier, Sarah; Peez, Anton (2021): Akteneinsichten: Die deutsche Außenpolitik und der Völkermord in Ruanda, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Zeitgeschichte – E-Paper. DOI: 10.31235/
  • Coalition Politics and Parliamentary Failure: The Armenian Genocide Bill in Israel’s Political Arena
    | 2021
    Ben Aharon, Eldad (2021): Coalition Politics and Parliamentary Failure: The Armenian Genocide Bill in Israel’s Political Arena, in: B. Der Matossian (eds), Denial of Genocides in the 21st Century, Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, (im Erscheinen).
  • Konflikt: Quelle oder Gefährung gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalts?
    | 2021
    Deitelhoff, Nicole (2021): Konflikt: Quelle oder Gefährung gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalts?, Blätter der Wohlfahrtspflege: 2, 47-51.
  • Talking about self-determination. Contested conceptions and political implications of an undisputed concept
    | 2021
    Wolff, Jonas (2021): Talking about self-determination. Contested conceptions and political implications of an undisputed concept, in: Ish-Shalom, Piki (eds), Concepts at Work. On the Linguistic Infrastructure of World Politics,, Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan, 24-42.
  • How Many Deaths Can Art. 2 (4) UN Charter Die?
    | 2021
    Marauhn, Thilo (2021): How Many Deaths Can Art. 2 (4) UN Charter Die?, in: Brock,Lothar/Simon, Hendrik (eds), The Justification of War and International Order, Oxford: Oxford Scholarship Online, 449–470.
    Zur Publikation
  • China's Strategic Practices in the Belt and Road Initiative
    | 2021
    Lesch, Max; Loh, Dylan (2021): China's Strategic Practices in the Belt and Road Initiative, Global Cooperation Research: A Quarterly Magazine, 3: 1, 19-22.
    Zur Publikation
  • Fissile Material Stocks and Production
    | 2021
    Squassoni, Sharon; Göttsche, Malte (2021): Fissile Material Stocks and Production, in: Glaser, Alexander; Göttsche, Malte (eds), Toward nuclear disarmament : building up transparency and verification, Berlin: Federal Foreign Office, 54-85.
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  • Conclusion: Building up Transparency and Verification
    | 2021
    Göttsche, Malte; Glaser, Alexander (2021): Conclusion: Building up Transparency and Verification, in: Glaser, Alexander; Göttsche, Malte (eds), Toward nuclear disarmament : building up transparency and verification, Berlin: Federal Foreign Office, 140-149.
    Zur Publikation
  • Am seidenen Faden: Das Freihandelsabkommen zwischen der Europäischen Union (EU) und dem Mercosur
    | 2021
    Schreiber, Franziska (2021): Am seidenen Faden: Das Freihandelsabkommen zwischen der Europäischen Union (EU) und dem Mercosur, PRIF Blog.
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  • Russian Active Measures in Ukraine (2004) and Estonia (2007)
    | 2021
    Driedger, Jonas J. (2021): Russian Active Measures in Ukraine (2004) and Estonia (2007), in: Bertelsen, Olga/Umland, Andreas (eds), Russian Active Measures: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow: Columbia University Press, Ibidem.
  • Let’s play prevention: Can P/CVE turn the tables on extremists’ use of gamification?
    | 2021
    Schlegel, Linda (2021): Let’s play prevention: Can P/CVE turn the tables on extremists’ use of gamification?, PRIF Blog.
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  • Arms Transfers in the Gulf of Aden
    | 2021
    Schwarz, Matthias (2021): Arms Transfers in the Gulf of Aden. Shining the Spotlight on Regional Dynamics, PRIF Spotlight, 6, Frankfurt/M.
  • Green is the New Black? What Might the “Green” German Foreign Policy vis-à-vis Russia Look Like?
    | 2021
    Willkomm, Etienne; Polianskii, Mikhail (2021): Green is the New Black? What Might the “Green” German Foreign Policy vis-à-vis Russia Look Like?, PRIF Blog.
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  • Im Dialog mit hessischen Schülerinnen und Schülern
    | 2021
    Blum, Yvonne; Deitelhoff, Nicole; Coni-Zimmer, Melanie; Pfeifer, Hanna; Friedrich, Laura (2021): Im Dialog mit hessischen Schülerinnen und Schülern, PRIF Blog.
    Zur Publikation
  • A New Framework for Dealing with Venezuela: From Democracy to Conflict Resolution
    | 2021
    Wolff, Jonas (2021): A New Framework for Dealing with Venezuela: From Democracy to Conflict Resolution, PRIF Blog.
    Zur Publikation
  • A New Framework for Dealing with Venezuela: From Democracy to Conflict Resolution
    | 2021
    Wolff, Jonas (2021): A New Framework for Dealing with Venezuela: From Democracy to Conflict Resolution, Carnegie Europe.
    Zur Publikation
  • Road to Peace or Bone of Contention?
    | 2021
    Abb, Pascal; Swaine, Robert; Jones, Ilya (2021): Road to Peace or Bone of Contention?. The Impact of the Belt and Road Initiative on Conflict States, PRIF Report, 1, Frankfurt/M.
  • China in transitionary Myanmar. Challenging paths to democratization and peace
    | 2021
    Abb, Pascal; Adhikari, Monalisa (2021): China in transitionary Myanmar. Challenging paths to democratization and peace, PRIF Spotlight, 5, Frankfurt/M.
  • Globaler Militarisierungsindex: Vorstellung, Codebook und Reflexion
    | 2021
    Bayer, Markus; Alberth, Rolf; Hauk, Stella; Mutschler; Max (2021): Globaler Militarisierungsindex: Vorstellung, Codebook und Reflexion, bicc Working Paper, 2021: 3.
    Zur Publikation
  • Armenian Genocide: US Recognition of Turkey’s Killing of 1.5 Million Was Tangled up In Decades of Geopolitics
    | 2021
    Ben Aharon, Eldad (2021): Armenian Genocide: US Recognition of Turkey’s Killing of 1.5 Million Was Tangled up In Decades of Geopolitics, The Conversation.
    Zur Publikation
  • Missing an epic story: Why we are struggling to counter extremists’ utopian narratives
    | 2021
    Schlegel, Linda (2021): Missing an epic story: Why we are struggling to counter extremists’ utopian narratives, PRIF Blog.
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  • Geht es ohne "Zwang"?
    | 2021
    Kroll, Stefan (2021): Geht es ohne "Zwang"?. Mit Verbindlichkeit in der Klimapolitik Frieden sichern, PeaceLab Blog.
    Zur Publikation
  • Remembering Genocide in Namibia
    | 2021
    Reitz, Núrel Bahí; Mannitz, Sabine (2021): Remembering Genocide in Namibia, PRIF Working Paper, 53: 53, Frankfurt/M.
  • Sicherheitssektorreform und Gender
    | 2021
    Coni-Zimmer, Melanie; Schiffers, Sonja Katharina (2021): Sicherheitssektorreform und Gender. Von der Strategie zur ressortgemeinsamen und wertebasierten Umsetzung, PRIF Spotlight, 4, Frankfurt/M.
  • Transnationales Erinnern an NS-Gewalt und Zweiten Weltkrieg?
    | 2021
    Mannitz, Sabine (2021): Transnationales Erinnern an NS-Gewalt und Zweiten Weltkrieg?. Ansätze und Ambivalenzen, in: Behrmann, Roland; Hunecke, Friedrich; Oppermann, Julia (eds), Zeitenwende ‘45. Aufbruch in ein neues Europa?, Frankfurt/M: Wochenschau Verlag.
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  • Prävention, Früherkennung, und dann?
    | 2021
    Kroll, Stefan (2021): Prävention, Früherkennung, und dann?, Vereinte Nationen: 1, 9-14. DOI: 10.35998/VN-2021-0002
  • The Justification and Critique of Coercion as World Order Politics
    | 2021
    Deitelhoff, Nicole; Daase, Christopher (2021): The Justification and Critique of Coercion as World Order Politics, in: Brock, Lothar; Simon, Hendrik (eds), The Justification of War and International Order. From Past to Present, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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  • The Judicial, the Secular and Beyond: Multi-normative Practices of Pakistani Constitutional Courts
    | 2021
    Kroll, Stefan (2021): The Judicial, the Secular and Beyond: Multi-normative Practices of Pakistani Constitutional Courts, in: Ballakrishnen, Swethaa S.; Dezalay, Sara (eds), Invisible Institutionalisms. Collective Reflections on the Shadows of Legal Globalisation, Oxford: Hart Publishing, 173-178.
  • Russia and the West: Causes of Tensions and Strategies for their Mitigation
    | 2021
    Dembinski, Matthias; Polianskii, Mikhail (2021): Russia and the West: Causes of Tensions and Strategies for their Mitigation, Russia and the Contemporary World, 110: 1, 5-20.
    Zur Publikation
  • Desmantelando autoritarismos competitivos locales
    | 2021
    Corredor-Garcia, Juan; Wolff, Jonas; Albarracín Dierolf, Juan; Milanese, Juan Pablo; Valencia, Inge Helena (2021): Desmantelando autoritarismos competitivos locales, in: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Colombia (FESCOL) (eds), Análisis, Bogotá.
    Zur Publikation
  • Socio-economic factors of radicalisation in Tunisia and Egypt: What we (don’t) know
    | 2021
    Süß, Clara-Auguste; Weipert-Fenner, Irene (2021): Socio-economic factors of radicalisation in Tunisia and Egypt: What we (don’t) know, ORIENT: 2, 14-19.
  • Rule and resistance in global governance
    | 2021
    Deitelhoff, Nicole; Daase, Christopher (2021): Rule and resistance in global governance, International Theory, 13: 1, 122–130. DOI: 10.1017/S1752971920000469
  • Counter-Terrorism for Peace – Syria between the Russian-Led Coercive Peace and the United States’ Withdrawal
    | 2021
    Karahamad, Mustafa (2021): Counter-Terrorism for Peace – Syria between the Russian-Led Coercive Peace and the United States’ Withdrawal, PRIF Blog.
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  • Go local, go global: Studying popular protests in the MENA post-2011
    | 2021
    Weipert-Fenner, Irene (2021): Go local, go global: Studying popular protests in the MENA post-2011, Mediterranean Politics, Online first.
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  • Evaluation im Kooperationskontext
    | 2021
    Ruf, Maximilian; Walkenhorst, Dennis (2021): Evaluation im Kooperationskontext. Chancen zur Gestaltung der Zusammenarbeit von Sicherheitsbehörden und Zivilgesellschaft, PRIF Spotlight, 3, Frankfurt/M.
  • Biden und Nordkorea
    | 2021
    Schmidt, Hans-Joachim (2021): Biden und Nordkorea. Der schwierige Weg zur nuklearen Abrüstung, PRIF Blog.
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  • Thailand’s Security Sector “Deform” and “Reform”
    | 2021
    Chambers, Paul; Waitoolkiat, Napisa (2021): Thailand’s Security Sector “Deform” and “Reform”, PRIF Working Paper, 52: 52.
  • Mehr als Prävention
    | 2021
    Schlicht-Schmälzle, Raphaela; Kroll, Stefan; Theis, Désirée (2021): Mehr als Prävention. Politische Bildung und Extremismusprävention: Schnittmengen und Herausforderungen, PRIF Spotlight, 2, Frankfurt/M.
  • Bloß Neustart oder Renaissance nuklearer Abrüstung?
    | 2021
    Hach, Sascha (2021): Bloß Neustart oder Renaissance nuklearer Abrüstung?. New START um fünf Jahre verlängert, PRIF Blog.
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  • A Renaissance of Nuclear Disarmament, or Merely a New Start?
    | 2021
    Hach, Sascha (2021): A Renaissance of Nuclear Disarmament, or Merely a New Start?. New START Extended for Five Years, PRIF Blog.
    Zur Publikation
  • The Trouble with Influencing Others: Why Persuasion Partly Depends on the Individual
    | 2021
    Schlegel, Linda (2021): The Trouble with Influencing Others: Why Persuasion Partly Depends on the Individual, European Eye on Radicalization (EER).
    Zur Publikation
  • Klimawandel und Konflikte
    | 2021
    Vinke, Kira; Dröge, Susanne; Gießmann, Hans-Joachim; Hamm, Charlotte; Kroll, Stefan; Rheinbay, Janna; Wesch, Stefanie (2021): Klimawandel und Konflikte. Herausforderungen für die deutsche Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik, Studie 2, Berlin: Herausgegeben vom Beirat Zivile Krisenprävention und Friedensförderung.
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  • Keeping Your Enemies Close? The Variety of Social Movements' Reactions to International Organizations' Opening Up
    | 2021
    Anderl, Felix; Daphi, Priska; Deitelhoff, Nicole (2021): Keeping Your Enemies Close? The Variety of Social Movements' Reactions to International Organizations' Opening Up, International Studies Review. DOI: 10.1093/isr/viaa103
  • Protests Against New Fracking Projects in Colombia
    | 2021
    Gubsch, Martin (2021): Protests Against New Fracking Projects in Colombia, PRIF Blog.
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  • Einige Anmerkungen zum Wandel von Militärinterventionen
    | 2021
    Pfeifer, Hanna (2021): Einige Anmerkungen zum Wandel von Militärinterventionen, in: Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz verändern e.V. (eds), Projektzeitung: 16, München, 9.
  • Die "Politics of Scale" in der deutschsprachigen Politikwissenschaft: Warum sich eine breitere Diskussion des Konzepts lohnt
    | 2021
    Wilkens, Jan; Hofius, Maren; Heller, Regina; Flemmer, Riccarda; Bank, André; Pfeifer, Hanna (2021): Die "Politics of Scale" in der deutschsprachigen Politikwissenschaft: Warum sich eine breitere Diskussion des Konzepts lohnt, in: Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft (eds).
    Zur Publikation
  • Migrants, Thinkers, Storytellers: Negotiating Meaning and Making Life in Bloemfontein
    | 2021
    Kurzwelly, Jonatan; Escobedo, Luis (2021): Migrants, Thinkers, Storytellers: Negotiating Meaning and Making Life in Bloemfontein, in: Jonatan Kurzwelly, Luis Escobedo (eds), Cape Town: HSRC Press.
    Zur Publikation
  • Violent categorisation, relative privilege and migrant experiences in a post-apartheid city
    | 2021
    Kurzwelly, Jonatan; Escobedo, Luis (2021): Violent categorisation, relative privilege and migrant experiences in a post-apartheid city, in: Jonatan Kurzwelly, Luis Escobedo (eds), Migrants, Thinkers, Storytellers: Negotiating Meaning and Making Life in Bloemfontein, Cape Town: HSRC Press.
    ISBN: 978-0-7969-2598-5
    Zur Publikation
  • Extremism, essentialism and identity: The life story of Muhammad Elvis Ngum
    | 2021
    Kurzwelly, Jonatan; Fernana, Hamid; Ngum, Muhammad Elvis (2021): Extremism, essentialism and identity: The life story of Muhammad Elvis Ngum, in: Jonatan Kurzwelly, Luis Escobedo (eds), Migrants, Thinkers, Storytellers: Negotiating Meaning and Making Life in Bloemfontein, Cape Town: HSRC Press.
    ISBN: 978-0-7969-2598-5
    Zur Publikation
  • Transcending social categories: Reflections on research concerning migrant lives, lived experiences and life stories
    | 2021
    Escobedo, Luis; Kurzwelly, Jonatan; Agbedahin, Komlan (2021): Transcending social categories: Reflections on research concerning migrant lives, lived experiences and life stories, in: Jonatan Kurzwelly, Luis Escobedo (eds), Migrants, Thinkers, Storytellers: Negotiating Meaning and Making Life in Bloemfontein, Cape Town: HSRC Press.
    ISBN: 978-0-7969-2598-5
    Zur Publikation
  • The Use of Fact-Finding within the Human Rights Council: Shaping Perceptiona.
    | 2021
    de Vries, Barry (2021): The Use of Fact-Finding within the Human Rights Council: Shaping Perceptiona., Journal of Human Rights Practice, 13: 3, 489–506. DOI: 10.1093/jhuman/huab020
  • Erdogan’s Take on the Holocaust Is Cynical, Selective and Self-Serving
    | 2021
    Ben Aharon, Eldad (2021): Erdogan’s Take on the Holocaust Is Cynical, Selective and Self-Serving, Haaretz.
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  • At a crossroads
    | 2021
    Wagner, Rebecca (2021): At a crossroads. Kyrgyzstan after the recent elections, PRIF Spotlight, 1, Frankfurt/M.
  • Crisis Interviews
    | 2021
    Siurkus, Thomas; Deitelhoff, Nicole (2021): Crisis Interviews, Frankfurt/M: Leibniz-Forschungsverbund "Krisen einer globalisierten Welt".
    Zur Publikation
  • Private Military Companies and African Security Governance
    | 2021
    Bayer, Markus (2021): Private Military Companies and African Security Governance. Private military companies and African security governance, Development and Peace Blog.
    Zur Publikation
  • Der Atomwaffenverbotsvertrag – ein Wintermärchen
    | 2021
    Baldus, Jana (2021): Der Atomwaffenverbotsvertrag – ein Wintermärchen, PRIF Blog.
    Zur Publikation
  • The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons – a Winter’s Tale
    | 2021
    Baldus, Jana (2021): The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons – a Winter’s Tale, PRIF Blog.
    Zur Publikation
  • Why not to deport suspected ‘terrorists’ to Syria: a security perspective
    | 2021
    Karahamad, Mustafa; Schwab, Regine (2021): Why not to deport suspected ‘terrorists’ to Syria: a security perspective, PRIF Blog.
    Zur Publikation
  • Researching Extremist Content on Social Media Platforms: Data Protection and Research Ethics Challenges and Opportunities
    | 2021
    Sold, Manjana; Junk, Julian (2021): Researching Extremist Content on Social Media Platforms: Data Protection and Research Ethics Challenges and Opportunities, GNET Report, London, UK: Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET).
    Zur Publikation
  • An unlikely partnership? New Zealand–South Korea bilateral cooperation and Antarctic order
    | 2021
    Flamm, Patrick (2021): An unlikely partnership? New Zealand–South Korea bilateral cooperation and Antarctic order, Polar Record, 57: 4. DOI: 10.1017/S0032247420000479
  • Nichts ist vorbei! Zehn Jahre Arabische Aufstände
    | 2021
    Weipert-Fenner, Irene (2021): Nichts ist vorbei! Zehn Jahre Arabische Aufstände, PRIF Blog.
    Zur Publikation
  • The Role of Gamification in Radicalization Processes
    | 2021
    Schlegel, Linda (2021): The Role of Gamification in Radicalization Processes, modus|zad (modus Zentrum für angewandte Deradikalisierungsforschung), Working Paper 1/2021.
    Zur Publikation
  • Democratic Citizenship in Flux
    | 2021
    Bayer, Markus; Schwarz, Oliver; Stark, Toralf (2021): Democratic Citizenship in Flux, in: Bayer, Markus; Schwarz, Oliver; Stark, Toralf (eds), Democratic Citizenship in Flux. Conceptions of Citizenship in the Light of Political and Social Fragmentation, Bielefeld: Transcript, 7–22.
  • Democratic Citizenship in Flux
    | 2021
    Bayer, Markus; Schwarz, Oliver; Stark, Toralf (2021): Democratic Citizenship in Flux. Conceptions of Citizenship in the Light of Political and Social Fragmentation, Bielefeld: Transcript.
  • At the Age of the Pandemic: The Global Memory of the Holocaust and Armenian Genocide at a Crossroads
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    Ben Aharon, Eldad (2021): At the Age of the Pandemic: The Global Memory of the Holocaust and Armenian Genocide at a Crossroads, PRIF Blog.
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  • Who Doesn’t Like a Good Story? Why Narratives Are Essential in Counter-extremism Efforts
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  • Digitaler Faschismus und politische Polarisierung in den USA
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  • Nuclear Archaeology Based on Measurements of Reprocessing Waste: First Experimental Results
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