Ernst-Otto Czempiel Award

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In honor of its former, long-serving director Ernst-Otto Czempiel, PRIF has established an award to recognize the best post-doctoral monograph published in the field of international peace research during the previous two to three years. Each award holds a value of 5,000 Euro.

An awardee is selected by a jury comprising Prof Senghaas-Knobloch, Dr Jörn Grävingholt and Prof Dr Jonas Wolff. Inaugurated in 2008, the award ceremony takes place every two years and is con­ducted during PRIF’s Annual Conference. Published Ph.D. theses are excluded.

The last award ceremony took place in 2023. That year’s awardee was Roger Mac Ginty of Durham University for his book “'Everyday Peace: How So-Called Ordinary People Can Disrupt Violent Conflict” (Oxford University Press, 2021).

Previous awardees

| 2023
Prof. Roger Mac Ginty, “Every­day Peace: How So-Called Ordi­nary People Can Disrupt Vio­lent Conflict”

| 2020
Prof. Dr. Kerstin von Lingen, “Crimes against Humanity‘: Eine Ideen­geschichte der Zivilisierung von Kriegs­gewalt 1864–1945”

| 2018
Prof. Dr. Simon Koschut, “Norma­tive Change and Security Community Disinte­gration. Undoing Peace”

| 2016
Dr. Birgit Bräuchler, “The Cultural Dimen­sion of Peace: Decentra­lization and Recon­ciliation in Indonesia”

| 2014
Dr. Piki Ish-Shalom, “Demo­cratic Peace. A Political Bio­graphy”

| 2012
Prof. Dr. Elke Krah­mann, “States, Citizens and the Priva­tization of Security”

| 2010
Dr. Rita Schäfer, “Frauen und Kriege in Afrika – ein Beitrag zur Gender­forschung”

| 2008
Guy Ben-Porat, “Global Libera­lism, Local Popu­lism: Peace and Con­flict in Israel/Palestine and Northern Ire­land”