Martin Gubsch, Elena García Conejero

Resisting Energy Transition? Understanding Roadblocks in Northern Colombia


La Guajira in northern Colombia has seen a dispro­portionate number of road­blocks recently, especially connected to wind park construction sites, staged by people demand­ing that the state implement economic, social, and physi­cal security improvements. This conflict is an example of local impacts of the global energy transition on historic­ally marginalized people. In this Spotlight we argue that La Guajira is a prime case showing how the energy transit­ion is leveraged to indirectly address the state through private companies.

Bibliographische Angaben

Gubsch, Martin / García Conejero, Elena (2024): Resisting Energy Transition? Understanding Roadblocks in Northern Colombia, PRIF Spotlight 4/2024, Frankfurt/M, DOI: 10.48809/prifspot2404.

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