Policy Dialogue

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One of PRIF's core functions is research-based policy advice. PRIF provides research data, analysis and recommendations to policy makers, diplomats, journalists and civil society. PRIF researchers are involved as experts in commissions, committees and specialised working groups from the local to the international level. Our Berlin office coordinates contacts with the Bundestag, federal ministries, the administration and political foundations at the federal level. All PRIF publications, audiovisual media and events are freely available.


Backgroud talks or working meetings for science-based policy advice can be requested.
Please contact our Department for Science Communication or the Berlin Office.

Sarah Brockmeier

Sarah Brockmeier-Large


Head of Berlin Office
Phone: +49 30 206 049 120
E-Mail: brockmeier(at)prif.org

Stefan Kroll

Stefan Kroll


Head of Science Communication
Phone: +49 69 959 104-59
E-mail: kroll(at)prif.org


Project team in dialogue with stakeholders on dual-use topics
PRIF researchers contribute to new study by the Advisory Board for Civilian Crisis Prevention and Peacebuilding
Crisis Talk on the Regression of Democracy in Europe 100 Days after the Election
A new series on PRIF Blog discusses the upcoming elections in the US on 5 November 2024
First open access publication on quantum technology in the new series of the CNTR project