Memory as a Resource in Conflict Transformation

Three people sitting on a podium

[Translate to Englisch:] Foto: Rousbeh Legatis

Report on international conference in Bogotá published

In September 2023, PRIF and several partners organized the interna­tional confe­rence “Memory as a resource in conflict trans­forma­tion: The role of media and journa­lists in peace­builduing” in Bogotá, Colombia. Its central fin­dings are now summa­rized in a conference report. Sabine Mannitz and Jonas Wolff from PRIF were in­volved in the conception and realiz­ation of the event.

The confe­rence brought together national and interna­tional resear­chers to discuss the role of journa­lism and media in armed conflicts and deeply divided socie­ties. The confe­rence program provi­ded space for the exchange of research fin­dings and prac­tical expe­riences through various formats such as a film screening, lectures, panels and partici­patory methods such as a World Café. A focus was put on media edu­cation approa­ches, particu­larly in the Colom­bian transi­tional justice process. The con­ference also high­lighted the successes and challen­ges of the work of media and jour­nalists, and empha­sized the impor­tance of journa­listic initia­tives and research. The poten­tial of memory work by the media in the context of challen­ges such as oppo­sitional social behavior in Colombia was clearly empha­sized. The impor­tance of quality, engage­ment and inno­vation in journa­listic repor­ting and communi­cation was also deemed necessary to better explore underre­presented topics and make them more accessible.

The conference was organized within the framework of and with funding from the research center Transformations of Political Violence (TraCe) and the Leibniz Research Alliance “Value of the Past” by PRIF together with the German-Colombian Peace Institute CAPAZ and the Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO) at the Universidad de los Andes.

The conference report (pdf) in Spanish with an English-language summary is available for download.