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PRIF Publication Series

Searched for: Working Papers

  • Memory Before Violence
    | 2024
    Buckley-Zistel, Susanne; de Wolff, Kaya; Erll, Astrid; Frank, Sybille; Hannig, Nicolai; Mannitz, Sabine; Reiss, Mariel; Schwerer, Jona; Spittler, Sara-Luise; Wingender, Monika (2024): Memory Before Violence, TraCe Working Paper, 5, Frankfurt/M. DOI: 10.48809/PRIFTraCeWP2405
  • Instrumentalising Biological Weapons-Related Allegations
    | 2024
    Jakob, Una (2024): Instrumentalising Biological Weapons-Related Allegations. Russia’s Compliance Politics and the Norms Against Biological Weapons, CBWNet Working Paper No. 14.
  • Transformations in Genocide Discourse: Paths and Politics of Recognizing Colonial Genocides
    | 2024
    Ghattas, Sally; Mannitz, Sabine; Moses, A. Dirk; Reitz, Núrel Bahí (2024): Transformations in Genocide Discourse: Paths and Politics of Recognizing Colonial Genocides, TraCe Working Paper, 4, Frankfurt/M. DOI: 10.48809/PRIFTraCeWP2404
  • Targeted Violence Against Social Activists
    | 2024
    Albarracín Dierolf, Juan; Wolff, Jonas (2024): Targeted Violence Against Social Activists. Characteristics, Causes, and Transformations, TraCe Working Paper, 3, Frankfurt/M. DOI: 10.48809/PRIFTraCeWP2403
  • The Concepts of Biosafety and Biosecurity
    | 2024
    Hoffberger-Pippan, Elisabeth; de Vries, Barry; Veini, Sannimari; Chinchilla, Mónica (2024): The Concepts of Biosafety and Biosecurity. The Need for a Coherent Approach, CBWNet Working Paper, No. 12.
  • Bureaucratic Power Europe
    | 2024
    Dembinski, Matthias (2024): Bureaucratic Power Europe, PRIF Working Paper, 63, Frankfurt/M.
  • Exit-Strategien: Konzeptionelle Debatten und empirische Befunde
    | 2024
    Dembinski, Matthias (2024): Exit-Strategien: Konzeptionelle Debatten und empirische Befunde, Heidelberger Forum zur Friedensethik.
  • Co-escalation in Contentious Politics and Radicalization
    | 2024
    Abay Gaspar, Hande; Junk, Julian; Sold, Manjana; Süß, Clara-Auguste (2024): Co-escalation in Contentious Politics and Radicalization, PRIF Working Paper, 62, Frankfurt/M.
  • Coercion in Peacebuilding: A Conceptual Framework
    | 2024
    Witt, Antonia; Wolff, Jonas; Coni-Zimmer, Melanie; Mannitz, Sabine; Birchinger, Sophia (2024): Coercion in Peacebuilding: A Conceptual Framework, PRIF Working Paper, 61, Frankfurt/M.
  • Putins unmöglicher Krieg: Überlegungen zum Nicht-Rationalen in der internationalen Politik
    | 2023
    Dembinski, Matthias (2023): Putins unmöglicher Krieg: Überlegungen zum Nicht-Rationalen in der internationalen Politik, PRIF Working Paper, 60, Frankfurt/M.
  • Views about the Sámi Truth Commission: An analysis of public discourse in Swedish media 2008-2023
    | 2023
    Ecker, Merle; Mannitz, Sabine (2023): Views about the Sámi Truth Commission: An analysis of public discourse in Swedish media 2008-2023, PRIF Working Paper, 59, Frankfurt/M. DOI: 10.48809/PRIFWP59
  • Multidimensional Measures of Militarization (M3) - Codebook
    | 2023
    Bayer, Markus; Croissant, Aurel; Izadi, Roya; Scheeder, Nikitas (2023): Multidimensional Measures of Militarization (M3) - Codebook.
  • Time and the Growth of Trust under Conditions of Extreme Uncertainty
    | 2023
    Weipert-Fenner, Irene; Pfeifer, Hanna (2023): Time and the Growth of Trust under Conditions of Extreme Uncertainty. Illustrations from Peace and Conflict Studies, ConTrust Working Paper Series, 3, 1–14.
  • Auf der Suche nach Expertise
    | 2023
    Tschöp, David; van Heeswijk, Emma; Hartmann, Lina; Büchsenschütz, Benedikt (2023): Auf der Suche nach Expertise. Die Schwierigkeiten bei der Auffindbarkeit von Wissensnetzwerken und Evaluationsexpertise in der Demokratieförderung, Extremismusprävention und politischen Bildung, PrEval Working Papers.
  • Transformation(en) der Gewaltrechtfertigung?
    | 2023
    Simon, Hendrik; Brock, Lothar (2023): Transformation(en) der Gewaltrechtfertigung?. Zum Verhältnis von Kriegslegitimation und internationaler Ordnungsbildung in Geschichte und Gegenwart, TraCe Working Paper, 2, Frankfurt/M. DOI: 10.48809/PRIFTraCeWP2302
  • The Deconstruction and Reproduction of Mistrust
    | 2023
    Wolff, Jonas (2023): The Deconstruction and Reproduction of Mistrust. An exploratory study on the contested negotiation of pluralist justice systems in the Andean region, ConTrust Working Paper Series.
  • The Ukraine Support Tracker
    | 2023
    Trebesch, Christoph; Antezza, Arianna; Bushnell, Katelyn; Frank, André; Frank, Pascal; Franz, Lukas; Kharitonov, Ivan; Kumar, Bharath; Rebinskaya, Ekaterina; Schramm, Stefan; Schade, C.; Weiser, L. (2023): The Ukraine Support Tracker. Which countries help Ukraine and how?, Kiel Working Paper, 2218.
  • Transformations of Political Violence?
    | 2022
    Daase, Christopher; Driedger, Jonas J.; Kroll, Stefan; Mannitz, Sabine; Simon, Hendrik; Wolff, Jonas (2022): Transformations of Political Violence?. A Research Program, TraCe Working Paper, 1, Frankfurt/M. DOI: 10.48809/PRIFTraCeWP2201
  • Putting Lessons Learnt to the Test During Challenging Times
    | 2022
    Reiss, Mariel (2022): Putting Lessons Learnt to the Test During Challenging Times. The East African Community And The Covid-19 Pandemic, UNU-CRIS working paper, Bruges: UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies.
  • End-to-End Encryption and Counterterrorism – Untying the Gordian Knot with State Hacking?
    | 2022
    Rahlf, Lotta (2022): End-to-End Encryption and Counterterrorism – Untying the Gordian Knot with State Hacking?, CSTPV Occasional Paper Series, St Andrews, Scotland: The Handa Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence.
  • Approaches to Decolonizing Settler Colonialism: Examples from Canada
    | 2022
    Kopp, Rita Theresa; Mannitz, Sabine (2022): Approaches to Decolonizing Settler Colonialism: Examples from Canada, PRIF Working Paper, 58, Frankfurt/M. DOI: 10.48809/PRIFWP58
  • The local turn and the Global South in critical peacebuilding studies
    | 2022
    Wolff, Jonas (2022): The local turn and the Global South in critical peacebuilding studies, PRIF Working Paper, 57, Frankfurt/M.
  • The Localization of Transnational CSR Norms
    | 2021
    Coni-Zimmer, Melanie (2021): The Localization of Transnational CSR Norms. Chinese Corporations and their Contribution to “Harmonious Society”, PRIF Working Paper, 56, Frankfurt/M.
  • Custody and custodianship: A reflection on collection terminology through the lens of human remains
    | 2021
    Bendix, Regina; Kurzwelly, Jonatan (2021): Custody and custodianship: A reflection on collection terminology through the lens of human remains, Anthropology Today. DOI: 10.1111/1467-8322.12679
  • Global Militarisation Index: Codebook Version 1.0
    | 2021
    v. Boemcken, Marc; Mutschler, Max; Bayer, Markus; Alberth, Rolf; Bales, Marius; Brandsch, Jürgen; Hauk, Stella; Schlüsing, Carina (2021): Global Militarisation Index: Codebook Version 1.0, Bonn: bicc.
  • Students’ Civic Knowledge Achievement – A Cross-National Comparative Analysis
    | 2021
    Schlicht-Schmälzle, Raphaela (2021): Students’ Civic Knowledge Achievement – A Cross-National Comparative Analysis, PRIF Working Paper, 55, Frankfurt/M.
  • Pragmatic, Not Liberal Peace?
    | 2021
    Christiansen, Younna (2021): Pragmatic, Not Liberal Peace?. Examining the State of Research on Brazil’s Engagement in International Peace Operations, PRIF Working Paper, 54, Frankfurt/M.
  • The Women, Peace and Security Agenda in EU Border Management
    | 2021
    Gyan-Addo, Lawreen; Standke-Erdmann, Madita; Stachowitsch, Saskia (2021): The Women, Peace and Security Agenda in EU Border Management, June 2021: Working Paper 110: Österreichisches Institut für Internationale Politik.
  • Globaler Militarisierungsindex: Vorstellung, Codebook und Reflexion
    | 2021
    Bayer, Markus; Alberth, Rolf; Hauk, Stella; Mutschler; Max (2021): Globaler Militarisierungsindex: Vorstellung, Codebook und Reflexion, bicc Working Paper, 2021: 3.
  • Remembering Genocide in Namibia
    | 2021
    Reitz, Núrel Bahí; Mannitz, Sabine (2021): Remembering Genocide in Namibia, PRIF Working Paper, 53: 53, Frankfurt/M.
  • Thailand’s Security Sector “Deform” and “Reform”
    | 2021
    Chambers, Paul; Waitoolkiat, Napisa (2021): Thailand’s Security Sector “Deform” and “Reform”, PRIF Working Paper, 52: 52.
  • The Role of Gamification in Radicalization Processes
    | 2021
    Schlegel, Linda (2021): The Role of Gamification in Radicalization Processes, modus|zad (modus Zentrum für angewandte Deradikalisierungsforschung), Working Paper 1/2021.
  • Autonome Waffensysteme und menschliche Kontrolle: Konsens über das Konzept, Unklarheit über die Operationalisierung
    | 2021
    Dahlmann, Anja; Hoffberger-Pippan, Elisabeth; Wachs, Lydia (2021): Autonome Waffensysteme und menschliche Kontrolle: Konsens über das Konzept, Unklarheit über die Operationalisierung, SWP Aktuell, 31, 1–8. DOI: 10.18449/2021A31
  • What Do We Know about Struggles over Neoliberal Reforms?
    | 2020
    Wolff, Jonas (2020): What Do We Know about Struggles over Neoliberal Reforms?. The Political Economy and the Contentious Politics of Stabilization and Structural Adjustment in Latin America and beyond, PRIF Working Paper, 51, Frankfurt/M.
  • The Egyptian Experience in Dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic: Between Politics and the Media
    | 2020
    Arab Forum for Alternatives (2020): The Egyptian Experience in Dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic: Between Politics and the Media, Working Paper.
  • Understanding Societal Perspectives on African Interventions
    | 2020
    Witt, Antonia (2020): Understanding Societal Perspectives on African Interventions. A Methodological Agenda, PRIF Working Paper, 50: 50, Frankfurt/M.
  • It's Complicated
    | 2020
    Fehl, Caroline; Rosert, Elvira (2020): It's Complicated. A Conceptual Framework for Studying Relations and Interactions between International Norms, PRIF Working Paper, 49, Frankfurt/M.
  • Nigeria’s Police Work between International Reform Ideas and National Security Arrangements
    | 2020
    Müller, Nina (2020): Nigeria’s Police Work between International Reform Ideas and National Security Arrangements, PRIF Working Paper, 48.
  • Norm Conflicts in Global Health: The Case of Indonesia and Pandemic Influenza Preparedness
    | 2020
    Jakob, Una (2020): Norm Conflicts in Global Health: The Case of Indonesia and Pandemic Influenza Preparedness, PRIF Working Paper, 47.
  • Training, Ideas and Practices. The Law of Nations in the Long Eighteenth Century
    | 2020
    Cahen, Raphaël (2020): Training, Ideas and Practices. The Law of Nations in the Long Eighteenth Century, in: Raphaël Cahen, Frederik Dhondt, Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina (eds), Journal of the History of International Law/Revue d’histoire du droit international, 22: 1.
  • ‘Puzzling’ Moments in the Field: Dilemmas of Positionality and Self-Reflexivity
    | 2019
    Göğüş, Sezer İdil (2019): ‘Puzzling’ Moments in the Field: Dilemmas of Positionality and Self-Reflexivity, PRIF Working Paper, 46, Frankfurt/M.
  • Digital Fascism. Challenges for the Open Society in Times of Social Media
    | 2019
    Fielitz, Maik; Marcks, Holger (2019): Digital Fascism. Challenges for the Open Society in Times of Social Media, Berkeley Center for Right-Wing Studies Working Paper Series.
  • The Socioeconomic Dimension of Islamist Radicalization in Egypt and Tunisia
    | 2019
    Süß, Clara-Auguste; Aakhunzzada, Ahmad Noor Baheige (2019): The Socioeconomic Dimension of Islamist Radicalization in Egypt and Tunisia, PRIF Working Paper, 45, Frankfurt/M.
  • The Spatial Dimension of Insurgent-Civilian Relations: Routinised Insurgent Space
    | 2019
    O'Connor, Francis (2019): The Spatial Dimension of Insurgent-Civilian Relations: Routinised Insurgent Space, PRIF Working Paper, 44, Frankfurt/M.
  • Negotiating Between Unequal Neighbours: India's Role in Nepal's Recent Constitution-Making Process
    | 2018
    Bhattarai, Prakash (2018): Negotiating Between Unequal Neighbours: India's Role in Nepal's Recent Constitution-Making Process, PRIF Working Paper, 43, Frankfurt/M.
  • Tech Companies as Cybersecurity Norm Entrepreneurs
    | 2018
    Gorwa, Robert; Peez, Anton (2018): Tech Companies as Cybersecurity Norm Entrepreneurs. A Critical Analysis of Microsoft’s Cyber security Tech Accord, Working Paper.
  • The Democratizing Effect of Non-Violent Resistance
    | 2018
    Bayer, Markus (2018): The Democratizing Effect of Non-Violent Resistance, Swiss Peace Working Paper, 2018: 3.
  • African Regional Organizations Seen From Below: Theorizing Legitimacy Beyond the European Nation-State
    | 2018
    Schnabel, Simone (2018): African Regional Organizations Seen From Below: Theorizing Legitimacy Beyond the European Nation-State, PRIF Working Paper, 42, Frankfurt/M.
  • Navigating Norm Complexity
    | 2018
    Fehl, Caroline (2018): Navigating Norm Complexity. A Shared Research Agenda for Diverse Constructivist Perspectives, PRIF Working Paper, 41, Frankfurt/M.
  • From Alien to Inalienable?
    | 2018
    Lorenz, Philip (2018): From Alien to Inalienable?. Changing Attitudes about Human Rights in the Indonesian Security Sector, PRIF Working Paper, 40, Frankfurt/M.
  • Managing regime stability
    | 2018
    Rogova, Vera (2018): Managing regime stability. The 2018 presidential elections in authoritarian Russia, Tartu: UPTAKE Working Paper No. 11/2018.
  • Norm-Taking, Norm-Faking, And Norm-Making: Russia And The International Election Observation Norm
    | 2017
    Bakalova, Evgeniya (2017): Norm-Taking, Norm-Faking, And Norm-Making: Russia And The International Election Observation Norm, PRIF Working Paper, 39, Frankfurt/M.
  • Anonymity and its Prospects in the Digital World
    | 2017
    Thiel, Thorsten (2017): Anonymity and its Prospects in the Digital World, PRIF Working Paper, 38, Frankfurt/M.
  • Mobilization of the Marginalized: Unemployment Activism in Tunisia
    | 2017
    Hamdi, Samiha; Weipert-Fenner, Irene (2017): Mobilization of the Marginalized: Unemployment Activism in Tunisia, Isaam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs, Working Paper, 43, American University of Beirut.
  • „Justice is achieved if peace is restored“
    | 2017
    Brandt, Hans-Jürgen (2017): „Justice is achieved if peace is restored“. Indigenous Justice, Legal Pluralism, and Change in Peru and Ecuador, PRIF Working Paper, 37, Frankfurt/M.
  • Actor, Network, Symbol: The Interparliamentary Conference on CFSP/CSDP
    | 2017
    Peters, Dirk (2017): Actor, Network, Symbol: The Interparliamentary Conference on CFSP/CSDP. PACO Working Paper No. 3.
  • Negotiating International Civil Society Support
    | 2017
    Birru, Jalale Getachew; Wolff, Jonas (2017): Negotiating International Civil Society Support. The Case of Ethiopia's 2009 Charities and Societies Proclamation, PRIF Working Paper, 36, Frankfurt/M.
  • Eigenmächtige Gewalt, zwingendes Recht: Zur Selbstbehauptung und Selbstgefährdung des Friedens als Rechtsordnung
    | 2017
    Brock, Lothar; Simon, Hendrik (2017): Eigenmächtige Gewalt, zwingendes Recht: Zur Selbstbehauptung und Selbstgefährdung des Friedens als Rechtsordnung, PRIF Working Paper, 35, Frankfurt/M.
  • Justice as Conflict of Recognition: The Case of SGBV in the Rome Statute and in the ICC
    | 2016
    Wisotzki, Simone (2016): Justice as Conflict of Recognition: The Case of SGBV in the Rome Statute and in the ICC, PRIF Working Paper, 34, Frankfurt/M.
  • The Dataset on Post‐civil War Power and Compromise, 1990–2012
    | 2016
    Gromes, Thorsten; Ranft, Florian (2016): The Dataset on Post‐civil War Power and Compromise, 1990–2012, PRIF Working Paper, 33, Frankfurt/M.
  • From Driver of Change to Marginalized Actor: Egypt’s New Unionism from a Comparative Perspective
    | 2016
    Abdalla, Nadine; Wolff, Jonas (2016): From Driver of Change to Marginalized Actor: Egypt’s New Unionism from a Comparative Perspective, PRIF Working Paper, 31, Frankfurt/M.
  • Unemployed Movements in the Global South
    | 2016
    Weipert-Fenner, Irene; Wolff, Jonas (2016): Unemployed Movements in the Global South. The cases of Argentina and Tunisia, PRIF Working Paper, 32, Frankfurt/M.
  • Justice in Interdisciplinary Perspective
    | 2016
    Müller, Harald (2016): Justice in Interdisciplinary Perspective. Findings From Other Disciplines and Their Impact on International Relations, PRIF Working Paper, 30, Frankfurt/M.
  • Strukturelle Gewalt verstehen – Eine Anleitung zur Operationalisierung
    | 2016
    Scheyer, Victoria; Grant-Hayford, Naakow (2016): Strukturelle Gewalt verstehen – Eine Anleitung zur Operationalisierung, G-I Working Papers.
  • Push and Pull: Russia's Pivot to Asia
    | 2016
    Spanger, Hans-Joachim (2016): Push and Pull: Russia's Pivot to Asia, PRIF Working Paper, 29, Frankfurt/M.
  • A Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone in Europe. Concept – Problems – Chances
    | 2016
    Müller, Harald; Franceschini, Giorgio; Melamud, Aviv; Müller, Daniel; Péczeli, Anna; Schaper, Annette (2016): A Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone in Europe. Concept – Problems – Chances, PRIF Working Paper, 27, Frankfurt/M.
  • Power Transition Theory and the Peculiar Case of Weimarian Germany
    | 2016
    Rauch, Carsten (2016): Power Transition Theory and the Peculiar Case of Weimarian Germany, PRIF Working Paper, 28.
  • Cultural Bias in the Perception of Foreign Policy Events
    | 2016
    Bethke, Felix S. (2016): Cultural Bias in the Perception of Foreign Policy Events, Global Cooperation Research Papers, 14, Duisburg: Centre for Global Cooperation Research.
  • The Causes of State Collapse: Results from a QCA Analysis
    | 2015
    Lambach, Daniel; Johais, Eva; Bayer, Markus (2015): The Causes of State Collapse: Results from a QCA Analysis, Compass Working-Paper, 2015: 80.
  • The Original Battle Trolls: How States Represent the Internet as a Violent Place
    | 2015
    Kamis, Ben; Thiel, Thorsten (2015): The Original Battle Trolls: How States Represent the Internet as a Violent Place, PRIF Working Paper, No. 23.
  • Socioeconomic contention and post-revolutionary political change in Egypt and Tunisia
    | 2015
    Weipert-Fenner, Irene; Wolff, Jonas (2015): Socioeconomic contention and post-revolutionary political change in Egypt and Tunisia. A research agenda, PRIF Working Paper, 24, Frankfurt/M.
  • Zum Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Internationalismus und Nationalismus in der Zweiten Internationale [Elektronische Daten]
    | 2015
    Schoch, Bruno (2015): Zum Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Internationalismus und Nationalismus in der Zweiten Internationale [Elektronische Daten].
  • Just Peace Governance. Forschungsprogramm des Leibniz-Instituts Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung
    | 2015
    Humrich, Christoph; Daase, Christopher (2015): Just Peace Governance. Forschungsprogramm des Leibniz-Instituts Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, PRIF Working Paper, 25, Frankfurt/M..
  • Shadows from the Past:The Nazi-Regime, the Holocaust, and Germany's Relationship towards the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
    | 2015
    Krell, Gert (2015): Shadows from the Past:The Nazi-Regime, the Holocaust, and Germany's Relationship towards the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, PRIF Working Paper, No. 26.
  • The Question of Self-Determination in International Democracy Promotion
    | 2014
    Wolff, Jonas (2014): The Question of Self-Determination in International Democracy Promotion, PRIF Working Paper, 19, Frankfurt/M.
  • A Network in Transition: Actors, Interests, and Alliances in the Afghanistan Conflict as of Early 2014
    | 2014
    Bell, Arvid (2014): A Network in Transition: Actors, Interests, and Alliances in the Afghanistan Conflict as of Early 2014, PRIF Working Paper, No. 20.
  • Zwischen Staatenwelt und Weltstaat
    | 2014
    Schlotter, Peter; Krell, Gert (2014): Zwischen Staatenwelt und Weltstaat. Zur Diskussion über Weltordnung und Weltfrieden, PRIF Working Paper, No. 21.
  • 'Just Peace', Just Peace – What Peace
    | 2014
    Bakalova, Evgeniya; Jüngling, Konstanze (2014): 'Just Peace', Just Peace – What Peace. The US and Russia's Conceptual Approaches to Peace and Conflict Settlement, PRIF Working Paper, No. 22.
  • Panel Discussion: Disarmament Verification - a Dialogue on Technical and Transparency Issues
    | 2013
    Göttsche, Malte; Neuneck, Götz (2013): Panel Discussion: Disarmament Verification - a Dialogue on Technical and Transparency Issues, ESARDA bulletin, 50: ESARDA, 124-125.
  • Die Libyen-Intervention: Warum Deutschlands Enthaltung im Sicherheitsrat falsch war
    | 2013
    Schoch, Bruno (2013): Die Libyen-Intervention: Warum Deutschlands Enthaltung im Sicherheitsrat falsch war, PRIF Working Paper, No. 16.
  • Human Security and the Politics of Protection. Avoiding or Enhancing Responsibility?
    | 2013
    Brock, Lothar (2013): Human Security and the Politics of Protection. Avoiding or Enhancing Responsibility?, PRIF Working Paper, No. 17.
  • Transnationales Regieren
    | 2013
    Breitmeier, Helmut; Conzelmann, Thomas; Wolf, Klaus Dieter (2013): Transnationales Regieren.
  • Transnationales Regieren in historischer Perspektive
    | 2013
    Wolf, Klaus Dieter (2013): Transnationales Regieren in historischer Perspektive. Im Westen nichts Neues?.
  • Things We Lost in the Fire
    | 2013
    Deitelhoff, Nicole; Zimmermann, Lisbeth (2013): Things We Lost in the Fire. How Different Types of Contestation Affect the Validity of International Norms, PRIF Working Paper, 18, Frankfurt/M.
  • Community, Enforcement and Justification. The International Law of Intervention in World-Societal Perspective
    | 2012
    Kroll, Stefan (2012): Community, Enforcement and Justification. The International Law of Intervention in World-Societal Perspective, Osgoode Hall Law School, Toronto: Osgoode CLPE Research Paper No. 12/2012.
  • Postliberal Democracy Emerging?
    | 2012
    Wolff, Jonas (2012): Postliberal Democracy Emerging?. A conceptual proposal and the case of Bolivia, PRIF Working Paper, 11, Frankfurt/M.
  • The Normative Challenge of Interaction
    | 2012
    Poppe, Annika Elena; Wolff, Jonas (2012): The Normative Challenge of Interaction. Justice Conflicts in Democracy Promotion, PRIF Working Paper, 12, Frankfurt/M.
  • An-Nahdha im Wandel.
    | 2012
    El Ouazghari, Karima (2012): An-Nahdha im Wandel.. Eine islamistische Bewegung im Kontext sich verändernder Opportunitätsstrukturen in Tunesien, PRIF Working Paper, No.14.
  • Between Norms and Interests
    | 2012
    Wolff, Jonas; Spanger, Hans-Joachim; Karakas, Cemal (2012): Between Norms and Interests. US and German Democracy Promotion in Comparison, PRIF Working Paper, 15, Frankfurt/M.
  • Regionale Sicherheitskulturen im Wandel
    | 2012
    Lesch, Max (2012): Regionale Sicherheitskulturen im Wandel. Schutzverantwortung in Südostasien und Afrika, Working Paper 10/2012, Projekt "Sicherheitskultur im Wandel", Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main.
  • Negotiating Political Order(s): The Politics of Unconstitutional Changes of Government
    | 2012
    Witt, Antonia (2012): Negotiating Political Order(s): The Politics of Unconstitutional Changes of Government. Working Paper No. 2, Leipzig: Centre for Area Studies, Universität Leipzig.
  • Concepts of Soldiering between National Norms and International Operations
    | 2011
    Mannitz, Sabine (2011): Concepts of Soldiering between National Norms and International Operations. Results of a Comparative European Research Project, Wien: IAMPS.
  • Theoriedebatten in der deutschsprachigen Friedens- und Konfliktforschung:
    | 2011
    Schlotter, Peter; Wisotzki, Simone (2011): Theoriedebatten in der deutschsprachigen Friedens- und Konfliktforschung:. von der traditionellen und kritischen zur konstruktivistischen  Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, Augsburg: AFK-Workshop.
  • Justice in international diplomacy
    | 2011
    Müller, Harald (2011): Justice in international diplomacy, PRIF Working Paper, 8, Frankfurt/M.
  • Notions of Justice in the Biological Weapons Control Regime
    | 2011
    Becker-Jakob, Una (2011): Notions of Justice in the Biological Weapons Control Regime, PRIF Working Paper, 9, Frankfurt/M.
  • Parliamentary Control of Military Missions: The Case of the EU NAVFOR Atalanta
    | 2011
    Peters, Dirk; Wagner, Wolfgang; Glahn, Cosima (2011): Parliamentary Control of Military Missions: The Case of the EU NAVFOR Atalanta.
  • Leadership in World Society
    | 2011
    Jakobi, Anja P. (2011): Leadership in World Society. Power and Change from the Perspective of Sociological Institutionalism, PRIF Working Paper, No.10.
  • Just Peace Governance
    | 2011
    Humrich, Christoph; Daase, Christopher (2011): Just Peace Governance. Research Program of the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt, PRIF Working Paper, 01, Frankfurt/M..
  • Von der Sonnenscheinpolitik zum Säbelrasseln und zurück?
    | 2011
    Schmidt, Hans-Joachim (2011): Von der Sonnenscheinpolitik zum Säbelrasseln und zurück?. Zur politischen Lage der koreanischen Halbinsel.
  • Same Same or Different?
    | 2010
    Zimmermann, Lisbeth (2010): Same Same or Different?. Local Reactions to Democracy Promotion between Take-over and Appropriation, PRIF Working Paper, No.02.