Democracy beyond Legitimate Coercion: Deadly Use of Force by the Police in the Philippines and Brazil

Police in a dark entrance

This project investi­gates state coercion in the form of deadly police violence in times of domestic peace in two demo­cracies of the Global South. With Rodrigo Duterte and Jair Bolso­naro, populists came to power in both coun­tries, giving the police a free hand in com­bating drug-related crime. But even before that, both countries stood out within their regions due to high levels of police vio­lence.

The project exa­mines the relation­ship between deadly police violence on the one hand and the violent attitudes of poli­ticians and the general popu­lation on the other. Most of the research on exces­sive police violence is attributed either to charac­teristics of the environ­ment in which police­men serve or to deficits of the police as an organi­zation, to deficits of the organi­zational culture or to specific strategies for preventing or combating crime. Instead, this project focuses on the role of public opinion and a corres­ponding populism of political elites who may expect a tough stance to be advan­tageous in elections as factors for explaining the use of deadly police violence with varying degrees of fre­quency – both between and within states.

The aim of the project, for which third-party funding is provided by the DFG since February 2021, is to collect accurate data on the extent of lethal police violence in Brazil and the Philip­pines for at least a decade. This frame­work will not only provide accurate infor­mation on differen­ces between states and provinces, but also reveal changes over time at the national and sub-national levels. Through intensive field research in several sub­national units, differences in the local perception of crime by the popu­lation and the local elites as well as the attitudes of the local police leader­ship and their de jure and de facto depen­dence on the local political leader­ship are worked out. On that basis, the logics under­lying police use of lethal force are recon­structed – in phases of “normality” without a centrally orches­trated campaign against crime and in phases of central political excess.

Photo: JIATF West via flickr. CC BY-ND 2.0


Project Lead

Peter Kreuzer

Peter Kreuzer

Jonas Wolff

Jonas Wolff


Ariadne Natal

Ariadne Natal


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  • Localization of Fatal Police Violence
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    Kreuzer, Peter (2024): Localization of Fatal Police Violence. Evidence from the Philippines, PRIF Spotlight, 1, Frankfurt/M. DOI: 10.48809/prifspot2401
  • Panorama da letalidade policial no Amapá
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    Natal, Ariadne (2024): Panorama da letalidade policial no Amapá, Fórum Brasileiro de Segurança Pública, São Paulo.
  • Justiciamento x Justiça: o cartão postal às avessas
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  • Vale o Escrito: Meandros do Jogo do Bicho no Rio de Janeiro
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    Natal, Ariadne (2023): Vale o Escrito: Meandros do Jogo do Bicho no Rio de Janeiro, Fórum Brasileiro de Segurança Pública.
  • Rodrigo Duterte: The Legacy of a Widely Popular Strongman President
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    Kreuzer, Peter (2023): Rodrigo Duterte: The Legacy of a Widely Popular Strongman President, PRIF Report, 7, Frankfurt/M.. DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2307
    ISBN: 978-3-946459-91-0
  • Controle do uso da força pelas polícias, uma pedra no sapato do Estado brasileiro
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    Natal, Ariadne (2023): Controle do uso da força pelas polícias, uma pedra no sapato do Estado brasileiro, Fórum Brasileiro de Segurança Pública.
  • Entre Altos e Baixos: a questão da Segurança Pública no ranking dos principais problemas brasileiros
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  • Transparência Sob Ameaça: o esvaziamento do Programa de Câmeras Corporais da Polícia Militar de São Paulo
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    Natal, Ariadne (2023): Transparência Sob Ameaça: o esvaziamento do Programa de Câmeras Corporais da Polícia Militar de São Paulo, Fórum Brasileiro de Segurança Pública.
  • O Uso da Força Letal pela Polícia: Uma Análise Comparativa entre Brasil e Filipinas
    | 2023
    Natal, Ariadne; Kreuzer, Peter (2023): O Uso da Força Letal pela Polícia: Uma Análise Comparativa entre Brasil e Filipinas, Fórum Brasileiro de Segurança Pública.
  • Linchamento no Guarujá expõe o viés na cobertura jornalística
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    Natal, Ariadne (2023): Linchamento no Guarujá expõe o viés na cobertura jornalística, Fórum Brasileiro de Segurança Pública.
  • Precisamos urgentemente de um projeto de desradicalização das forças policiais
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    Natal, Ariadne (2023): Precisamos urgentemente de um projeto de desradicalização das forças policiais.
  • Impunity and Police Vigilantism
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    Kreuzer, Peter (2022): Impunity and Police Vigilantism. Is the highly excessive use of deadly force by the police in the Philippines now over?, PRIF Spotlight, 6, Frankfurt/M. DOI: 10.48809/prifspot2206
  • Killing Politicians in the Philippines: Who, Where, When, and Why
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    Kreuzer, Peter (2022): Killing Politicians in the Philippines: Who, Where, When, and Why, PRIF Report, 2, Frankfurt/M. DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2202
  • Fear and Legitimacy in São Paulo, Brazil. Police-Citizen Relations in a High Violence, High Fear City
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    Natal, Ariadne; Jackson, Jonathan; Pósch, Krisztián; Oliveira, Thiago R. (2021): Fear and Legitimacy in São Paulo, Brazil. Police-Citizen Relations in a High Violence, High Fear City, SocArXiv.
  • Legitimidade e obediência. Diálogos da criminologia com a teoria sociológica
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    Natal, Ariadne; Castelo Branco, Frederico; Alvarez, Marcos (2021): Legitimidade e obediência. Diálogos da criminologia com a teoria sociológica, Tempo Social, 3: 33, 147–166. DOI: 10.11606/0103-2070.ts.2021.190229
  • "If You Can't Beat Them, Kill Them"
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    Kreuzer, Peter (2021): "If You Can't Beat Them, Kill Them". Fatal Violence Against Politicians in the Philippines, PRIF Report, 2, Frankfurt/M.
  • Medo do crime: Mensurando o fenômeno e explorando seus preditores na cidade de São Paulo
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  • Governors and Mayors in the Philippines
    | 2020
    Kreuzer, Peter (2020): Governors and Mayors in the Philippines. Resistance to or Support for Duterte's Deadly War on Drugs, PRIF Report, 5, Frankfurt/M.
  • Der autoritäre Patron, der liefert?
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    Kreuzer, Peter (2020): Der autoritäre Patron, der liefert?. Weiterhin breite Unterstützung für Präsident Duterte in den Philippinen, PRIF Spotlight, 5, Frankfurt/M.
  • A patron-strongman who delivers
    | 2020
    Kreuzer, Peter (2020): A patron-strongman who delivers. Explaining enduring public support for President Duterte in the Philippines, PRIF Report, 1, Frankfurt/M.
    ISBN: 978-3-946-459-53-8
  • Duterte’s war against drugs in the Philippines: Continuity and change
    | 2019
    Kreuzer, Peter (2019): Duterte’s war against drugs in the Philippines: Continuity and change, PRIF BLOG.
  • Populism, executive assertiveness and popular support for strongman-democracy in the Philippines
    | 2019
    Kreuzer, Peter (2019): Populism, executive assertiveness and popular support for strongman-democracy in the Philippines, PRIF BLOG.
  • Excessive Use of Deadly Force by Police in the Philippines Before Duterte
    | 2018
    Kreuzer, Peter (2018): Excessive Use of Deadly Force by Police in the Philippines Before Duterte, Journal of Contemporary Asia, Published online: May 2018. DOI: 10.1080/00472336.2018.1471155
  • The Philippines after one year under Duterte
    | 2017
    Kreuzer, Peter (2017): The Philippines after one year under Duterte. Still majority support for killing suspected criminals, PRIF Blog.
  • "If they resist, kill them all": Police Vigilantism in the Philippines
    | 2016
    Kreuzer, Peter (2016): "If they resist, kill them all": Police Vigilantism in the Philippines, PRIF Report, 142, Frankfurt/M.