Three Years Since Hanau: How Inclusive is Germany's Contemporary Remembrance Culture?

| 2023
Mannitz, Sabine; Scheu, Lea Deborah; Stephanblome, Isabelle (2023): Three Years Since Hanau: How Inclusive is Germany's Contemporary Remembrance Culture?, TraCe Policy Brief, 1, Frankfurt/M. DOI: 10.48809/PRIFTraCePB2301

The murder of nine people with migrant biographies in an attack in Hanau on 19 February 2020 was yet a­nother act of racist violence perpe­trated by right-wing extremists in Germany. What role does con­temporary racist violence play in the collective memory? Debates on making Germany’s remem­brance culture more inclusive have so far mostly focu­sed on the way it confronts the country’s Nazi past and histori­cal responsi­bility in today’s postmigrant society. As we remember the victims of the Hanau attack, it be­comes all the more evident that an in­clusive remembrance culture is needed to address the con­tinuities of far-right violence.