Literatur zum PRIF Spotlight 09/2024
Spotlight 09/24: Mehr als nur Abschreckung. Mittelstreckenwaffen und Multi-Domain-Operationen in Europa
von Frank Kuhn | Zur Publikation
Adamowski, Jaroslaw 2024: Poland Buys Missiles for Hitting Targets Spotted by Radar Balloons, Defense News, in:; 30.9.2024.
Biddle, Stephen/Oelrich, Ivan 2016: Future Warfare in the Western Pacific: Chinese Antiaccess/Area Denial, U.S. AirSea Battle, and Command of the Commons in East Asia, in: International Security 41: 1, 7-48.
Cannon, Shaun 2024: The Alliance’s Transition to Multi-Domain Operations, in: Transforming Joint Air & Space Power: The Journal of the Joint Air Power Competence Centre (JAPCC) 27, 15-26.
Cohen, Eliot A. 1993: Gulf War Air Power Survey. Volume 2. Operations and Effects and Effectiveness, Washington, D.C., in:; 14.10.2023.
Dalsjö, Robert/Berglund, Christofer/Jonsson, Michael 2019: Bursting the Bubble? Russian A2/AD in the Baltic Sea Region: Capabilities, Countermeasures, and Implications, Stockholm, in:
Dalsjö, Robert/Jonsson, Michael 2021: More than Decorative, Less than Decisive: Russian A2/AD Capabilities and NATO, in: Survival 63: 5, 169-190.
Dembinski, Matthias/Polianskii, Mikhail 2024: Nuclear Threats, Nuclear Deterrence, and the Future of Nuclear Restraint Regimes after Russia’s War of Aggression (PRIF Report, Band 2024/5), Frankfurt am Main.
Ellison, Davis/Sweijs, Tim 2024: Empty Promises? A Year Inside the World of Multi-Domain Operations, in: War on the Rocks, in:; 26.9.2024.
Feickert, Andrew 2024a: Defense Primer: Army Multi-Domain Operations (MDO), Washington, D.C., in:
Feickert, Andrew 2024b: The Army’s Multi-Domain Task Force (MDTF), Washington, D.C., in:; 23.9.2024.
Feickert, Andrew 2024c: The U.S. Army’s Typhon Strategic Mid-Range Fires (SMRF) System, Washington, D.C., in:
Finnish Defence Forces Logistics Command 2024: Logistics Command to Procure Long-Range Air-to-Surface Missiles for F-35 Multi-Role Fighters, in:; 30.9.2024.
Freedberg, Sydney J. 2019: Army’s Multi-Domain Unit „A Game-Changer“ In Future War, Breaking Defense, in:; 23.9.2024.
Freedberg, Sydney J. 2024: Drones, Jammers and Big Balloons: In Morocco, Army’s Multi-Domain Task Force Tests EW Tech, Breaking Defense, in:; 23.9.2024.
Gady, Franz-Stefan 2021: Manoeuvre Versus Attrition in US Military Operations, in: Survival 63: 4, 131-148.
Judson, Jen 2024: US Army Aims to Complete Multidomain Task Force Structure by FY28, Defense News, in:; 23.9.2024.
Kilgore, Kaitlyn 2023: 3rd Multi-Domain Task Force Delivers Fires and Effects During JPMRC 24-01, U.S. Army Pacific, in:; 23.9.2024.
Kofman, Michael 2019: It’s Time to Talk About A2/AD: Rethinking the Russian Military Challenge, in: War on the Rocks, in:; 23.9.2024.
Kuhn, Frank 2024: No Quick Solutions: A Different Approach to Hypersonic Arms Control, in: War on the Rocks, 26.6.2024, in:; 28.6.2024.
Lanza, Steve/Roper, Daniel 2021: Fires for Effect: 10 Questions about Army Long-Range Precision Fires in the Joint Fight (Spotlight 21-1), Arlington, V.A., in:
McEnany, Charles 2022: Multi-Domain Task Forces: A Glimpse at the Army of 2035 (Spotlight 22-02), Arlington, V.A., in:
Mitchell, Alexander 2024: Netherlands to Boost Defense Arsenal with 120 Advanced Cruise Missiles, in:, in:; 30.9.2024.
Mroszczyk, Joe 2024: Multi-Domain Effects Battalion: Space Integration and Effects in Multidomain Operations, in: Military Review 104: Space&Missile Defense Special Edition, 95-103.
NATO Allied Air Command 2024: Ramstein Flag 24 - The Details, in:; 1.11.2024.
Reuters 2024: Germany to Order New JASSM-ER Cruise Missiles from US, Says Bild, in: Reuters, 19.3.2024, in:; 30.9.2024.
Talmadge, Caitlin 2017: Would China Go Nuclear? Assessing the Risk of Chinese Nuclear Escalation in a Conventional War with the United States, in: International Security 41: 4, 50-92.
The US Army’s multi-domain-operations doctrine 2022:in: Strategic Comments 28: 8, i-ii.
The White House 2024: Joint Statement from United States and Germany on Long-Range Fires Deployment in Germany, The White House, in:; 23.9.2024.
U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command 2018: The U.S. Army in Multi-Domain Operations 2028 (Pamphlet 525-3-1), Fort Eustis, V.A., in:
U.S. Department of Defense 2012: Joint Operational Access Concept.
U.S. Department of the Army 2021: Army Multi-Domain Transformation: Ready to Win in Competition and Conflict (Chief of Staff Paper #1 (Unclassified Version)), Washington, D.C., in:; 23.9.2024.
U.S. Department of the Army 2022: FM 3-0 Operations, Washington, D.C., in:; 19.9.2024.
Wiegold, Thomas 2024: Dokumentation: die – nun doch anlaufende? – Debatte über US-Mittelstreckenwaffen in Deutschland, in: Augen geradeaus!, in:; 23.9.2024.
Wright, Timothy/Barrie, Douglas 2024: The return of long-range US missiles to Europe, in: IISS, in:; 9.10.2024.