Tina Cramer

Knowledge Transfer Officer

Tina Cramer is Know­ledge Transfer Officer at the Hessian research center Trans­formations of Political Vio­lence (TraCe). She is interested in science commu­nication (and its research) with a focus on dialogue with young audiences, civil society, and poli­tics.


| since 2022
Know­ledge Transfer Officer, Research Center Trans­formations of Political Vio­lence (TraCe)

| 2023–2024
Know­ledge Transfer Officer (Coor­dination of the Global House of Young Voices Summit 2024)

| 2021–2022
Student Assis­tant, Press and Public Relations, PRIF

| 2021
Intern­ship in the Public Diplo­macy Section, U.S. Consu­late General in Frankfurt

| 2020–2021
Student assistant, Center for Con­flict Studies, Philipps-Un­iversity Marburg

| 2019–2022
M.A. Peace and Conflict Studies, Philipps-Uni­versity Marburg

| 2019
Intern­ship in the Division of Culture, Commu­nication, Memory of the World, German Com­mission for UNESCO, Bonn

| 2018
Erasmus Semester, Inter­national Uni­versity of Language and Media, Milan

| 2016–2017
Student assistant, Arts Forum, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Uni­versity Bonn

| 2016–2019
B.A. Language, Commu­nication, Musicology, Rheinische Friedrich-Wil­helms-University Bonn

| 2015–2016
Work and Travel, Canada

Further Activities

  • Founding Mem­ber, now Alumna of US Consu­late General’s Youth Advi­sory Council