Global House of Young Voices

A group of people

From May 13 to 17, 2024, a one-week sum­mit with young people from Frankfurt and 12 sister cities took place. The summit strengthened both: the inter­national net­work and the inter­cultural compe­tence of young people. The result of the summit was creating a frame­work for the young people to discuss politi­cal questions in a multi-perspective setting, to identify common challenges, and to articulate require­ments for the (virtual) conti­nuation of the “Global House of Young Voices”.

The goals of the project were to pro­mote edu­cation for global citizen­ship in the sense of the UN Sus­tainable Develop­ment Goals, to link local and global political pro­cesses, and to sustain­ably streng­then Frankfurt's city partner­ships.

Frank­furt’s Sister Cities in­clude: Birming­ham, Buda­pest, Deuil-La Barre, Dubai, Eskişehir, Gra­nada (Nicaragua), Guang­zhou, Kairo, Kra­kau, Leip­zig, Lyon, Mai­land, Philadel­phia, Prag, Tel Aviv, Toron­to, Yoko­hama.

Besides cultural activities and plenary sessions, including in St. Paul's Church, the program included eight workshops. They have been prepared together with the young people in virtual pre-meetings and were kicked-off by experts:

  • Structural Biases in Different Cultural Settings
    Evein Obulor, Director European Coalition of Cities Against Racism
  • Mental Health in a Digital Age
    Alix Puhl, CEO of tomoni Mental Health
  • Climate Change
    Sukanya Janardhanan, Researcher at Institute of Political Science, Technical University of Darmstadt
  • The Future of Democracy & the Rule of Law
    Dr. Elisabeth Hoffberger-Pippan, Senior Researcher at PRIF – Peace Research Institute Frankfurt
  • Education Equity
    Dr. Raphaela Schlicht-Schmälzle, Researcher at DIPF – Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education
  • Quality of Life for Young People in Local Contexts
    Dr. Ute Lembeck, Head of department at Schule am Ried & member of executive board of “Stiftung Junge Weltbürger”
  • Poverty Gap & Social Justice
    Dr. Nils Teichler, Researcher and Coordinator at Research Institute Social Cohesion
  • Civic Participation
    Jan Schierkolk, Advisor, Facilitator & Project Manager

The summit concluded with a public panel discus­sion on May 17, from 11:00 to 12:30h at St. Paul's Church.

In the Insight Interview, Tina Cramer and Stefan Kroll talk about the Youth Summit and the success of the project.


Tina Cramer

Tina Cramer

Yvonne Blum

Yvonne Blum

Laura Friedrich

Laura Friedrich

Stefan Kroll

Stefan Kroll

Raphaela Schlicht-Schmälzle