What is the Future of International Crisis Management?

Three women sit and discuss

Antonia Witt at the Schader Foundation's Afghanistan Dialogue Forum

To mark the publi­cation of the interim report of the Bundes­tag's Enquete Com­mission “Lessons from Afghanistan for Germany's future networked engagement”, the Schader Foun­dation hosted a dialog forum on July 12, 2024 entitled “20 years of German foreign deployment in Afghanistan - What is the future of international crisis management?”. Antonia Witt was invited as an expert and participant in the panel discussion.

Now that the Enquete Com­mission has completed the first phase of the most extensive parlia­mentary review of a German foreign deploy­ment to date, recom­men­dations for action are to be developed for Germany's future networked crisis engagement. In addition to the future of Afghan­istan, this also involves German foreign policy against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine. The exchange therefore focused on the questions of how inter­national crisis manage­ment can continue to be a instrument of German and global foreign policy and to what extent the focus should increa­singly be placed on national and alliance defense.

In conver­sation with Nilab Alokuzay-Kiesinger, a former employee of the Afghan Foreign Ministry, Antonia Witt explained why Germany's commitment to inter­national crisis manage­ment will continue to be necessary in the future and how this can be better adapted to local contexts and build on the conflict reso­lution potential of local actors.

Antonia Witt heads the PRIF Research Group African Intervention Politics and conducts research on civilian and military inter­vention practices, and their local per­ceptions. In the current Peace Report, she sheds light on the role of inter­national military missions in West Africa. The event was organized by the Schader Foun­dation in cooperation with Philip Krämer (MP).

To video recording (YouTube)