Rule and Resistance in the Nuclear Order

Book cover with typographically designed title “Rule and Resistance in the Nuclear Order” by Sascha Hach, published by transcript-Verlag

New book by Sascha Hach

The Treaty on the Prohi­bition of Nuclear Wea­pons, which came into force in 2021, aims to create a world with­out nuclear wea­pons. It funda­mentally challenges the gover­nance structures of the Nuclear Non-Proli­feration Treaty (NPT) and thus the existing nuclear order. How could this rebel­lion of compa­ratively small players against the most mili­tarily power­ful states in the world succeed? In his new book publi­cation “Rule & Resis­tance in the Nuclear Order”, Sascha Hach shows how the power struc­tures in the NPT were challenged by the Huma­nitarian Ini­tiative for Nuclear Dis­armament.

The answer lies in the for­mation of an alliance of non-nuclear wea­pon states and civil society, which used sub­versive tech­niques to counter the dis­cursive and pro­cedural domi­nance of the nu­clear weapon states. Some of this resis­tance was also moti­vated by anti-colo­nialism. These sub­versive tech­niques of resis­tance against arbi­trary great power poli­tics are be­coming in­creasingly impor­tant in view of the geo­political up­heavals world­wide.

In the study, Sascha Hach draws on numerous pri­mary sources and quali­tative inter­views with top diplo­mats and NGO repre­sentatives. The inno­vative theo­retical approach to the study of rule and resis­tance in inter­national rela­tions, combined with a critical and post­colonial pers­pective, opens up new in­sights into the func­tioning of the nuclear order and success­ful strate­gies of political resis­tance.

“Rule & Resis­tance in the Nuclear Order” is based on Sascha Hach's disser­tation pro­ject, which was carried out as part of the “Pers­pectives on Arms Con­trol” project with support from the Ger­man Federal Foreign Office. The book has been pub­lished by trans­cript-Verlag and is available open access thanks to support from the PRIF Publi­cation Fund and the Leibniz Asso­ciation.