Jonas Schaaf

Doctoral Researcher

​​Jonas Schaaf is a Research Associate at PRIF's Research Depar­tment Glocal Junctions. His research focuses on African regional organ­izations, their non-military conflict inter­ventions as well as German engage­ment in the Sahel.


since 2022 
Research Associate in the Competence Network “African Non-Military Conflict Inter­vention Practices” at PRIF 

| 2021 
Postgraduate Study Program “Inter­national Cooperation for Sustainable Develop­ment” at the Centre for Rural Develop­ment (SLE), Humboldt University Berlin 

| 2017–2020 
Research Associate at the Depart­ment of Geo­graphy, University of Giessen 

| 2013–2017 
Master of Science in Geo­graphy, University of Giessen 

| 2013–2014 
Internship at the Centre for Environ­mental Manage­ment, Potchefstroom, South Africa 

| 2010–2013 
Bachelor of Science in Geo­graphy, University of Giessen 


  • Bringing Climate Justice into the European Green Deal
    | 2021
    Mallach, Konstantin; Neubert, Susanne; Schaaf, Jonas (2021): Bringing Climate Justice into the European Green Deal. Recommendations for new Energy Partnerships with Africa, SLE Briefing Paper Series, 2021: 1.

  • Ursachen fragiler Staatlichkeit im westlichen Sahel
    | 2021
    Dittmann, Andreas; Schaaf, Jonas (2021): Ursachen fragiler Staatlichkeit im westlichen Sahel, in: Heß, Julius/Lutz, Karl-Heinz/Konopka, Torsten (eds), Wegweiser zur Geschichte. Mali und westlicher Sahel, Paderborn: Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh, 155–164.

  • The New US Administrations’ Africa Policies: What to Expect and Why it Matters
    | 2024
    Schaaf, Jonas (2024): The New US Administrations’ Africa Policies: What to Expect and Why it Matters, PRIF Blog.
  • Keine Freude über den Abzug
    | 2023
    Schaaf, Jonas (2023): Keine Freude über den Abzug, PRIF Blog.

Further Activities

| 2022–2024 
Co-Spokesperson of PRIF’s Doctoral Researchers 

| since 2020 
Active member of the Network German West Africa Policy 

| 2018–2020 
Spokesperson of Scientific Staff in the Directory of the Institute of Geography, Justus Liebig University Giessen 

| 2018–2019 
Public Relations Officer of the Giessen Geographic Society