International Democracy Promotion in Times of Global Autocratization

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DFG funds Research Network External Democracy Promotion until 2027

The German Research Foundation (DFG) has approved funding for the External Democracy Promotion (EDP) Research Network for the period 2025 to 2027. Thanks to the funding of around 110,000 euros, the successful work on the project “On the Conceptuali­zation and Theorization of Inter­national Democracy Promotion in Times of Global Autocrati­zation” can be continued. 

The project aims to make a substantial contribution to the development of theory in the study of external democracy promotion. It seeks answers to the overall question of what effects auto­cratization has on the strategy and practice of inter­national democracy promotion and how these effects can be conceptualized and theorized. To this end, findings from existing and ongoing empirical and theoretical-conceptual work by EDP members will be systematically summarized. In addition, the project extends this research with the aim of closing current research gaps on democracy promotion in the face of autocratization processes in both donor and recipient countries.

The lead applicant is Julia Leininger (IDOS, Bonn). She coordinates the EDP research network jointly with Sonja Grimm (University of Würz­burg) and Jonas Wolff, Head of PRIF's Intrastate Conflict Research Depart­ment. Since 2015, the inter­disciplinary working group connects political scientists from Europe who research at the link between inter­national relations and comparative politics.

Current information, articles and commentaries on the research of the EDP network appear regularly on the EDP Wire.