World Orders in Conflict

The LOEWE research group World Orders in Conflict examines how crises and conflicts affect world orders, how these effects can be measured, and under what institutional-normative and material conditions conflicts can stabilize orders. The group aims to gain insights into how a sustainable peace and security order that productively addresses tensions and crises can be structured at the European and global levels.

View of world map visible through overlapping bars

To achieve this goal, the group focuses on three areas: (1) theory development on the relationship between conflict and order, (2) empirical evidence on institutional structures for conflict and crisis management, and (3) further developing these insights through dialogue with political and societal actors.

LOEWE is the Hessian federal state program for promoting excellent research. The acronym stands for “Landes-Offensive zur Entwicklung Wissenschaftlich-ökonomischer Exzellenz” (“State Offensive for the Development of Scientific and Economic Excellence”).

Photo: Rupert Ganzer, flickr, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 (edited)

Head of Research Group

Nicole Deitelhoff

Nicole Deitelhoff


Felix Bethke

Felix Bethke

Jonas Driedger

Ivan Kharitonov

Ivan Kharitonov

Anton Peez

Anton Peez

Johanna Speyer

Johanna Speyer

Mina Trpkovic

Mina Trpkovic

Student assistants

  • Yannic Nagel