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Gesuchte Kategorie: Jahr 2018

  • The growing Chinese presence in Latin America and its (Geo)political manifestations in Bolivia
    | 2018
    Agramont, Daniel; Bonifaz, Gustavo (2018): The growing Chinese presence in Latin America and its (Geo)political manifestations in Bolivia, LSE Global South Unit Working Paper, 2018: 2.
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  • Commemoration of War Dead for Peace Education: Implications from the Case of Germany
    | 2018
    Mannitz, Sabine (2018): Commemoration of War Dead for Peace Education: Implications from the Case of Germany, International Journal of Peace Studies, 23: 2, 15-32.
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  • Narrativanalyse und Kritik oder: Wer erzählt hier welche Terrorgeschichte?
    | 2018
    Pfeifer, Hanna (2018): Narrativanalyse und Kritik oder: Wer erzählt hier welche Terrorgeschichte?. Replik auf »War on Terror revisited? Das War on Terror-Narrativ als Legitimationsquelle des Syrieneinsatzes im bundesdeutschen Diskurs nach den Terroranschlägen von Paris« von Jens Hiller und Josua Schneider, ZeFKo Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 7: 2, 278–286. DOI: 10.5771/2192-1741-2018-2-278
  • Artificial Intelligence in the Military: More than Killer Robots
    | 2018
    Schörnig, Niklas (2018): Artificial Intelligence in the Military: More than Killer Robots, Science Policy Paper des Mercator Science-Policy Fellowship-Programms, 3, 39-44.
  • Things We Lost in the Fire: How Different Types of Contestation Affect the Robustness of International Norms
    | 2018
    Deitelhoff, Nicole; Zimmermann, Lisbeth (2018): Things We Lost in the Fire: How Different Types of Contestation Affect the Robustness of International Norms, International Studies Review.
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  • Beyond Terrorism and Disorder
    | 2018
    Pfeifer, Hanna (2018): Beyond Terrorism and Disorder. Assessing Islamist Constructions of World Order, in: Adiong, Nassef Manabilang/Mauriello, Raffaele/Abdelkader, Deina (eds), Islam in International Affairs. Politics and Paradigms, Abingdon/New York, NY: Routledge, 100–123.
  • The Future of Nonproliferation
    | 2018
    Abb, Pascal (2018): The Future of Nonproliferation, ASPR Policy Brief 3/2018.
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  • China’s Emergence as a Peacebuilding Actor
    | 2018
    Abb, Pascal (2018): China’s Emergence as a Peacebuilding Actor, ASPR Policy Brief 4/2018.
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  • Die Nicht-Entstehung internationaler Normen
    | 2018
    Rosert, Elvira (2018): Die Nicht-Entstehung internationaler Normen. Permissive Effekte in der humanitären Rüstungskontrolle, Studien des Leibniz-Instituts Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, Wiesbaden: VS Springer.
    ISBN: 978-3-658-25041-6
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  • Negotiating Between Unequal Neighbours: India's Role in Nepal's Recent Constitution-Making Process
    | 2018
    Bhattarai, Prakash (2018): Negotiating Between Unequal Neighbours: India's Role in Nepal's Recent Constitution-Making Process, PRIF Working Paper, 43, Frankfurt/M.
  • Krieg der Erzählungen
    | 2018
    Spencer, Alexander; Pfeifer, Hanna (2018): Krieg der Erzählungen. Westliche Genres und Romantische Narrative des Jihad, in: Schellhöh, Jennifer/Reichertz, Jo/Heins, Volker M./Flender, Armin (eds), Großerzählungen des Extremen, Bielefeld: transcript, 195–210.
  • Trumps Entscheidung, die Soldaten aus Syrien abzuziehen: berechenbar und unfair
    | 2018
    Kroll, Stefan (2018): Trumps Entscheidung, die Soldaten aus Syrien abzuziehen: berechenbar und unfair, PRIF Blog.
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  • Responding to Closing Civic Space: Recent Experiences from Three Global Initiatives
    | 2018
    Hetz, Fabian; Poppe, Annika Elena (2018): Responding to Closing Civic Space: Recent Experiences from Three Global Initiatives, in: CSIS (eds), CSIS Human Rights Initiative Online Paper.
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  • "Othering" Across and Beyond the Pond
    | 2018
    Poppe, Annika Elena (2018): "Othering" Across and Beyond the Pond, PRIF Blog (Repost from AICGS blog contribution).
    Zur Publikation
  • Zum Verhältnis von Online- und Offline-Radikalisierung: Beobachtungen aus der Forschung zu salafistischem Dschihadismus
    | 2018
    Abay Gaspar, Hande; Sold, Manjana; Junk, Julian (2018): Zum Verhältnis von Online- und Offline-Radikalisierung: Beobachtungen aus der Forschung zu salafistischem Dschihadismus, Demokratie gegen Menschenfeindlichkeit, 3: 2, 26-38. DOI: 9783734407628
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  • Commentary to Featured Q&A: Is Evo Morales Overstaying His Welcome in Bolivia?
    | 2018
    Wolff, Jonas (2018): Commentary to Featured Q&A: Is Evo Morales Overstaying His Welcome in Bolivia?, Latin American Advisor (Inter-American Dialogue), Washington D.C..
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  • Tech Companies as Cybersecurity Norm Entrepreneurs
    | 2018
    Gorwa, Robert; Peez, Anton (2018): Tech Companies as Cybersecurity Norm Entrepreneurs. A Critical Analysis of Microsoft’s Cyber security Tech Accord, Working Paper.
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  • Aufkündigung des INF-Vertrags: Zur deutschen Position
    | 2018
    Schmidt, Hans-Joachim (2018): Aufkündigung des INF-Vertrags: Zur deutschen Position, Russland-Analysen, 363, 12-13.
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  • Wie steht es um „Nie wieder“ nach 70 Jahren Völkermordkonvention und Menschenrechtserklärung?
    | 2018
    Hofmann, Gregor P. (2018): Wie steht es um „Nie wieder“ nach 70 Jahren Völkermordkonvention und Menschenrechtserklärung?, Genocide Alert Blog.
    Zur Publikation
  • Synchronized Biphotonic Process Triggering C-C Coupling Catalytic Reactions
    | 2018
    G. López-Calixto, Carmen; Liras, Marta; de la Peña O’Shea, Víctor A.; Pérez-Ruiz, Raúl (2018): Synchronized Biphotonic Process Triggering C-C Coupling Catalytic Reactions, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 237, 18–23. DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2018.05.062
    Zur Publikation
  • "Othering" Across and Beyond the Pond
    | 2018
    Poppe, Annika Elena (2018): "Othering" Across and Beyond the Pond, American Institute for Contemporary German Studies (AICGS).
    Zur Publikation
  • Review, Denial of Violence: Ottoman Past, Turkish Present, and Collective Violence Against the Armenians, 1789-2009, Fatma Müge Göçek
    | 2018
    Ben Aharon, Eldad (2018): Review, Denial of Violence: Ottoman Past, Turkish Present, and Collective Violence Against the Armenians, 1789-2009, Fatma Müge Göçek, Journal of Social History, 51: 3, 656-659.
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  • Nuclear Archaeology to Distinguish Plutonium and Tritium Production Modes in Heavy-Water Reactors
    | 2018
    de Troullioud, Julien; Göttsche, Malte; Glaser, Alexander (2018): Nuclear Archaeology to Distinguish Plutonium and Tritium Production Modes in Heavy-Water Reactors, Science & Global Security, 26(2/3). DOI: 10.1080/08929882.2018.1518693
  • The Coming War over Ukraine? The Danger of Escalation is Real and Must be Treated as Such
    | 2018
    Driedger, Jonas J. (2018): The Coming War over Ukraine? The Danger of Escalation is Real and Must be Treated as Such, The National Interest.
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  • Die neue Diasporapolitik der Türkei und Türkeistämmige in Deutschland
    | 2018
    Göğüş, Sezer İdil (2018): Die neue Diasporapolitik der Türkei und Türkeistämmige in Deutschland, Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (APuZ), 68: 48, 48-53.
    Zur Publikation
  • Dinámicas territoriales de la violencia y del conflict armado antes y después del acuerdo de paz con las FARC-EP
    | 2018
    Wolff, Jonas; Salas Salazar, Luis Gabriel; Camelo, Fabián Eduardo (2018): Dinámicas territoriales de la violencia y del conflict armado antes y después del acuerdo de paz con las FARC-EP. Estudio de caso: municipio de Tumaco, Nariño, in: Instituto Colombo-Alemán para la Paz (CAPAZ) (eds), Documento de Trabajo 1/2018, 53-62.
    Zur Publikation
  • Criminalized Electoral Politics in Brazilian Urban Peripheries
    | 2018
    Albarracín Dierolf, Juan (2018): Criminalized Electoral Politics in Brazilian Urban Peripheries, Crime, Law, and Social Change, 69: 4, 553–575.
    Zur Publikation
  • Opposition and dissidence: Two modes of resistance against international rule
    | 2018
    Daase, Christopher; Deitelhoff, Nicole (2018): Opposition and dissidence: Two modes of resistance against international rule, Journal of International Political Theory, 15: 1, 11–30.
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  • Debates progresistas sobre políticas económicas en Bolivia
    | 2018
    Agramont, Daniel; Kauppert, Philipp (2018): Debates progresistas sobre políticas económicas en Bolivia, La Paz, Bolivia: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
    ISBN: 978-99974-0-466-4
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  • AI and International Security: more than LAWS
    | 2018
    Schörnig, Niklas (2018): AI and International Security: more than LAWS, EU Non-Proliferation and Disarmament Consortium Newsletter, 4/2018.
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  • A stable crisis: Post-Soviet Eurasia
    | 2018
    Spanger, Hans-Joachim (2018): A stable crisis: Post-Soviet Eurasia, BTI Transformation Index 2018, 94-102.
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  • Tiefer in die Krise? Bosnien und Herzegowina nach den Wahlen
    | 2018
    Gromes, Thorsten (2018): Tiefer in die Krise? Bosnien und Herzegowina nach den Wahlen, PRIF Blog.
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  • Populismus und Wissenschaft
    | 2018
    Deitelhoff, Nicole (2018): Populismus und Wissenschaft, in: Blamberger, Günter/Freimuth, Axel/Strohschneider, Peter (eds), Vom Umgang mit Fakten. Antworten aus Natur-, Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften, Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink, S.23-32.
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  • Folter als Friedenshindernis – Şebnem Korur Fincancı und ihr Einsatz für Folteropfer
    | 2018
    Hofmann, Gregor P. (2018): Folter als Friedenshindernis – Şebnem Korur Fincancı und ihr Einsatz für Folteropfer, PRIF Blog.
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  • BOOK REVIEW: The Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the European Union (EU)
    | 2018
    Reiss, Mariel (2018): BOOK REVIEW: The Southern African Development Community (SADC) and the European Union (EU). Regionalism and External Influence, South African Journal of International Affairs, 25: 4, 588–590. DOI: 10.1080/10220461.2018.1532812
    Zur Publikation
  • Gambians expect Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission to heal the nation but want human-rights violators prosecuted
    | 2018
    Jaw, Sait Matty (2018): Gambians expect Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission to heal the nation but want human-rights violators prosecuted, Afrobarometer Dispatch No. 249.
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  • Democracy Promotion in Times of Uncertainty
    | 2018
    EDP Network (2018): Democracy Promotion in Times of Uncertainty. Trends and Challenges, PRIF Report, 13, Frankfurt/M.
  • Democracy Promotion under the Current US Administration
    | 2018
    Poppe, Annika Elena (2018): Democracy Promotion under the Current US Administration, in: Poppe, Annika Elena/Richter, Solveig/Wolff, Jonas (für das EDP Netzwerk) (eds), PRIF Report, 13.
  • Democracy Promotion in the Americas
    | 2018
    Wolff, Jonas (2018): Democracy Promotion in the Americas, in: Poppe, Annika Elena/Richter, Solveig/Wolff, Jonas (für das EDP Netzwerk) (eds), PRIF Report, 13.
  • Democracy Promotion and the Challenge of Shrinking Civic Spaces
    | 2018
    Poppe, Annika Elena; Wolff, Jonas (2018): Democracy Promotion and the Challenge of Shrinking Civic Spaces, in: Poppe, Annika Elena/Richter, Solveig/Wolff, Jonas (für das EDP Netzwerk) (eds), PRIF Report, 13.
  • Democracy Promotion in the 21st Century
    | 2018
    Poppe, Annika Elena; Richter, Solveig; Wolff, Jonas (2018): Democracy Promotion in the 21st Century, in: Poppe, Annika Elena/Richter, Solveig/Wolff, Jonas (für das EDP Netzwerk) (eds), PRIF Report, 13.
  • Der nukleare Verbotsvertrag: ein begrenzter Schritt vorwärts
    | 2018
    Müller, Harald (2018): Der nukleare Verbotsvertrag: ein begrenzter Schritt vorwärts, Vereinte Nationen, 66: 5, 214-219.
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  • Die Rückkehr der nuklearen Konfrontation. Ein Scheitern des INF-Vertrags wäre fatal für Europa
    | 2018
    Fehl, Caroline; Dembinski, Matthias; Schörnig, Niklas (2018): Die Rückkehr der nuklearen Konfrontation. Ein Scheitern des INF-Vertrags wäre fatal für Europa, PRIF Blog.
    Zur Publikation
  • Der amerikanische Rückzug vom Iran-Deal. Das letzte „hurray“ einer scheiternden Supermacht?
    | 2018
    Dembinski, Matthias (2018): Der amerikanische Rückzug vom Iran-Deal. Das letzte „hurray“ einer scheiternden Supermacht?, PRIF Blog.
    Zur Publikation
  • Beyond Maduro. Why the Latin American left-wing populism is much more complex than the failing government of Venezuela
    | 2018
    Wolff, Jonas (2018): Beyond Maduro. Why the Latin American left-wing populism is much more complex than the failing government of Venezuela, International Politics and Society.
    Zur Publikation
  • Grenzen rationalistischer Erklärungen für Krieg
    | 2018
    Gromes, Thorsten (2018): Grenzen rationalistischer Erklärungen für Krieg. Der Kollaps des Waffenstillstands in Kroatien 1995, PRIF Report, 12, Frankfurt/M.
  • Idlib: Humanitäre Katastrophe aufgeschoben, nicht durchgestanden – Ein Debattenbeitrag
    | 2018
    Hofmann, Gregor P. (2018): Idlib: Humanitäre Katastrophe aufgeschoben, nicht durchgestanden – Ein Debattenbeitrag,
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  • Introduction: Networks of Dependency, a Research Perspective
    | 2018
    Ruiz de Elvira, Laura; Schwarz, Christoph H.; Weipert-Fenner, Irene (2018): Introduction: Networks of Dependency, a Research Perspective, Clientelism and Patronage in the Middle East and North Africa. Networks of Dependency, Abington, UK and New York, NY: Routledge.
    Zur Publikation
  • Clientelism and Patronage in the Middle East and North Africa. Networks of Dependency
    | 2018
    Ruiz de Elvira, Laura; Schwarz, Christoph H.; Weipert-Fenner, Irene (2018): Clientelism and Patronage in the Middle East and North Africa. Networks of Dependency, Abington, UK and New York, NY: Routledge.
    Zur Publikation
  • Blurred Lines of Inclusion and Exclusion. Research Ethics for Political Sympathizers
    | 2018
    Weipert-Fenner, Irene (2018): Blurred Lines of Inclusion and Exclusion. Research Ethics for Political Sympathizers, in: Clark, Janine A./Cavatorta, Francesco (eds), Political Science Research in the Middle East and North Africa: Methodological and Ethical Challenges, Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, 233-241.