Yvonne Blum

Advisor to the Executive Board // Knowledge Transfer Officer

“Working at the various inter­sections bet­ween science and research adminis­tration, and creating the frame­work needed for good scientific practice and success­ful communi­cation with the professional practice, is of parti­cular interest to me”

Yvonne Blum is an Advisor to the Executive Board and a Know­ledge Transfer Officer. As a Research Manager, she is interested in the strategic develop­ment of the Insti­tute as well as in concepts of know­ledge transfer and formats of dia­logue with society, policy advice and civic edu­cation.


| since 2024
Advisor to the Executive Board at PRIF

| since 2020
Knowledge Transfer Officer at PRIF

| 2020–2024
Knowledge Transfer Officer at the Research Insti­tute Social Cohesion (RISC)

| 2019–2020
Project Manager at the Faculty of Eco­nomics and Business at Goethe University Frankfurt/M.

| 2018–2020
Staff Science Communi­cation at the Research Centre (former Cluster of Excellence) “Normative Orders” at Goethe University Frankfurt/M.

| 2016–2018
Research Assistant at the Depart­ment for Children's and Young Adult Literature Research at Goethe University Frankfurt/M.

| 2009–2016
Studies in German Literature and Theatre, Film and Media Studies at Goethe University Frankfurt/M.


  • Demokratie und Konflikt: Politische Bildung an Schulen ermutigen
    | 2022
    Blum, Yvonne; Coni-Zimmer, Melanie; Friedrich, Laura (2022): Demokratie und Konflikt: Politische Bildung an Schulen ermutigen, PRIF Blog.
  • Education for Global Citizenship: Insights from three International Programs
    | 2022
    Blum, Yvonne; Schlicht-Schmälzle, Raphaela; Schmidt, Sophia (2022): Education for Global Citizenship: Insights from three International Programs, PRIF BLOG.
  • Herausforderungen politischer Bildung in der Schule: ein Dialog zwischen Praxis und Wissenschaft
    | 2021
    Friedrich, Laura; Blum, Yvonne; Schlicht-Schmälzle, Raphaela; Schmidt, Sophia (2021): Herausforderungen politischer Bildung in der Schule: ein Dialog zwischen Praxis und Wissenschaft, PRIF Blog.
  • Im Dialog mit hessischen Schülerinnen und Schülern
    | 2021
    Blum, Yvonne; Deitelhoff, Nicole; Coni-Zimmer, Melanie; Pfeifer, Hanna; Friedrich, Laura (2021): Im Dialog mit hessischen Schülerinnen und Schülern, PRIF Blog.

Further Activities

| since 2023
Equal Opportunities Officer at PRIF

| 2023
Curator of the series “StreitFilme - Die Frankfurter Film­tage zu Demo­kratie, Konflikt und Streit” at the DFF – Deutsches Film­institut & Film­museum

| 2023
Moderation of “Freibad” with Dr. Greta Wagner in the series “StreitFilme - Die Frank­furter Film­tage zu Demo­kratie, Konflikt und Streit” at the DFF – Deutsches Film­institut & Filmmuseum

| since 2022
Presenter of the edutai­nment video series “FGZ Tapes” of the Research Insti­tute for Social Cohesion

| 2022
Moderation of the expert forum “Culture as a driver of cohesion? Playing with cohesion” at the 11th Federal Cultural Policy Congress

| 2021
Moderation of the film discussion “‘Wir sind jetzt hier’ – Wie entsteht gesellschaft­licher Zusammen­halt?” with Nicole Deitel­hoff, Kassem Taher Saleh, MdB and the film­makers Ronja von Wurmb-Seibel & Niklas Schenck

| since 2022
Co-Producer of the “PRIF talk” Podcast

| 2022-2024 
Project leader of the inter­active transfer project “Escape Bubbles – Adven­tures in the Filter Bubble” of the Research Institute Social Cohesion

| since 2020
Coordination of the communication measures and knowledge transfer of the “Peace Report”

| 2022
Scientist & Research Institution Award, “Fast Forward Science – The Multimedia Competition for Science” by Wissen­schaft im Dialog gGmbH and Stifter­verband for “FGZ Tapes Episode 1: Pizza Hawaii – Or: How polarized is Germany?” by the Research Institute Social Cohesion (team entry with Laura Friedrich, Katja Maasch und Manuel Steinert)