DFG Network on African Subjects in Regionalism Research

RASS group photo: 13 people stand next to a display with the RASS logo

Group picture RASS Workshop, Photo: RASS

Antonia Witt organizes kick-off workshop in Ghana

The network “Re-Centering African Subjects and Subjec­tivities: A New Research Agenda on Regio­nalism in Africa”, funded by the German Research Foun­dation (DFG), started with a kick-off work­shop at the Uni­versity of Ghana in Accra. Antonia Witt, who orga­nized the work­shop from 16–18 October 2024 to­gether with Densua Mum­ford from Leiden Uni­versity and Mariel Reiss from the Uni­versity of Mar­burg, was already signifi­cantly involved in the concep­tion of the inter­national net­work.

The net­work “Re-Cente­ring African Subjects and Subjec­tivities: A New Research Agenda on Regio­nalism in Africa”, or RASS for short, started in Janu­ary 2024. Its aim is to facili­tate exchanges be­tween researchers from Ger­many, South Africa, Tanza­nia, Ghana, Nigeria, Canada, the USA, the Nether­lands, the UK and Qatar.

The network is based at the Uni­versity of Mar­burg and brings together 14 inter­nationally renowned aca­demics from various disci­plines. Over the next three years, they will jointly develop a new research agenda on African regio­nalisms. The main aim is to focus on the creative power and expe­riences of African actors as well as the nego­tiation and for­mation of trans­national identities in regio­nalization pro­cesses and to make them the basis of theory for­mation and metho­dological consi­derations. The members include scho­lars from African, European and North American uni­versities who have diverse inter­disciplinary expe­rience in the study of African regio­nalisms. The members come from politi­cal science, inter­national relations, socio­logy and anthro­pology and will develop an inter­disciplinary view of current and histo­rical regio­nalization dynamics. These include the broad topics of gender, con­flict and security, political eco­nomy, institutions and gover­nance, post- and decolo­nial theory as well as civil socie­ty and non-state actors.

Within the net­work, a team coordi­nates the joint efforts and public rela­tions initia­tives. Its members are Lynda Iroulo, Maria Ketz­merick, Miriam Muka­lazi, Densua Mum­ford, Mariel Reiss and Anto­nia Witt.