KURI – Configurations of Social and Political Practices in Dealing with Radical Islam

Eine orangene Rolltreppe

Islamist-motivated terrorism and islamism have been the focus of media, political and social attention for years. Various measures to pre­vent and to counter extremist tendencies were taken and they range from prevention by civil society groups to co­ercive measures taken by the government. Although fundamental questions of liberal and plura­listic societies are always addressed when dealing with islamism, there is a lack of studies that examine which factors have been de­cisive for these measures.

Researchers from the Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg (IFSH) and Peace Research Institute Frankfurt (PRIF) probe the field of ten­sion in dealing with islamism – and include right-wing populist and right-wing ex­tremist dynamics in their analysis as well. In this field of phenomena, the inter­play of societal demands on the state and civil society institutions on the one hand and the problem perceptions, problem de­finitions, solution concepts and practices of politics, administration, se­curity authorities and civil society groups on the other are examined. The project aims to support politics and society in finding basic, practice-oriented answers to the pro­blems of dealing with islamism in Germany and Europe.

The consortium project KURI is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) with a du­ration from September 2020 to March 2025.

Further information can be found on the project website kuri-projekt.de.

Photo: @wyron via Unsplash, Unslpash License


Project Lead

Julian Junk

Julian Junk


Lea Deborah Scheu

Lea Deborah Scheu

Isabelle Stephanblome

Isabelle Stephanblome

Felix Bethke

Felix Bethke

Christopher Daase

Christopher Daase

Stefan Kroll

Stefan Kroll

Mona Klöckner, Foto: PRIF

Mona Klöckner

Manjana Sold


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