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PRIF Publication Series

Searched for: Year 2010

  • Religiöse Wissensgenerierung und Modernisierung:
    | 2010
    Akbari, Semiramis (2010): Religiöse Wissensgenerierung und Modernisierung:. Wandel religiös-politischer Deutungsmuster im politischen Diskurs der Schia und Verschiebungen der inneren Machtbalance im postrevolutionären Iran, Studien der Hessischen Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung.
  • Entkernt sich der Leviathan?
    | 2010
    Deitelhoff, Nicole; Geis, Anna (2010): Entkernt sich der Leviathan?. Die oranisatorische und funktionelle Umrüstung der Militär- und Verteidigunspolitik westlicher Demokratien, Leviathan, 3, 389-410.
  • The Small-Scale Irrigation Farming Sector in the Communal Areas of Northern Namibia
    | 2010
    Fiebiger, Markus; Behmanesh, Sohal; Dreuße, Mareike; Huhn, Nils; Schnabel, Simone; Weber, Anna (2010): The Small-Scale Irrigation Farming Sector in the Communal Areas of Northern Namibia. An Assessment of Constraints and Potential, HU Berlin.
  • C/O Kerma coefficient ratio for 96 MeV neutrons deduced from microscopic measurements
    | 2010
    Göttsche, Malte; Pomp, Stephan; Tippawan, Udomrat; Andersson, Peter; Bevilacqua, Riccardo; Blomgren, Jan; Gustavsson, Cecilia; Österlund, Michael; Simutkin, Vasily D. (2010): C/O Kerma coefficient ratio for 96 MeV neutrons deduced from microscopic measurements, Radiation Measurements, 45(10). DOI: 10.1016/j.radmeas.2010.06.022
  • Democratic Security Sector Governance in Serbia
    | 2010
    Ejdus, Filip (2010): Democratic Security Sector Governance in Serbia, PRIF Report, No. 94.
    ISBN: 978-3-942532-04-4
  • Whither to, Obama?
    | 2010
    Poppe, Annika Elena (2010): Whither to, Obama?. U.S. Democracy Promotion after the Cold War, PRIF Report, 96, Frankfurt/M.
    ISBN: 978-3-942532-07-5
  • Binding Non-State Armed Groups to International Humanitarian Law
    | 2010
    Herr, Stefanie (2010): Binding Non-State Armed Groups to International Humanitarian Law. Geneva Call and the Ban of Anti-personnel Mines: Lessons from Sudan, PRIF Report, No. 95.
    ISBN: 978-3-942532-05-1
  • Nuclear Transparency and Registers of Nuclear Weapons and Fissile Materials
    | 2010
    Müller, Harald; Schaper, Annette (2010): Nuclear Transparency and Registers of Nuclear Weapons and Fissile Materials, PRIF Report, 97, Frankfurt/M.
    ISBN: 978-3-942532-13-6
  • Keeping Space Safe
    | 2010
    Mutschler, Max M. (2010): Keeping Space Safe. Towards a long-term strategy to arms control in space, PRIF Report.
    ISBN: 978-3-942532-14-3
  • The Roo and the Dragon
    | 2010
    Schörnig, Niklas (2010): The Roo and the Dragon. Australia's foreign policy towards China during the Rudd era, PRIF Report, 99, Frankfurt/M.
    ISBN: 978-3-942532-15-0
  • Robot Warriors
    | 2010
    Schörnig, Niklas (2010): Robot Warriors. Why the Western investment into military robots might backfire, PRIF Report, 100, Frankfurt/M.
    ISBN: 978-3-942532-16-7
  • The EU and Belarus Engaged - No Wedding in Sight
    | 2010
    Rácz, András (2010): The EU and Belarus Engaged - No Wedding in Sight, PRIF Report, No. 101.
    ISBN: 978-3-942532-17-4