Peace Research Institute Frankfurt
PRIF sets out to analyze the causes of violent international and internal conflicts, carrying out research into the conditions necessary for peace and working to spread the concept of peace. The Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF), part of the Leibniz Association, is one of the leading peace research institutes in Europe and is located in Frankfurt am Main.
Upcoming events
We are now called PRIF
Yvonne Blum and Stefan Kroll from the Science Communication Department explain what's behind the new logo and name.
Interviews and Articles on Current Topics
ZDF heute – Nicole Deitelhoff (in German)
„Beide Seiten bauen Verhandlungsposition auf”
RiffReporter – Malte Göttsche (in German)
Weltweite Nuklearwaffen: „Wir befinden uns in einer Aufrüstungsspirale“
Politik & wir – Jonas J. Driedger (from 01:29:15, in German)
Sollen wir der Ukraine weiter Waffen liefern? Mit Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (FDP), Ates Gürpinar (Linke)
ARD Mittagsmagazin – Nicole Deitelhoff (in German)
Friedensforscherin Nicole Deitelhoff im Gespräch
No matter who wins the US presidential elections in November, the United States will likely continue a more confrontative China policy launched under Trump in 2017. A second Trump administration,…
Os protestos da Geração Z mantiveram em suspenso durante semanas os governos do Quénia, da Nigéria, da África do Sul e do Uganda, entre outros. Fora do radar internacional, a Guiné-Bissau tem…
Die Debatte zur Nutzung von Gaming-Plattformen durch radikalisierte Akteur*innen hat sich infolge der Live-Übertragungen der Anschläge von Christchurch und Halle im Jahr 2019 intensiviert. Trotz des…