Leibniz Research Network Crises in a Globalized World

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PRIF played a leading role in coor­dinating the work of the Research Net­work “Crises in a Globa­lized World”, which was founded in April 2013. Twenty-three Leibniz Insti­tutes were involved in this net­work, researching the over­arching patterns of crises, their dyna­mics and inter­dependencies. The focus was on finan­cial market and debt crises, food crises, environ­mental crises and crises of politi­cal order. The cross-thematic pooling of exper­tise from the social sciences, huma­nities and natural sciences should make it possible to gene­rate practical know­ledge that can be used to assess and deal with current threats as well as for the early de­tection of develop­ments that could escalate into crises.

The project was success­fully completed on De­cember 31, 2021.


Nicole Deitelhoff

Nicole Deitelhoff

Stefan Kroll

Stefan Kroll

Exhibition: Making Crises Visible

As part of the project, a special exhi­bition on the topic of “Making Crises Visible” was held at the Sencken­berg Nature Museum Frank­furt in 2020 under the patro­nage of the Hessian Minister for Science and Art, Angela Dorn. Re­searchers from the Research Net­work, the “For­mation of Norma­tive Order” cluster and Goethe Uni­versity Frank­furt joined forces with stu­dents from the Offen­bach Uni­versity of Art and Design to ex­plore the question of how crises, wars and con­flicts can be made visible. Over the course of two semes­ters, students from the depart­ments of commu­nication design, stage design, fine arts and media have cre­ated posters, objects, films and installations that pro­cess scientific content on the sub­ject of crises in such a way that they appeal to the public in unex­pected ways. The total of 50 artistic works by the students showed re­search results from the Leib­niz Re­search Net­work “Crises in a Globa­lized World” and were on display at various stations in the Sencken­berg Nature Museum. The exhi­bition was accom­panied by numerous events in which topics were ex­plored in greater depth and illu­minated from va­rious angles.

The focus was on the en­counter between art, design and science. This triad opened up new pers­pectives on current topics such as mi­gration, climate change and radicali­zation. The artistic exami­nation of the research pro­jects was inten­ded to visualize their pro­cesses and results in an exem­plary manner, while also creating an aware­ness of the not only para­lyzing, but also acti­vating power of crises. Visitors were invi­ted to become part of a creative solu­tion process in an experi­mental exchange of opinions. The aim of the pro­ject was to stimu­late public aware­ness and dia­log on crises in society and to pro­mote the transfer of know­ledge between peace and con­flict research, science, art and design. 

  • Aachen Academy of Crafts and Design
  • Anne Frank Edu­cational Center
  • City Frank­furt am Main
  • German Foun­dation for Peace Research
  • Goethe-Uni­versity Frankfurt/M.
  • Protes­tant Church in Hesse and Nassau (EKHN)
  • Research Cluster "Norma­tive Orders"
  • Darm­stadt University of Applied Sciences
  • Hamburg Uni­versity of Applied Sciences
  • Culture Foundation of the Protes­tant Church in Hesse and Nassau
  • Leibniz Asso­ciation
  • medico inter­national
  • Nanjing Uni­versity of the Arts
  • Offen­bach University of Art and Design
  • Senckenberg Natural His­tory Museum
  • Shanghai Insti­tute of Visual Arts
  • Polytechnic Foun­dation of Frankfurt/M.

Impressions from the Vernissage