Larissa-Diana Fuhrmann
Larissa-Diana Fuhrmann works as a Researcher since summer 2023 as part of the Research Department Glocal Junctions with her project Conflict and Art: The Transformative Potential of Aesthetic Practices. She is interested in theoretical and artistic engagements with political violence, focusing on decolonial perspectives and critically questioning the production and transfer of knowledge in academic and artistic contexts.
| since 2023
Researcher at PRIF
| 2018–2022
Research Associate, Junior Research Group “Jihadism on the Internet: The Shaping of Images and Videos, Their Appropriation and Dissemination”, Institute of Ethnology and African Studies
| 2014–2017
Cultural Manager and Curator, Cultural Department, Goethe Institute Khartoum
| 2012
Research for the MA Thesis, Nairobi University, Kenia
| 2012
DAAD scholarship holder for an internship abroad at DEG in Nairobi, Kenya
| 2011–2014
MA, African Studies, University of Cologne
| 2010–2012
Scholarship holder of the NRW Scholarship, sponsored by DEG Bank of the Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia
| 2009–2010
Semester abroad and DAAD scholarship holder for a semester abroad, University of Khartoum
| 2007–2011
BA, African and Islamic Studies, University of Cologne
- Challenges in Digital Ethnography: Research Ethics relating to the Securitization of Islam
| 2020
Fuhrmann, Larissa-Diana; Pfeifer, Simone (2020): Challenges in Digital Ethnography: Research Ethics relating to the Securitization of Islam, Journal of Muslims in Europe, 9 (2), 175– 195. DOI: 10.1163/22117954-BJA10002
- Digitale Team-Ethnografie: Teilnehmende Beobachtung auf Instagram mit dem Account Hashtag Islam
| 2023
Fuhrmann, Larissa-Diana; Pfeifer, Simone; Wiechert, Maike; Ahmad, Muna (2023): Digitale Team-Ethnografie: Teilnehmende Beobachtung auf Instagram mit dem Account Hashtag Islam, in: Stollfuß, Sven/Niebling, Laura/Raczkowski, Felix (eds), Handbuch Digitale Medien und Methoden, Wiesbaden: Springer Link, 1–24. DOI: - Contested Chants: The Nashīd Salīl al-Sawārim and its Appropriations
| 2020
Fuhrmann, Larissa-Diana; Dick, Alexandra (2020): Contested Chants: The Nashīd Salīl al-Sawārim and its Appropriations, in: Christoph Günther und Simone Pfeifer (eds), Jihadi Audiovisuality and its Entanglements: Aesthetics, Meanings, Appropriations, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 294–319. DOI: 10.3366/edinburgh/9781474467513.003.0013 - Re-enacting Violence: Testing and Contesting Public Spheres with Appropriations of IS Execution Videos
| 2020
Pfeifer, Simone; Fuhrmann, Larissa-Diana; Wevers, Patricia (2020): Re-enacting Violence: Testing and Contesting Public Spheres with Appropriations of IS Execution Videos, in: Christoph Günther und Simone Pfeifer (eds), Jihadi Audiovisuality and its Entanglements: Aesthetics, Meanings, Appropriations, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 198–221. DOI: 10.3366/edinburgh/9781474467513.003.0009 - Ṣalīl al-Ṣawārim: Ein Nashīd und seine Aneignungen
| 2020
Fuhrmann, Larissa-Diana; Dick, Alexandra (2020): Ṣalīl al-Ṣawārim: Ein Nashīd und seine Aneignungen, in: Zywietz, Bernd (eds), Die Propaganda des Islamischen Staates: Formen und Formate, Wiesbaden: Springer Verlag. - Inside the Islamic State’s Media – Eine kollaborative Videoanalyse
| 2020
Beese, Yorck; Zywietz, Bernd; Fuhrmann, Larissa-Diana; Pfeifer, Simone; Günther, Christoph; Dick, Alexandra (2020): Inside the Islamic State’s Media – Eine kollaborative Videoanalyse, in: Zywietz, Bernd (eds), Die Propaganda des Islamischen Staates: Formen und Formate, Wiesbaden: Springer Verlag. - Towards an understanding of political satire in the Sudan
| 2019
Fuhrmann, Larissa-Diana (2019): Towards an understanding of political satire in the Sudan, in: Sabine Damir- Geilsdorf and Stephan Milich (eds), Creative Resistance: Political Humour in the Arab Uprisings, Bielefeld: transcript, 171-188. DOI: 10.14361/9783839440698-007
ISBN: 978-3-8394-4069-8
- Mindbombs. Visual cultures of political violence
| 2021
Fuhrmann, Larissa-Diana; Baden, Sebastian; Holten, Johann (2021): Mindbombs. Visual cultures of political violence, Berlin/Bielefeld: Kerber.
ISBN: 978-3-7356-0806-2
- Sudan Untold/ Retold
| 2019
Wad Albaih, Khalid; Fuhrmann, Larissa-Diana (2019): Sudan Untold/ Retold, Berlin: Hirnkost Verlag.
- Sudans humanitäre Katastrophe: die Rolle von Zivilgesellschaft und Kunst als Zeugen
| 2024
Fuhrmann, Larissa-Diana (2024): Sudans humanitäre Katastrophe: die Rolle von Zivilgesellschaft und Kunst als Zeugen, PRIF Blog.
Publication - Rhythms of Resistance: Sudanese Jazz and the Continuities of Political Expression through Music
| 2023
Fuhrmann, Larissa-Diana (2023): Rhythms of Resistance: Sudanese Jazz and the Continuities of Political Expression through Music, Boy.Brother.Friend.
Publication - Representations of Political Violence in Museological Spaces
| 2023
Fuhrmann, Larissa-Diana; Mannitz, Sabine (2023): Representations of Political Violence in Museological Spaces. Decolonial Strategies, Contested Memory and Transformative Potential, Boasblog.
Publication - „10 Sudanese Movies you need to see”
| 2023
Fuhrmann, Larissa-Diana (2023): „10 Sudanese Movies you need to see”: Schirn Magazin.
Publication - Text zur Teilnahme der Künstlerin Julia Benz am Residenzprogramm von B-Murals in Barcelona, Spanien
| 2022
Fuhrmann, Larissa-Diana (2022): Text zur Teilnahme der Künstlerin Julia Benz am Residenzprogramm von B-Murals in Barcelona, Spanien.
Publication - „Mindbombs: Der künstlerische Umgang mit dem Terror"
| 2022
Fuhrmann, Larissa-Diana (2022): „Mindbombs: Der künstlerische Umgang mit dem Terror": Kunsthalle Mannheim Blog.
Publication - „Female Resistance Made in Sudan”
| 2022
Fuhrmann, Larissa-Diana (2022): „Female Resistance Made in Sudan”: Schirn Magazin.
Publication - Verena Straub: Das Selbstmordattentat im Bild
| 2022
Fuhrmann, Larissa-Diana (2022): Verena Straub: Das Selbstmordattentat im Bild, Bielefeld: transcript 2021.
Publication - Beitrag zum Katalog über die Künstlerin Amna Elhassan
| 2022
Fuhrmann, Larissa-Diana (2022): Beitrag zum Katalog über die Künstlerin Amna Elhassan, in: Köttering, Martin; Baden, Sebastian (eds).
Publication - „Bilder der Gewalt: Künstlerische Auseinandersetzungen als pädagogischer Zugang"
| 2021
Dick, Alexandra; Fuhrmann, Larissa-Diana (2021): „Bilder der Gewalt: Künstlerische Auseinandersetzungen als pädagogischer Zugang".
Publication - „Die Macht der Archive"
| 2020
Klöckner, Laura; Fuhrmann, Larissa-Diana (2020): „Die Macht der Archive": Goethe-Institut.
Publication - „Protest art in Sudan’s uprising"
| 2019
Fuhrmann, Larissa-Diana (2019): „Protest art in Sudan’s uprising".
Publication - „Archiving Sudan’s past, present and future"
| 2019
Fuhrmann, Larissa-Diana (2019): „Archiving Sudan’s past, present and future".
Publication - „#sudanrevolts: contesting power & violence through art"
| 2019
Fuhrmann, Larissa-Diana (2019): „#sudanrevolts: contesting power & violence through art".
Further Activities
| since 2022
Member of DGSKA
| 2020–2022
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the exhibition “Mindbombs – Visuelle Kulturen politischer Gewalt” at the Kunsthalle Mannheim
Selected exhibitions:
- Amna Elhassan - DECONSTRUCTED BODIES – IN SEARCH OF HOME , Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt 4.11.2022-12.02.2023
- Tadham – Eine Fotoausstellung aus dem Jemen , Soma Art Space, Berlin 03.12.2022-10.12.2022
- Mindbombs – Visuelle Kulturen politischer Gewalt , Kunsthalle, Mannheim 10.09.2021-24.04.2022
- reCLAIM platform – art as resistance against political violence , Kuratierte Web Applikation, seit Februar 2021
- Acts of Resistance: An Anthology , virtuelle Ausstellung für das Goethe-Institut Sudan
- Habibi Funk: A Spotlight on Arab Grooves, East Wing Gallery, Dubai 21.03.-30.07.2018
- A Sudanese Triangle , Galerie Speckstrasse, Hamburg 09.06.-17.06.2018