Johanna Speyer


​Johanna Speyer is a Post­doctoral Researcher in the LOEWE Research Group World Orders in Conflict at PRIF, a Research Associate in the Research Depart­ment Inter­national Institutions and an External Research Associate at Goethe University Frankfurt/M. She works on the contestation of norms and institutions, the dynamics of inter­national authority and the question of when (norm) contestation leads to a crisis of order.​ 


since 2024 
Research Assistant (Postdoc) in the LOEWE research group “World Orders in Conflict” at PRIF 

​| 2024 
Lecturer, Johannes Guten­berg University Mainz 

​| 2020–2023 
Junior member of the Guten­berg Academy (since 2023: Guten­berg Academy Honors Program, GAHP) 

​| 2017–2024 
Research Assistant and doctoral candidate at the Depart­ment of Inter­national Politics (Prof. Dr. Arne Niemann) at the Institute of Political Science, Johannes Guten­berg University Mainz 

​| 2016–2017 
Research Assistant at the Depart­ment of Inter­national Politics (Prof. Dr. Arne Niemann) at the Institute of Political Science, Johannes Guten­berg University Mainz, Coordinator of the GLK project “Internationali­sierung der Politik­wissenschaft: Ausbau und Verstetigung innovativer englisch­sprachiger Lehre mit Hebel­wirkung für Dritt­mittelanträge” 

​| 2014–2016 
International Studies/Peace and Conflict Research (MA), Goethe University Frankfurt/Main 

​| 2013–2014 
Project Assistant in the DAAD project "Tunisia in Transition", Chair of Inter­national Politics (Prof. Dr. Bern­hard Stahl), University of Passau 

​| 2012–2013 
Tutor for Macroeconomics, Chair of Economics, focus on Eco­nomic Theory (Prof. Dr. Johann Graf Lambs­dorff), University of Passau 

​| 2010–2014 
Study of Political Science – Governance and Public Policy (BA), University of Passau 


  • How a Conversation Between EU Studies and Critical-Constructivist IR Norm Research Illuminates a Union in Crisis. A Research Note
    | 2024
    Speyer, Johanna; Stockmann, Nils (2024): How a Conversation Between EU Studies and Critical-Constructivist IR Norm Research Illuminates a Union in Crisis. A Research Note, Journal of Common Market Studies, 62: 3, 902–913. DOI: 10.1111/jcms.13508
  • Reflexivity Matters! Wie die IB-Normenforschung von der Kommunikation über Situiertheit profitiert
    | 2023
    Kropp, Selma; Schmidtke, Tobias; Speyer, Johanna; Stelter, Maike; Stockmann, Nils (2023): Reflexivity Matters! Wie die IB-Normenforschung von der Kommunikation über Situiertheit profitiert, Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, 30: 2, 187–199. DOI: 10.5771/0946-7165-2023-2-187
  • The “Refugee crisis,” Immigration Attitudes, and Euroscepticism
    | 2019
    Stockemer, Daniel; Niemann, Arne; Speyer, Johanna; Unger, Doris (2019): The “Refugee crisis,” Immigration Attitudes, and Euroscepticism, International Migration Review, 54: 3, 883‒912. DOI: 10.1177/0197918319879926
  • Immigration, anti-immigrant attitudes and Eurosceptism: a meta-Analysis
    | 2018
    Stockemer, Daniel; Niemann, Arne; Rabenschlag, Johannes; Speyer, Johanna; Unger, Doris (2018): Immigration, anti-immigrant attitudes and Eurosceptism: a meta-Analysis, French Politics, 16: 1, 328‒340. DOI: 10.1057/s41253-018-0065-x
  • Das Gegenteil von gut ist gut gemeint: Wie ein Weltmenschenrechtsgerichtshof die Menschenrechte schwächt
    | 2018
    Speyer, Johanna (2018): Das Gegenteil von gut ist gut gemeint: Wie ein Weltmenschenrechtsgerichtshof die Menschenrechte schwächt, Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, 25: 2, 6‒32. DOI: 10.5771/0946-7165-2018-2-6
  • A Neofunctionalist Perspective on the ‚European Refugee Crisis‘: the Case of the European Border and Coast Guard
    | 2018
    Niemann, Arne; Speyer, Johanna (2018): A Neofunctionalist Perspective on the ‚European Refugee Crisis‘: the Case of the European Border and Coast Guard, Journal of Common Market Studies, 56: 1, 23‒43. DOI: 10.1111/jcms.12653

  • International Perceptions of Brexit
    | 2022
    Speyer, Johanna; Chaban, Natalia; Niemann, Arne (2022): International Perceptions of Brexit, in: Leruth, Benjamin/Gänzle, Stefan/Trondal, Jarle (eds), The Routledge Handbook of Differentiation in the European Union, Abingdon: Routledge, 633‒648.
  • Conclusion: External Perceptions of the EU and EU Foreign Policy Making at Times of Brexit
    | 2020
    Chaban, Natalia; Niemann, Arne; Speyer, Johanna (2020): Conclusion: External Perceptions of the EU and EU Foreign Policy Making at Times of Brexit, in: Chaban, Natalia/Niemann, Arne/Speyer, Johanna (eds), Changing Perceptions of the EU at times of Brexit: Global Perspectives, Abingdon: Routledge, 281296.
  • Introduction: Uncertain Change and Changing Uncertainty: the Brexit Referendum and the EU in the Eyes of the World
    | 2020
    Speyer, Johanna; Chaban, Natalia; Niemann, Arne (2020): Introduction: Uncertain Change and Changing Uncertainty: the Brexit Referendum and the EU in the Eyes of the World, in: Chaban, Natalia/Niemann, Arne/Speyer, Johanna (eds), Changing Perceptions of the EU at times of Brexit: Global Perspectives, Abingdon: Routledge, 1‒24.
  • Increasingly brittle? US-perceptions of the EU after Brexit and their impact on EU-US relations
    | 2020
    Speyer, Johanna; Hähn, Laura; Niemann, Arne (2020): Increasingly brittle? US-perceptions of the EU after Brexit and their impact on EU-US relations, in: Chaban, Natalia/Niemann, Arne/Speyer, Johanna (eds), Changing Perceptions of the EU at times of Brexit: Global Perspectives, Abingdon: Routledge, 99‒115.

  • Changing Perceptions of the EU at times of Brexit
    | 2020
    Chaban, Natalia; Niemann, Arne; Speyer, Johanna (2020): Changing Perceptions of the EU at times of Brexit, Changing Perceptions of the EU at times of Brexit, Abingdon: Routledge.

  • Auftakt zum Forum "Krise und Normkontestation"
    | 2023
    Stockmann, Nils; Speyer, Johanna (2023): Auftakt zum Forum "Krise und Normkontestation", Theorieblog.
  • Whither Norms Research in Times of Uncertainty? A Symposium
    | 2022
    Gholiagha, Sassan; Speyer, Johanna; Wilkens, Jan; Wunderlich, Carmen (2022): Whither Norms Research in Times of Uncertainty? A Symposium, The Duck of Minerva.
  • Backlash: Unpacking the Concept’s Analytical Promise
    | 2022
    Speyer, Johanna (2022): Backlash: Unpacking the Concept’s Analytical Promise, Mainz Papers on International and European Politics Nr. 26.
  • Nachhaltige Karrierewege? Wie, warum und was wir ändern müssen. Fazit und Handlungsempfehlungen
    | 2021
    Budde, Svenja; Plank, Friedrich; Giesen, Michael; Speyer, Johanna (2021): Nachhaltige Karrierewege? Wie, warum und was wir ändern müssen. Fazit und Handlungsempfehlungen, DVPW Blog.
  • Nachhaltige Karrierewege? Navigieren zwischen Struktur und Freiheit: Aktuelle Probleme und Verbesserungsperspektiven der Promotionsbetreuung in der deutschen Politikwissenschaft
    | 2021
    Budde, Svenja; Plank, Friedrich; Speyer, Johanna (2021): Nachhaltige Karrierewege? Navigieren zwischen Struktur und Freiheit: Aktuelle Probleme und Verbesserungsperspektiven der Promotionsbetreuung in der deutschen Politikwissenschaft, DVPW Blog.
  • Images of a Divorce. External Perceptions of Brexit in the USA and their Influence on Transatlantic Relations
    | 2019
    Speyer, Johanna; Niemann, Arne (2019): Images of a Divorce. External Perceptions of Brexit in the USA and their Influence on Transatlantic Relations, Mainz Papers on International and European Politics Nr. 19.

Further Activities

| since 2023 
Board member at Evangelische Akademie Frankfurt e.V. 

| since 2020 
Co-Speaker of the IB-Norms Research Group of the German Political Science Association (GPSA) 

| 2020–2023 
Co-Speaker of the Early Career Group Inter­national Relations (ECIB) of the German Political Science Association (GPSA) 

| 2019–2023 
Member of the Guten­berg Nachwuchs­kolleg (GNK), Johannes Guten­berg University Mainz 


  • Contested Crisis. On the Relationship between Crisis, Contestation and Order. Workshop „Gegenwart und Krise“, University of Cologne, July 19–20, 2024. 
    „Crisis and Contestation – Conceptual Boundary Work for a Future Yet to Come” (Organisation mit N. Stockmann), European Workshops in International Studies (EWIS), Istanbul, July 3–5, 2024.
  • The contestation of fundamental norms: What Poland’s backlash against the EU reveals about norm hierarchies and contestation, British International Studies Association Annual Conference: Whose international Studies, June 5–7, 2024, Birmingham, UK.
  • Hitting the high Cs of International Relations research: How do norm contestation and crises relate to each other? (mit N. Stockmann), 16th Pan-European Conference on International Relations, European International Studies Association, Potsdam, September 5–9, 2023.
  • Normgezwitscher: Twitter-Analysen in der konstruktivistischen Normenforschung (mit J. Biel), 7th Open Section Conference of the Section “International Relations“ of the German Political Science Association (GPSA), Friedrichshafen, June 14–16, 2023.
  • Institutional Contestation, Norm Contestation and Norm Hierarchies in Poland’s Backlash Against the EU, 64th Annual Convention of the International Studies Association “Real Struggles, High Stakes: Cooperation, Contention, and Creativity “, Montréal, March 15–18,2023.
  • 16. Early Career Tagung Internationale Beziehungen „Theorien und Problemfelder internationaler Politik“ (Organized with the representatives of the Early Career Group International Relations (ECIB) of the German Political Science Association (GPSA): S. Biedermann, S. Mokry, Dr. F. Plank, T. Rosner-Merker and N. Stockmann), Akademie für Politische Bildung Tutzing, February 14–16, 2023.
  • To say, what the Rule of Law is. Norm Cores between Empty Signifiers and Liberal Impositions, 6th Open Section Conference of the Section “International Relations“ of the German Political Science Association (GPSA), Freiburg/online, October 7–9, 2020. Nominated for the Best Paper Award of the Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen (zib, Journal of International Relations)
  • (Legal) Security lost? How the European Union can help us understand about international backlashes against liberal norms and institutions; “The EU in international security after Brexit: New paths for Europe? “, Workshop at the University of Cambridge, December 13–14, 2018.
  • Broken, bankrupt and bizarre“? What prisoners' voting reveals about the relationship between national Democracy and the international enforcement of human rights norms; as well asThe tip of the iceberg? What Hungary’s and Poland’s defiance of Art. 2 TEU reveals about the future of the European Union; 27th Scientific Congress of the GPSA, Frankfurt/M., September 25–28, 2018.
  • Images of a Divorce. External Perceptions of the Brexit in the USA and their influence on Transatlantic Relations (together with Arne Niemann); 59th Annual Convention of the International Studies Association “Power of Rules and Rule of Power“, San Francisco, April 4–7, 2018.
  • Die Unwahrscheinlichkeit der Menschenrechte. Überlegungen zu einer individuellen Klagebefugnis auf globaler Ebene; 5th Open Section Conference of the Section “International Relations“ of the German Political Science Association (GPSA), Bremen, October 4–6, 2017.

  • June 15, 2023: Moderation of the panel discussion “Krise und Norm­kontestation – Zum Verhältnis zweier omni­präsenter Konzepte“ (together with N. Stock­mann)
  • November 24, 2017: Moderation of the panel discussion “Demo­kratie neu Denken: Wie sieht politische Partizi­pation in Zukunft aus?“, Evangelische Akademie Frankfurt e.V.

| 2020–2023 
Junior member of the Guten­berg Academy (since 2023: Guten­berg Academy Honors Program, GAHP) 

Scholarship from the Studien­stiftung des deutschen Volkes 

| 2010–2016 
Scholarship from the Evangelisches Studien­werks Villigst e.V.