Crisis Talks

In the Euro­pean Union, crises have always been an impor­tant driver for change and progress. Crisis situations allow the hetero­geneity of European politics to be trans­cended through a common perception of a situation as critical and urgent and, therefore, emphasize the need for cooperation. Does the historical experience that crises lead to deeper integ­ration still hold true? The "Crisis Talks" lunch­time debate series, organized by the Leibniz Research Alliance "Crises in a Globa­lized World", addresses how the European Union deals with crises and what we have learned from previous crisis situations.

The "Crisis Talks" lunch­time debate series is organised since Juni 2015 by the Leibniz Re­search Alliance "Crises in a Globa­lized World"  and the Re­presentation of the State of Hessen to the EU in Brussels . Also in­volved are the Leibniz Association's Europe Office  and the Research Centre Normative Orders  of the Goethe Univer­sity Frankfurt. PRIF has been the lead coordinator of the Leibniz Re­search Alliance "Crises in a Globalized World" since 2013.