Insight Interview: Global House of Young Voices

Ein Podium

Which topics did you discuss during the week-long summit?

The aim of the pro­ject was to enable young people to experience partici­pation and involvement in an international context. In this respect, it was impor­tant to us from the beginning to offer a frame­work in which young people could develop as many aspects as possible them­selves. The key topics there­fore came from the delegates. We collected ideas in digital pre-meetings, de­veloped them further and then went into depth during the summit.

The aim of the project was to enable young people to ex­perience partici­pation and involvement in an inter­national context.

Which topic was parti­cularly contro­versial?

We were very impressed that the young people brought so much sensi­tivity to the delegations from completely different political and cultural con­texts that no real contro­versy emerged. Contro­versial topics, such as the different oppor­tunities for partici­pation in the various cities, were discussed, but in a very con­structive manner that was open to regional diffe­rences. This type of exchange, which was not about lecturing others, was a central aspect in the con­ception of the ex­change.

How did you manage to get so many dele­gations to come to Frankfurt?

The success of the summit stands and falls with the young people who actually come. To be honest, we didn't realize before­hand that the travel organization of the dele­gations would be the most diffi­cult part of the whole project: the right con­tacts have to be found in the cities, they have to trust us as orga­nizers they don't even know. In addition, delegations had to be selec­ted and then there were all the logistics. In the end, care­ful prepa­ration, luck and, of course, the support of the City of Frank­furt through con­tacts and funding made a decisive contri­bution to the project's success.

An inter­national project needs partners. Who supported you?

The project was created as part of the St. Paul's Church net­work, which provided the frame­work for developing such an idea in the first place. The support from the City of Frank­furt, which covered the direct costs of the summit, was very impor­tant. We received further financial support from the “Stiftung Junge Weltbürger”, a local foundation dedicated to supporting young people and international understanding. In addition, the advice of the Depart­ment of Culture and in particular the Depart­ment for Inter­national Affairs in the Depart­ment for Citizens, Digital and Inter­national Affairs was indis­pensable for us. Last but not least, the summit was en­riched by a screen printing workshop, impulse work­shops in the breakout groups and the provision of space by Frankfurt's Office for Multi­cultural Affairs and Massif Central.

What impe­tus did Global House give the partici­pants? What do the young people do with it?

In times of multiple crises and con­flicts, we see the very process of such an ex­change and change of perspective as a very impor­tant contri­bution to more under­standing.

The young people hope­fully had an experience in Frankfurt that they will remember and talk about for a long time to come. Just as we were not interested in pre-defined key topics, we were not aiming for a specific result or a very specific effect. In times of multiple crises and con­flicts, we see the very process of such an ex­change and change of perspec­tive as a very important contri­bution to more under­standing and - this is the PRIF news­letter - more peace!