Recommendations to Strengthen Prevention

Cover PrEval Monitor 2024: Title in green shrift on a white background, below an image of an area of green columns of different heights

The PrEval Monitor presents results from two years of research on evaluation in the prevention of extremism, democracy promotion and civil education

Expan­ding existing resources, promo­ting know­ledge exchange and creating new support struc­tures: these are three key fin­dings from two years of research and dia­log in the PrEval project. To­gether, the PrEval partners from the scientific commu­nity and practitio­ners have collected and ana­lyzed capa­cities as well as needs for eva­luation and quality assu­rance in the fields of extre­mism prevention, demo­cracy promotion and civil edu­cation. The net­work is now presen­ting the results and recommen­dations in the PrEval Monitor. How­ever, it not only contains fin­dings and recommen­dations from the indivi­dual sub-projects, but also con­crete propo­sals for concepts and instru­ments that can be used to strengthen and further de­velop eva­luation and quality assurance.

Dia­logue between the involved stake­holders plays a central role: not only is it an inte­gral part of the pro­ject, it is also the key focus of the launch of the Monitor at the PrEval Sym­posium 2024. On Novem­ber 14 and 15, the PrEval partners will present their fin­dings in Berlin and hand over the PrEval Moni­tor to Juliane Seifert, State Secre­tary at the Federal Minis­try of the Interior and for Home Affairs (BMI).

The event is open to all inte­rested parties. Regis­tration is still possible. If you are unable to attend but would still like to take part in the dis­cussion, you can follow the entire sym­posium via live­stream on the PrEval website. The PrEval Monitor can also be down­loaded there (Open Access).

About PrEval

“PrEval - Zukunfts­werkstätten” is a research and transfer pro­ject that deve­lops and reshapes formats and struc­tures to strengthen eva­luation and quality assurance in the pre­vention of extre­mism, the promo­tion of demo­cracy and civil edu­cation in Germany.

PrEval is an open net­work and invites every­one to participate in dis­cussions in future work­shops on the need for support services, know­ledge net­works and eva­luation data­bases.

The pro­ject is funded by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Home­land (BMI) and will run from Octo­ber 2022 to Septem­ber 2025.