Ute Seitz

Researcher // Knowledge Transfer Officer

Ute Seitz is a Researcher and Know­ledge Transfer Staff for the projects RADIS and PrEval. Her focus lies in public relations, among other things she is respon­sible for social media and the creation of audio­visual content to commu­nicate re­search findings.


| since 2021
Research Fellow for the project RADIS at PRIF, Know­ledge Transfer

| 2020–2021
Research Assistant for the project CiSAr, Univer­sity of Heidel­berg, Know­ledge Transfer

| 2020–2021
Lecturer at the Insti­tute of Cultural Anthro­pology, University of Göttingen

| 2020
Founder and Coordinator of the Radio Collective “Common Waves” at Tbilisi Architec­ture Biennial 2020

| since 2017
Freelance Media Producer, Video and Radio

| 2014–2017
Student Assistant at the Insti­tute of Cultural Anthro­pology, University of Göttingen

| 2013–2017
M.A. in Cultural Anthro­pology, Curri­culum Visual Anthro­pology, Univer­sity of Göttingen

| 2009–2013
B.A. in Cultural Studies and Eco­nomics, Hum­boldt Univer­sity of Berlin