Dr. Jana Baldus
Dr. Jana Baldus is Associate Fellow at the Research Department International Security. Her research focuses on nuclear disarmament and arms control, processes of dealing with nuclear legacies and issues of nuclear (in)justice as well as the nexus between new technologies and nuclear weapons.
| seit 2024
Associate Fellow at PRIF
| 2024
Dr phil (Political Science) at Goethe University Frankfurt/M.
| 2023
Visiting Researcher at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies (CNS), Middlebury Institute for International Studies in Monterey, USA (March-April)
| 2019–2024
Doctoral Researcher at PRIF
| 2018
Research Assistant at PRIF, Research Network External Democracy Promotion (EDP)
| 2015–2018
Student Assistant at PRIF, Research Network External Democracy Promotion (EDP)
| 2017
Study abroad at Universidad Complutense de Madrid
| 2015–2018
Master of Arts in International Studies/Peace and Conflict Research at University of Frankfurt/M.
| 2012–2014
Student Assistant at the Department of International Relations and Sustainable Development, University of Münster
| 2013
Study abroad at King’s College London (Department of War Studies)
| 2011–2015
Bachelor of Arts in Political Sciences and Economics at University of Münster
- Scheitern mit Ansage
| 2022
Baldus, Jana; Meier, Oliver (2022): Scheitern mit Ansage, Vereinte Nationen, 2022: 6, 266–271. DOI: 10.35998/VN-2022-0030 - The global nuclear order and the crisis of the nuclear non-proliferation regime: Taking stock and moving forward
| 2022
Baldus, Jana; Müller, Harald; Wunderlich, Carmen (2022): The global nuclear order and the crisis of the nuclear non-proliferation regime: Taking stock and moving forward, Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung Special Issue “Crisis of Arms Control”. DOI: 10.1007/s42597-021-00066-0 - Shrinking Spaces. Eine Herausforderung der internationalen Demokratie- und Zivilgesellschaftsförderung
| 2018
Baldus, Jana; Poppe, Annika Elena; Wolff, Jonas (2018): Shrinking Spaces. Eine Herausforderung der internationalen Demokratie- und Zivilgesellschaftsförderung, Afrika Süd, 47: 5.
- Doomsday Machines? Nukes, Nuclear Verification, and Artificial Intelligence
| 2022
Baldus, Jana (2022): Doomsday Machines? Nukes, Nuclear Verification, and Artificial Intelligence, in: Niklas Schörnig and Thomas Reinhold (eds), Armament, Arms Control and Artificial Intelligence. Studies in Peace and Security, Cham: Springer International Publishing, 101-116. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-11043-6_8
ISBN: 978-3-031-11042-9 - ‚High Time‘ für nukleare Abrüstung?
| 2019
Baldus, Jana (2019): ‚High Time‘ für nukleare Abrüstung?, in: Christian, Ben/Coni-Zimmer, Melanie (eds), Deutschland im UN-Sicherheitsrat 2019–2020. Eine Halbzeitbilanz, Frankfurt/M, 29–31.
- Taking responsibility: How NPT members can support justice for victims of nuclear weapons – and through this, the NPT
| 2024
Baldus, Jana; Fehl, Caroline (2024): Taking responsibility: How NPT members can support justice for victims of nuclear weapons – and through this, the NPT, European Leadership Network.
Publication - Die rüstungskontrollpolitischen Initiativen Deutschlands – eine Erfolgsgeschichte?
| 2023
Lurz, Alexander; Baldus, Jana; Daase, Christopher; Ferl, Anna-Katharina; Jakob, Una; Lambach, Daniel; Lehmann, Tobias; Perras, Clara; Hoffberger-Pippan, Elisabeth; Reinhold, Thomas; Schmidt, Hans-Joachim; Schörnig, Niklas; Tkocz, Maximilian; Wisotzki, Simone (2023): Die rüstungskontrollpolitischen Initiativen Deutschlands – eine Erfolgsgeschichte?, Greenpeace-Studie.
Publication - Rüstungsdynamiken: Abrüsten statt Wettrüsten
| 2022
Baldus, Jana; Brzoska, Michael; Fehl, Caroline; Hach, Sascha; Kütt, Moritz; Vieluf, Maren; Wunderlich, Carmen; Thies, Tim (2022): Rüstungsdynamiken: Abrüsten statt Wettrüsten, in: Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC)/Leibniz-Institut Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (HSFK)/Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg (IFSH)/Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden (INEF) (eds), Friedensgutachten 2022, Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 91-109.
Publication - NPT 2022: An Opportunity to Advance Nuclear Justice
| 2022
Baldus, Jana; Fehl, Caroline; Hach, Sascha (2022): NPT 2022: An Opportunity to Advance Nuclear Justice, Global Policy.
Publication - "High Alert" in Europa: Risiken der beabsichtigten oder unbeabsichtigten nuklearen Eskalation des Krieges
| 2022
Baldus, Jana (2022): "High Alert" in Europa: Risiken der beabsichtigten oder unbeabsichtigten nuklearen Eskalation des Krieges, PRIF Blog.
Publication - Beyond the Ban
| 2021
Baldus, Jana; Fehl, Caroline; Hach, Sascha (2021): Beyond the Ban. A Global Agenda for Nuclear Justice, PRIF Report, 4, Frankfurt/M. - The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons – a Winter’s Tale
| 2021
Baldus, Jana (2021): The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons – a Winter’s Tale, PRIF Blog.
Publication - Der Atomwaffenverbotsvertrag – ein Wintermärchen
| 2021
Baldus, Jana (2021): Der Atomwaffenverbotsvertrag – ein Wintermärchen, PRIF Blog.
Publication - Kein Grund zum Feiern: 75 Jahre Atomwaffentests
| 2020
Baldus, Jana (2020): Kein Grund zum Feiern: 75 Jahre Atomwaffentests, PRIF Blog.
Publication - Das Ende des INF-Vertrags: Katerstimmung in Europa
| 2019
Baldus, Jana (2019): Das Ende des INF-Vertrags: Katerstimmung in Europa, PRIF Blog.
Publication - Preventing Civic Space Restrictions
| 2019
Baldus, Jana; Berger-Kern, Nora; Hetz, Fabian; Poppe, Annika Elena; Wolff, Jonas (2019): Preventing Civic Space Restrictions. An Exploratory Study of Successful Resistance Against NGO Laws, PRIF Report, 1, Frankfurt/M. - ‚High Time‘ für nukleare Abrüstung?
| 2019
Baldus, Jana (2019): ‚High Time‘ für nukleare Abrüstung?, PRIF BLOG.
Publication - An Overview of Global Initiatives on Countering Closing Space for Civil Society
| 2017
Baldus, Jana; Poppe, Annika Elena; Wolff, Jonas (2017): An Overview of Global Initiatives on Countering Closing Space for Civil Society, Washington, D.C.: CSIS Human Rights Initiative.
Further Activities
| since 2024
Member of the Global Nuclear Order Working Group of the British International Studies Association (BISA);
Member of the Working Group “Arms Dynamics and Disarmament”, German Association for Peace and Conflict Studies (Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung e.V. – AfK)
| 2021–2022
Representative in the Leibniz PhD Network
| 2019-2021
Co-speaker of PRIF's PhD colloquium
- The world could no longer remain complacent: the construction of the Humanitarian Initiative and resistance to the nuclear order, Paper presented at the British International Studies Association (BISA) Annual Conference 2024, June 5-7, Birmingham, UK.
- How to justify inaction: Dealing with nuclear legacies and injustices, Paper presented at the British International Studies Association (BISA) Annual Conference 2024, June 5-7, Birmingham, UK.
- The global nuclear order divided: polarisation and social cohesion within the nuclear nonproliferation regime, Paper presented at the British International Studies Association (BISA) Annual Conference 2023, Panel: “Third Nuclear Age”, June 21–23, 2023, Glasgow, UK.
- Apocalyptic imaginaries: comparing visions of the future in discourses of nuclear weapons and autonomous weapons systems, Paper presented together with Anna-Katharina Ferl at the British International Studies Association (BISA) Annual Conference 2023, Panel: “Emerging technology and international security”, June 21–23, 2023, Glasgow, UK.
- Nuclear Justice: A Framework for Analysis, Paper presented together with Caroline Fehl and Sascha Hach at the ISA Annual Convention 2023, Panel: “Nuclear (in)justice: New perspectives on addressing past harm caused by nuclear weapons”, March 15–18, 2023, Montreal, Canada.
- Side event at the Preparatory Committee for the 11th NPT Review Conference: “AI and Nuclear Decision-Making“, July 22, 2024, United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
- Expert in the German delegation to the 10th NPT Review Conference, August 1–26, 2022, New York, USA
- Visit/observation period at the Federal Foreign Office, OR09 Disarmament, Arms Control, Non-Proliferation, Department for International Order, United Nations and Arms Control, January 1 – February 28, 2020, Berlin