Bureaucratic Power Europe
| 2024
Dembinski, Matthias (2024): Bureaucratic Power Europe, PRIF Working Paper, 63, Frankfurt/M.
Co-escalation in Contentious Politics and Radicalization
| 2024
Abay Gaspar, Hande; Junk, Julian; Sold, Manjana; Süß, Clara-Auguste (2024): Co-escalation in Contentious Politics and Radicalization, PRIF Working Paper, 62, Frankfurt/M.
Coercion in Peacebuilding: A Conceptual Framework
| 2024
Witt, Antonia; Wolff, Jonas; Coni-Zimmer, Melanie; Mannitz, Sabine; Birchinger, Sophia (2024): Coercion in Peacebuilding: A Conceptual Framework, PRIF Working Paper, 61, Frankfurt/M.
Putins unmöglicher Krieg: Überlegungen zum Nicht-Rationalen in der internationalen Politik
| 2023
Dembinski, Matthias (2023): Putins unmöglicher Krieg: Überlegungen zum Nicht-Rationalen in der internationalen Politik, PRIF Working Paper, 60, Frankfurt/M.
Views about the Sámi Truth Commission: An analysis of public discourse in Swedish media 2008-2023
| 2023
Ecker, Merle; Mannitz, Sabine (2023): Views about the Sámi Truth Commission: An analysis of public discourse in Swedish media 2008-2023, PRIF Working Paper, 59, Frankfurt/M. DOI: 10.48809/PRIFWP59
Approaches to Decolonizing Settler Colonialism: Examples from Canada
| 2022
Kopp, Rita Theresa; Mannitz, Sabine (2022): Approaches to Decolonizing Settler Colonialism: Examples from Canada, PRIF Working Paper, 58, Frankfurt/M. DOI: 10.48809/PRIFWP58
The local turn and the Global South in critical peacebuilding studies
| 2022
Wolff, Jonas (2022): The local turn and the Global South in critical peacebuilding studies, PRIF Working Paper, 57, Frankfurt/M.
The Localization of Transnational CSR Norms
| 2021
Coni-Zimmer, Melanie (2021): The Localization of Transnational CSR NormsChinese Corporations and their Contribution to “Harmonious Society”, PRIF Working Paper, 56, Frankfurt/M.
Students’ Civic Knowledge Achievement – A Cross-National Comparative Analysis
| 2021
Schlicht-Schmälzle, Raphaela (2021): Students’ Civic Knowledge Achievement – A Cross-National Comparative Analysis, PRIF Working Paper, 55, Frankfurt/M.
Pragmatic, Not Liberal Peace?
| 2021
Christiansen, Younna (2021): Pragmatic, Not Liberal Peace?Examining the State of Research on Brazil’s Engagement in International Peace Operations, PRIF Working Paper, 54, Frankfurt/M.
Remembering Genocide in Namibia
| 2021
Reitz, Núrel Bahí; Mannitz, Sabine (2021): Remembering Genocide in Namibia, PRIF Working Paper, 53: 53, Frankfurt/M.
Thailand’s Security Sector “Deform” and “Reform”
| 2021
Chambers, Paul; Waitoolkiat, Napisa (2021): Thailand’s Security Sector “Deform” and “Reform”, PRIF Working Paper, 52: 52.
What Do We Know about Struggles over Neoliberal Reforms?
| 2020
Wolff, Jonas (2020): What Do We Know about Struggles over Neoliberal Reforms?The Political Economy and the Contentious Politics of Stabilization and Structural Adjustment in Latin America and beyond, PRIF Working Paper, 51, Frankfurt/M.
Understanding Societal Perspectives on African Interventions
| 2020
Witt, Antonia (2020): Understanding Societal Perspectives on African InterventionsA Methodological Agenda, PRIF Working Paper, 50: 50, Frankfurt/M.
It's Complicated
| 2020
Fehl, Caroline; Rosert, Elvira (2020): It's ComplicatedA Conceptual Framework for Studying Relations and Interactions between International Norms, PRIF Working Paper, 49, Frankfurt/M.
Nigeria’s Police Work between International Reform Ideas and National Security Arrangements
| 2020
Müller, Nina (2020): Nigeria’s Police Work between International Reform Ideas and National Security Arrangements, PRIF Working Paper, 48.
Norm Conflicts in Global Health: The Case of Indonesia and Pandemic Influenza Preparedness
| 2020
Jakob, Una (2020): Norm Conflicts in Global Health: The Case of Indonesia and Pandemic Influenza Preparedness, PRIF Working Paper, 47.
‘Puzzling’ Moments in the Field: Dilemmas of Positionality and Self-Reflexivity
| 2019
Göğüş, Sezer İdil (2019): ‘Puzzling’ Moments in the Field: Dilemmas of Positionality and Self-Reflexivity, PRIF Working Paper, 46, Frankfurt/M.
The Socioeconomic Dimension of Islamist Radicalization in Egypt and Tunisia
| 2019
Süß, Clara-Auguste; Aakhunzzada, Ahmad Noor Baheige (2019): The Socioeconomic Dimension of Islamist Radicalization in Egypt and Tunisia, PRIF Working Paper, 45, Frankfurt/M.
The Spatial Dimension of Insurgent-Civilian Relations: Routinised Insurgent Space
| 2019
O'Connor, Francis (2019): The Spatial Dimension of Insurgent-Civilian Relations: Routinised Insurgent Space, PRIF Working Paper, 44, Frankfurt/M.
Negotiating Between Unequal Neighbours: India's Role in Nepal's Recent Constitution-Making Process
| 2018
Bhattarai, Prakash (2018): Negotiating Between Unequal Neighbours: India's Role in Nepal's Recent Constitution-Making Process, PRIF Working Paper, 43, Frankfurt/M.
African Regional Organizations Seen From Below: Theorizing Legitimacy Beyond the European Nation-State
| 2018
Schnabel, Simone (2018): African Regional Organizations Seen From Below: Theorizing Legitimacy Beyond the European Nation-State, PRIF Working Paper, 42, Frankfurt/M.
Navigating Norm Complexity
| 2018
Fehl, Caroline (2018): Navigating Norm ComplexityA Shared Research Agenda for Diverse Constructivist Perspectives, PRIF Working Paper, 41, Frankfurt/M.
From Alien to Inalienable?
| 2018
Lorenz, Philip (2018): From Alien to Inalienable?Changing Attitudes about Human Rights in the Indonesian Security Sector, PRIF Working Paper, 40, Frankfurt/M.
Norm-Taking, Norm-Faking, And Norm-Making: Russia And The International Election Observation Norm
| 2017
Bakalova, Evgeniya (2017): Norm-Taking, Norm-Faking, And Norm-Making: Russia And The International Election Observation Norm, PRIF Working Paper, 39, Frankfurt/M.
Anonymity and its Prospects in the Digital World
| 2017
Thiel, Thorsten (2017): Anonymity and its Prospects in the Digital World, PRIF Working Paper, 38, Frankfurt/M.
„Justice is achieved if peace is restored“
| 2017
Brandt, Hans-Jürgen (2017): „Justice is achieved if peace is restored“Indigenous Justice, Legal Pluralism, and Change in Peru and Ecuador, PRIF Working Paper, 37, Frankfurt/M.
Negotiating International Civil Society Support
| 2017
Birru, Jalale Getachew; Wolff, Jonas (2017): Negotiating International Civil Society SupportThe Case of Ethiopia's 2009 Charities and Societies Proclamation, PRIF Working Paper, 36, Frankfurt/M.
Eigenmächtige Gewalt, zwingendes Recht: Zur Selbstbehauptung und Selbstgefährdung des Friedens als Rechtsordnung
| 2017
Brock, Lothar; Simon, Hendrik (2017): Eigenmächtige Gewalt, zwingendes Recht: Zur Selbstbehauptung und Selbstgefährdung des Friedens als Rechtsordnung, PRIF Working Paper, 35, Frankfurt/M.
Justice as Conflict of Recognition: The Case of SGBV in the Rome Statute and in the ICC
| 2016
Wisotzki, Simone (2016): Justice as Conflict of Recognition: The Case of SGBV in the Rome Statute and in the ICC, PRIF Working Paper, 34, Frankfurt/M.
The Dataset on Post‐civil War Power and Compromise, 1990–2012
| 2016
Gromes, Thorsten; Ranft, Florian (2016): The Dataset on Post‐civil War Power and Compromise, 1990–2012, PRIF Working Paper, 33, Frankfurt/M.
From Driver of Change to Marginalized Actor: Egypt’s New Unionism from a Comparative Perspective
| 2016
Abdalla, Nadine; Wolff, Jonas (2016): From Driver of Change to Marginalized Actor: Egypt’s New Unionism from a Comparative Perspective, PRIF Working Paper, 31, Frankfurt/M.
Unemployed Movements in the Global South
| 2016
Weipert-Fenner, Irene; Wolff, Jonas (2016): Unemployed Movements in the Global SouthThe cases of Argentina and Tunisia, PRIF Working Paper, 32, Frankfurt/M.
Justice in Interdisciplinary Perspective
| 2016
Müller, Harald (2016): Justice in Interdisciplinary PerspectiveFindings From Other Disciplines and Their Impact on International Relations, PRIF Working Paper, 30, Frankfurt/M.
Push and Pull: Russia's Pivot to Asia
| 2016
Spanger, Hans-Joachim (2016): Push and Pull: Russia's Pivot to Asia, PRIF Working Paper, 29, Frankfurt/M.
A Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone in Europe. Concept – Problems – Chances
| 2016
Müller, Harald; Franceschini, Giorgio; Melamud, Aviv; Müller, Daniel; Péczeli, Anna; Schaper, Annette (2016): A Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone in Europe. Concept – Problems – Chances, PRIF Working Paper, 27, Frankfurt/M.
Power Transition Theory and the Peculiar Case of Weimarian Germany
| 2016
Rauch, Carsten (2016): Power Transition Theory and the Peculiar Case of Weimarian Germany, PRIF Working Paper, 28.
The Original Battle Trolls: How States Represent the Internet as a Violent Place
| 2015
Kamis, Ben; Thiel, Thorsten (2015): The Original Battle Trolls: How States Represent the Internet as a Violent Place, PRIF Working Paper, No. 23.
Socioeconomic contention and post-revolutionary political change in Egypt and Tunisia
| 2015
Weipert-Fenner, Irene; Wolff, Jonas (2015): Socioeconomic contention and post-revolutionary political change in Egypt and TunisiaA research agenda, PRIF Working Paper, 24, Frankfurt/M.
Just Peace Governance. Forschungsprogramm des Leibniz-Instituts Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung
| 2015
Humrich, Christoph; Daase, Christopher (2015): Just Peace Governance. Forschungsprogramm des Leibniz-Instituts Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, PRIF Working Paper, 25, Frankfurt/M..
Shadows from the Past:The Nazi-Regime, the Holocaust, and Germany's Relationship towards the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
| 2015
Krell, Gert (2015): Shadows from the Past:The Nazi-Regime, the Holocaust, and Germany's Relationship towards the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, PRIF Working Paper, No. 26.
Zwischen Staatenwelt und Weltstaat
| 2014
Schlotter, Peter; Krell, Gert (2014): Zwischen Staatenwelt und WeltstaatZur Diskussion über Weltordnung und Weltfrieden, PRIF Working Paper, No. 21.
'Just Peace', Just Peace – What Peace
| 2014
Bakalova, Evgeniya; Jüngling, Konstanze (2014): 'Just Peace', Just Peace – What PeaceThe US and Russia's Conceptual Approaches to Peace and Conflict Settlement, PRIF Working Paper, No. 22.
The Question of Self-Determination in International Democracy Promotion
| 2014
Wolff, Jonas (2014): The Question of Self-Determination in International Democracy Promotion, PRIF Working Paper, 19, Frankfurt/M.
A Network in Transition: Actors, Interests, and Alliances in the Afghanistan Conflict as of Early 2014
| 2014
Bell, Arvid (2014): A Network in Transition: Actors, Interests, and Alliances in the Afghanistan Conflict as of Early 2014, PRIF Working Paper, No. 20.
Die Libyen-Intervention: Warum Deutschlands Enthaltung im Sicherheitsrat falsch war
| 2013
Schoch, Bruno (2013): Die Libyen-Intervention: Warum Deutschlands Enthaltung im Sicherheitsrat falsch war, PRIF Working Paper, No. 16.
Human Security and the Politics of Protection. Avoiding or Enhancing Responsibility?
| 2013
Brock, Lothar (2013): Human Security and the Politics of Protection. Avoiding or Enhancing Responsibility?, PRIF Working Paper, No. 17.
Things We Lost in the Fire
| 2013
Deitelhoff, Nicole; Zimmermann, Lisbeth (2013): Things We Lost in the FireHow Different Types of Contestation Affect the Validity of International Norms, PRIF Working Paper, 18, Frankfurt/M.
Postliberal Democracy Emerging?
| 2012
Wolff, Jonas (2012): Postliberal Democracy Emerging?A conceptual proposal and the case of Bolivia, PRIF Working Paper, 11, Frankfurt/M.
The Normative Challenge of Interaction
| 2012
Poppe, Annika Elena; Wolff, Jonas (2012): The Normative Challenge of InteractionJustice Conflicts in Democracy Promotion, PRIF Working Paper, 12, Frankfurt/M.
An-Nahdha im Wandel.
| 2012
El Ouazghari, Karima (2012): An-Nahdha im Wandel.Eine islamistische Bewegung im Kontext sich verändernder Opportunitätsstrukturen in Tunesien, PRIF Working Paper, No.14.
Between Norms and Interests
| 2012
Wolff, Jonas; Spanger, Hans-Joachim; Karakas, Cemal (2012): Between Norms and InterestsUS and German Democracy Promotion in Comparison, PRIF Working Paper, 15, Frankfurt/M.
Justice in international diplomacy
| 2011
Müller, Harald (2011): Justice in international diplomacy, PRIF Working Paper, 8, Frankfurt/M.
Notions of Justice in the Biological Weapons Control Regime
| 2011
Becker-Jakob, Una (2011): Notions of Justice in the Biological Weapons Control Regime, PRIF Working Paper, 9, Frankfurt/M.
Leadership in World Society
| 2011
Jakobi, Anja P. (2011): Leadership in World SocietyPower and Change from the Perspective of Sociological Institutionalism, PRIF Working Paper, No.10.
Just Peace Governance
| 2011
Humrich, Christoph; Daase, Christopher (2011): Just Peace GovernanceResearch Program of the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt, PRIF Working Paper, 01, Frankfurt/M..
Same Same or Different?
| 2010
Zimmermann, Lisbeth (2010): Same Same or Different?Local Reactions to Democracy Promotion between Take-over and Appropriation, PRIF Working Paper, No.02.
Output, Outcome, Impact
| 2010
Wolf, Klaus Dieter (2010): Output, Outcome, ImpactFocusing the Analytical Lens for Evaluating the Success of Corporate Contributions to Peace-Building and Conflict Prevention, PRIF Working Paper, No.03.
Self-Determination and Empowerment as Challenges to Democracy Promotion
| 2010
Wolff, Jonas (2010): Self-Determination and Empowerment as Challenges to Democracy PromotionUS and German Reactions to Bolivia's "Democratic Revolution", PRIF Working Paper, 5, Frankfurt/M.
Justice and Peace
| 2010
Müller, Harald (2010): Justice and PeaceGood Things Do Not Always Go Together, PRIF Working Paper, 6, Frankfurt/M.
Hushed Hope - India, the Nuclear Deal, and Nonproliferation
| 2010
Rauch, Carsten (2010): Hushed Hope - India, the Nuclear Deal, and Nonproliferation, PRIF Working Paper, No.07.
Non-State Violence and Political Order:
| 2010
Jakobi, Anja P. (2010): Non-State Violence and Political Order:A View on Long-Term Consequences of Non-State Security Governance, PRIF Working Paper, No.04.