VORTEX – Coping with Varieties of Radicalization into Terrorism and Extremism

PRIF is part of the EU-funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network VORTEX, which brings together eight partners (universities and research institutes) and employs ten doctoral candidates. 14 associated partners will contribute to the doctoral network with professional expertise and secondment opportunities. VORTEX’s overarching aim is to develop new evidence-based innovative strategies to cope with ideological and behavioral radicalization. VORTEX will provide an integrated and meaningful research program not only but primarily for doctoral candidates to pursue their research in a fruitful and meaningful dialogue among relevant disciplines and in a dense web of supervision, training, and interaction to jump start both successful and relevant careers.
PRIF coordinates the work packages on (1) “The ambivalences of the intersection between universal and selective prevention of extremism”, which is implemented jointly with Université libre de Bruxelles and Violence Prevention Network, and (2) “Comparing Structures of Evaluation and Knowledge Management across Europe in the field of Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism”, which is implemented jointly with University of Oslo and Violence Prevention Network. PRIF is involved as well in the work packages on “Extremist identity creation and meaning-making at the nexus between online and offline environments“ (coordinated by Université libre de Bruxelles), on “Secondary/Tertiary Prevention: Deradicalization, Disengagement and Reintegration: Approaches of security agencies, social service agencies and civil society“ (coordinated by University of Oslo) and on “Fake und conspiracy: Disinformation dynamics and radicalization” (coordinated by the University of Turin). In addition, the PRIF project leader is member of both VORTEX executive committee and VORTEX supervisory board.
VORTEX Blogposts by PRIF Researchers
- Evaluating extremism prevention efforts: Insights from 14 countries
| 2023
Rahlf, Lotta; Ebbecke, Sophia; Bressan, Sarah; Herz, Angela (2023): Evaluating extremism prevention efforts: Insights from 14 countries. Interview with the PrEval working package on International Monitoring, PrEval.
Publication - What Do We Mean When Speaking about “Radicalization”? – Reflections on the Use of a Contested Term
| 2024
Stritzke, Laura (2024): What Do We Mean When Speaking about “Radicalization”? – Reflections on the Use of a Contested Term, VORTEX Blog.
Publication - On the challenges of evaluating efforts to prevent a causally complex phenomenon such as violent extremism
| 2024
Rahlf, Lotta (2024): On the challenges of evaluating efforts to prevent a causally complex phenomenon such as violent extremism, VORTEX Blog.
Publication - Tensions between Security and Support in P/CVE
| 2024
Stritzke, Laura (2024): Tensions between Security and Support in P/CVE, VORTEX Blog.
Publication - Re-focusing Family Counselling in Extremism Prevention
| 2024
Rahlf, Lotta (2024): Re-focusing Family Counselling in Extremism Prevention, VORTEX Blog.
Publication - Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism in Europe: Expert Views on Contemporary Challenges
| 2024
Rahlf, Lotta (2024): Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism in Europe: Expert Views on Contemporary Challenges, VORTEX Blog.
Publication - Multi-agency Approaches in Prevention: Opportunities and Challenges
| 2024
Stritzke, Laura (2024): Multi-agency Approaches in Prevention: Opportunities and Challenges, VORTEX Blog.