Christin Stühlen

Doctoral Researcher

In my work, I am inte­rested in more recent socio-eco­logical conflicts in south-eastern Europe that take place in the con­text of ‘green’ extractivism.

Christin Stühlen is a Docto­ral Researcher at PRIFS's Research Depart­ment Intrastate Conflict. In her work, she focuses not only on move­ment and protest actors but also on various insti­tutions of the Euro­pean Union.


| since 2024
Doctoral Re­searcher, Research Depart­ment Intrastate Conflict, PRIF

| 2024
Lecturer at the Depart­ment of Develop­ment Policy and Post­colonial Studies at the University of Kassel

| 2022–2024
Research assis­tant and lecturer at the Philipps Uni­versity of Marburg

| 2021–2022
Student assistant at the Depart­ment of Feminisms and/from the Global South at Goethe Uni­versity Frankfurt/M.

| 2021–2022
Parental leave replace­ment in the public relations depart­ment at medico international e.V.

| 2019–2021
Student assistant at medico inter­national e.V.

| 2018–2022
Master's degree in Inter­national Studies/Peace Research at Goethe Uni­versity Frankfurt/M.

| 2018–2023
Freelancer for Hessischer Rund­funk

| 2017–2023
Freelancer for West­deutscher Rundf­unk

| 2015
Erasmus+ stay at the University of Akureyri, Iceland

| 2013–2017
Bachelor's degree in Social Sciences at Hein­rich Heine Uni­versity Düsseldorf


  • Transnational companies in environmental conflicts: Rio Tinto, anti-mining resistance in Serbia, and the contradictions of Europeanization.
    | 2024
    Stuehlen, Christin; Anderl, Felix (2024): Transnational companies in environmental conflicts: Rio Tinto, anti-mining resistance in Serbia, and the contradictions of Europeanization., Zeitschrift für Friedens und Konfliktforschung. DOI: 10.1007/s42597-024-00114-5
  • Infrastrukturen der Gewalt. Lützerath, Dannenröder Forst und die Klimagerechtigkeitsbewegung
    | 2023
    Haudenschild, Daniel; Anderl, Felix; Stühlen, Christin (2023): Infrastrukturen der Gewalt. Lützerath, Dannenröder Forst und die Klimagerechtigkeitsbewegung, Wissenschaft und Frieden , 2: 41, 10–14.
  • An den Grenzen Europas. Fürsorgliche Solidarität als aktivistische Praxis.
    | 2021
    Stühlen, Christin; Behrends, Jasmin; Reinhardt, Darius (2021): An den Grenzen Europas. Fürsorgliche Solidarität als aktivistische Praxis., Who Cares. Engagée journal , 1: 10, 64–69.

  • Solidarität, Care und Widerstand an der französisch-italienischen Grenze.
    | 2022
    Behrends, Jasmin; Leuthner, Rebekka; Reinhardt, Darius; Stühlen, Christin; Wenz, Ruth; Zirker, Franziska (2022): Solidarität, Care und Widerstand an der französisch-italienischen Grenze., in: KollektivDagegenhalten (eds), Zivilgesellschaftliche Solidaritäten gegen das EU-Grenzregime, 28–33.

Further Activities

  • Mid-level repre­sentative on the budget committee of Philipps-Uni­versity Marburg

  • Stühlen, Christin (2021): Balkan­route. Innen Außen. Available on­line at
  • Behrends, Jasmin/Stühlen, Christin (2020): Kein Zutritt. Was Flücht­linge an den bewachten Grenzen der Balkan­route erleben. In: Alle heißt alle. medico-News­letter 4 (68), S. 49 – 53.

  • The Vio­lence of the Climate Crisis – Extinction, Repression & Environ­mental Justice Activism (together with Laura Kotzur) (ipb-conference 2023, organized by Philipps-Uni­versity Marburg, FU Berlin and the INTER­ACT Research Center)