Civics Education

Civics education has made its way back to the center of public and media attention. This is mainly a result of the recent threats to con­solidated democracies as well as to ongoing prevalence of politi­cal extremism. Civics education in this context is seen as a preventive means to foster democratic values and to prevent radical polari­zation. The ways in which we can resolve societal conflicts in general and how to prevent radical polarization and ex­tremism more specifically are amongst the PRIF’s research priorities. PRIF provides this knowledge and intro­duces it into civic education in and out of school as part of a dialog-oriented transfer of knowledge. 

Photo: nchenga via flickr. CC BY-NC 2.0

Turm der Paulskirche Frankfurt

A variety of PRIF projects aim at identifying the causes of extremism and use this knowledge to develop effective pre­ventive approaches. Today’s societal conflicts often have a global core, even if they appear in locally specific ways. Our conflicts often cluster around issues re­lated to globalization such as economic interdependence, the global climate crises or pandemics, global mobility and mi­gration, or cultural diversity. More than ever, today’s youth is required to navigate the global politi­cal sphere, to build knowledge on dynamic global crises, and to under­stand how they can have an im­pact on their own local contexts.

Our experts are engaged in facilitating workshops, presentations and professional develop­ment at schools and other providers of civics programs. At the same time, school classes or courses are in­vited to visit PRIF and gain insights into the work of the in­stitute as part of a guided tour.

If you are interested, please contact

Students and teaching staff are welcome to visit the PRIF’s library throughout the opening hours for research. For library visits by classes or groups, please contact the library management in advance.

PRIF’s first children’s book “Die Wutbanane” (“The Rage Banana”), published in 2020 by Springer Verlag, addresses different forms of govern­ment framed by an amusing narrative suitable for children in elemen­tary schools.

"Global Citizenship Education"

Through­out its history PRIF has shown outstanding research and engage­ment around re­solving global conflicts and crises. It is our mission to equip youth with the knowledge, skills, and values they need to to under­stand their globally interconnected world and its conflicts as well as the approaches to solve them. Thus, we aim at working with educators and schools to bring peace- oriented civics edu­cation into the classrooms.

PRIF has been coordinating the newly founded PRIF@Schule network since 2020. Through regular meetings we foster dialogue among researchers, educators, and students around the needs and conflicts schools face. These structured conversations enable us to consider these demands in research and outreach projects.

PRIF@School – Network Peace Research and Educational Practice

The #PRIF@School_Award was announced for the first time for the 2021/22 school year and is aimed at students from grades 9 to 13 at all types of schools in Hesse. The competition aims to stren­gthen civic education on peace and conflict research topics in Hessian schools.


The project “Debattier­künstler*innen” (Debate Artists) aims to provide young people from Frankfurt with an oppor­tunity to learn and actively experience debating and to pass on their experien­ces to other young people.


From May 13 to 17, 2024, a one-week sum­mit with young people from Frankfurt and 12 sister cities took place called the Global House of Young Voices. The goals of the project were to pro­mote edu­cation for global citizen­ship in the sense of the UN Sus­tainable Develop­ment Goals

Global House of Young Voices

Further Offers

Furthermore, our open access publications such as the blog series on our PRIF Blog, as well as our free eLearning modules pro­vide educators and students with accessible content on timely civics issues. These re­sources can be used for course preparations.