Prof. Dr. Thilo Marauhn

Associate Fellow // Head of Research Group

Prof. Dr. Thilo Marauhn is Professor of Public Law and Inter­national Law at the Justus Liebig Uni­versity Giessen. As an Associate Fellow at PRIF he heads the Research Group Inter­national Law. His research focuses on inter­national humani­tarian law, inter­national crimi­nal juris­diction, human rights, dis­armament and arms control.


| since 2021
Extra­ordinary Professor of Inter­national Arms Control Law, Asser Insti­tute, The Hague

| since 2016
Head of PRIF's Research Group on Inter­national Law

| 2016
Senior Fellow, Research Group “The Inter­national Rule of Law – Rise or Decline?”, Berlin

| 2014
Invited to the Professor­ship of Inter­national Law, Faculty of Law, Univer­sity of Basel, Switzer­land (declined)

| 2012
Visiting Professor, Cali­fornia Western School of Law, San Diego, USA

| 2009–2016
Member of the Board of Directors, Centre for Inter­national Develop­ment and Environ­mental Research, Justus Liebig Uni­versity Giessen

| 2009–2013
Member, Aca­demic Senate, Justus Liebig Univer­sity Giessen

| 2006–2009
Dean, Faculty of Law, Justus Liebig Univer­sity Giessen

| 2005–2015
Visiting Professor, Law School, Uni­versity of Wiscon­sin, Madison/Wis­consin (USA) (2008, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015)

| since 2001
Permanent Visiting Professor of Consti­tutional Theory, University of Lucerne, Switzer­land

| since 2001
Professor of Public Law and Inter­national Law, Faculty of Law, Justus Liebig Uni­versity Giessen

| 2001
Professor of Law, Univer­sity of Strath­clyde, Glasgow, UK

| 2000
Habilitation, Faculty of Law, Goethe Univer­sity Frank­furt/M.

| 1995
Master of Philo­sophy (M.Phil.), Univer­sity of Wales (UK)

| 1994
Dr. iur. utr. (S.J.D. equi­valent), Ruprecht Karls University Heidel­berg

| 1990–2001
Research Fellow and Senior Research Fellow, Max Planck Insti­tute for Compara­tive Public Law and Inter­national Law, Heidel­berg

| 1990
First State Exam (J.D. equi­valent), Heidel­berg

| 1986
Diploma in Inter­national Law and Inter­national Relations, Univer­sity College of Wales, Aberys­twyth (UK)

| 1983–1990
Studies in Law and Inter­national Relations in Mann­heim, Aberys­twyth/Wales (UK), Bonn and Heidel­berg


  • Deutsche Außen- und Verteidigungspolitik vor dem BVerwG: extraterritoriale grundrechtliche Schutzpflichten bei US amerikanischen Drohneneinsätzen
    | 2021
    Marauhn, Thilo; Mengeler, Daniel; Strobel, Vera (2021): Deutsche Außen- und Verteidigungspolitik vor dem BVerwG: extraterritoriale grundrechtliche Schutzpflichten bei US amerikanischen Drohneneinsätzen Zugleich Besprechung von BVerwG, Urteil vom 25. November 2020 - 6 C 7.19, Archiv des Völkerrechts, 59: 3, 328–351. DOI: 10.1628/avr-2021-0018

  • Natural Resources in Times of Occupation
    | 2021
    de Vries, Barry; Marauhn, Thilo (2021): Natural Resources in Times of Occupation, in: Fremuth, Michael Lysander/Griebel, Jörn/Heinsch, Robert (eds), Natural Resources and International Law – Developments and Challenges. A Liber Amicorum in Honour of Stephan Hobe: Nomos.
  • Fact-Finding as Diplomacy: The “Good Offices” of the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission
    | 2021
    Marauhn, Thilo (2021): Fact-Finding as Diplomacy: The “Good Offices” of the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission, in: Hofmann, Rainer/Malkmus, Moritz (eds), 70 Jahre Genfer Konventionen. Stand und Perspektiven des humanitären Völkerrechts, Berlin, 99–114.
  • An Introduction to Michael Bothe’s Writings on “Legal Restraints on the Use of Military Force”
    | 2021
    Marauhn, Thilo (2021): An Introduction to Michael Bothe’s Writings on “Legal Restraints on the Use of Military Force”, in: Marauhn,Thilo/Vries, Barry de (eds), Legal restraints on the use of military force, Leiden/Boston: Brill | Nijhoff, 1–12.
  • How Many Deaths Can Art. 2 (4) UN Charter Die?
    | 2021
    Marauhn, Thilo (2021): How Many Deaths Can Art. 2 (4) UN Charter Die?, in: Brock,Lothar/Simon, Hendrik (eds), The Justification of War and International Order, Oxford: Oxford Scholarship Online, 449–470.
  • Not a love affair
    | 2020
    de Vries, Barry; Marauhn, Thilo (2020): Not a love affair The relationship between the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, in: Dunworth, Treasa/Hood, Anna (eds), Disarmament Law. Reviving the Field, London: Routledge.
  • Jumelage und Alliance for Multilateralism: Partnerschaften als diplomatisches Spezifikum der deutschen Außenpolitik
    | 2019
    Deitelhoff, Nicole; Marauhn, Thilo (2019): Jumelage und Alliance for Multilateralism: Partnerschaften als diplomatisches Spezifikum der deutschen Außenpolitik, in: Christian, Ben/Coni-Zimmer, Melanie (eds), Deutschland im UN-Sicherheitsrat 2019–2020. Eine Halbzeitbilanz, Frankfurt/M, 36–39.
  • Menschenrechte im Rahmen von Auslandseinsätzen der deutschen Polizei
    | 2019
    Marauhn, Thilo; Thorn, Judith (2019): Menschenrechte im Rahmen von Auslandseinsätzen der deutschen Polizei, in: Kugelman, Daniel (eds), Polizei und Menschenrechte, Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 222-236.
  • Der Beitrag der internationalen Schutzverantwortung zu einer Ethik des gerechten Friedens
    | 2019
    Marauhn, Thilo (2019): Der Beitrag der internationalen Schutzverantwortung zu einer Ethik des gerechten Friedens, in: Werkner, Ines-Jacqueline/Marauhn, Thilo (eds), Die internationale Schutzverantwortung im Lichte des gerechten Friedens, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 143-150.
  • The International Rule of Law in Light of Legitimacy Claims
    | 2019
    Marauhn, Thilo (2019): The International Rule of Law in Light of Legitimacy Claims, in: Krieger, Heike/Nolte, Gerorg/Zimmermann, Andreas (eds), The International Rule of Law. Rise or Decline? Foundational Challenges, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 277-301.
  • Power, Security, and Public International Law: An Intricate Relationship
    | 2019
    Marauhn, Thilo; Stenzel, Marie-Christin (2019): Power, Security, and Public International Law: An Intricate Relationship, in: Kreide, Regina/Langenohl, Andreas (eds), Conceptualizing Power in Dynamics of Securitization. Beyond State and International System, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 265-289.
  • The Notion of Meaningful Human Control in Light of the Law of Armed Conflict
    | 2019
    Marauhn, Thilo (2019): The Notion of Meaningful Human Control in Light of the Law of Armed Conflict, in: Heintschel von Heinegg, Wolff/Frau, Robert/Singer, Tassilo (eds), Dehumanization of Warfare. Legal Implications of New Weapon Technologies, Cham: Springer, 207-218.
  • Kapitel 16: Privat- und Familienleben
    | 2013
    Thorn, Judith; Marauhn, Thilo (2013): Kapitel 16: Privat- und Familienleben, in: Dörr, Oliver/Grote, Rainer/Marauhn, Thilo (eds), EMRK/GG. Konkordanzkommentar zum europäischen und deutschen Grundrechtsschutz, 2.Aufl., Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.

  • Research Handbook on International Arms Control Law
    | 2022
    Myjer, Eric P.J.; Marauhn, Thilo (2022): Research Handbook on International Arms Control Law, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Legal restraints on the use of military force
    | 2021
    Marauhn, Thilo; de Vries, Barry (2021): Legal restraints on the use of military force Collected Essays by Michael Bothe, Leiden/Boston: Brill | Nijhoff.
  • Die internationale Schutzverantwortung im Lichte des gerechten Friedens
    | 2019
    Werkner, Ines-Jaqueline; Marauhn, Thilo (2019): Die internationale Schutzverantwortung im Lichte des gerechten Friedens, Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

  • Politisierung in Zeiten schwacher politischer Normen: Zum Klima-Gutachten des Internationalen Seegerichtshofs
    | 2024
    Kroll, Stefan; Marauhn, Thilo (2024): Politisierung in Zeiten schwacher politischer Normen: Zum Klima-Gutachten des Internationalen Seegerichtshofs, PRIF Blog.
  • Expect the worst, prepare for the best: Frieden verhandeln
    | 2024
    Deitelhoff, Nicole; Dembinski, Matthias; Driedger, Jonas J.; Gromes, Thorsten; Hirschler, Helena; Marauhn, Thilo; Peez, Anton; Polianskii, Mikhail; Schreiber, Franziska (2024): Expect the worst, prepare for the best: Frieden verhandeln, in: Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC)/Leibniz-Institut Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (PRIF)/Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg (IFSH)/Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden (INEF) (eds), Friedensgutachten 2024, Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 115–129.
  • Chemical Weapons Allegations and Russia’s Invasion in Ukraine
    | 2022
    Burck, Kristoffer; Jakob, Una; Jeremias, Gunnar; Kelle, Alexander; Marauhn, Thilo; Meier, Oliver; Nixdorff, Kathryn; Trapp, Ralf; de Vries, Barry (2022): Chemical Weapons Allegations and Russia’s Invasion in Ukraine, CBWNet News.
  • Russian allegations of biological weapons activities in Ukraine
    | 2022
    Jakob, Una; Jeremias, Gunnar; Kelle, Alexander; Marauhn, Thilo; Meier, Oliver; Nixdorff, Kathryn; Trapp, Ralf; de Vries, Barry (2022): Russian allegations of biological weapons activities in Ukraine, PRIF BLOG.
  • Sicherheitspolitische Zeitenwende: Welche Fähigkeiten braucht Deutschland, um den Frieden zu sichern?
    | 2022
    Brockmeier, Sarah; Daase, Christopher; Deitelhoff, Nicole; Dembinski, Matthias; Fehl, Caroline; Junk, Julian; Kroll, Stefan; Marauhn, Thilo; Peez, Anton; Schörnig, Niklas (2022): Sicherheitspolitische Zeitenwende: Welche Fähigkeiten braucht Deutschland, um den Frieden zu sichern?, PRIF BLOG.
  • Frieden am Ende? Die Eskalation im Russland-Ukraine-Konflikt und die Rolle der Friedenspolitik
    | 2022
    Daase, Christopher; Abb, Pascal; Dembinski, Matthias; Fehl, Caroline; Kroll, Stefan; Marauhn, Thilo; Peez, Anton (2022): Frieden am Ende? Die Eskalation im Russland-Ukraine-Konflikt und die Rolle der Friedenspolitik, PRIF BLOG.
  • Verletzung von Schutzpflichten durch die Bundesrepublik in Afghanistan?
    | 2021
    Marauhn, Thilo; Mengeler, Daniel; Strobel, Vera (2021): Verletzung von Schutzpflichten durch die Bundesrepublik in Afghanistan? Verfassungsrechtliche und völkerrechtliche Implikationen im Fall der Beendigung einer militärischen Intervention, VerfBlog.
  • Less is More: Limited Fact-Finding to Avoid Overburdening the European Court of Human Rights in inter-State Cases
    | 2021
    Marauhn, Thilo (2021): Less is More: Limited Fact-Finding to Avoid Overburdening the European Court of Human Rights in inter-State Cases, Völkerrechtsblog.
  • Institutionelle Friedenssicherung: Vereinte Nationen unter Druck. Wo sich ein deutsches Engagement lohnt
    | 2019
    Bethke, Felix S.; Coni-Zimmer, Melanie; Deitelhoff, Nicole; Dembinski, Matthias; Hofmann, Gregor P.; Junk, Julian; Marauhn, Thilo; Niemann, Holger; Peez, Anton; Peters, Dirk; Ulbert, Cornelia; Wisotzki, Simone; Witt, Antonia (2019): Institutionelle Friedenssicherung: Vereinte Nationen unter Druck. Wo sich ein deutsches Engagement lohnt, in: Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC)/Leibniz-Institut Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (HSFK)/Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg (IFSH)/Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden (INEF) (eds), Friedensgutachten 2019, Berlin: LIT Verlag, 115-135.
  • Friedenssicherungsrecht und humanitäres Völkerrecht unter Druck
    | 2017
    Marauhn, Thilo; Thorn, Judith (2017): Friedenssicherungsrecht und humanitäres Völkerrecht unter Druck, in: Schoch, Bruno/Heinemann-Grüder, Andreas/Hauswedell, Corinna/Hippler, Jochen/Johannsen, Margret (eds), Friedensgutachten 2017, Münster: LIT Verlag, 56-68.

Further Activities

| since 2022
Principal Investi­gator at the Regional Research Center Trans­formations of Politi­cal Violence (TraCe)

| since 2017
President of the Inter­national Humani­tarian Fact-finding Commission (IHFFC), Geneva

| since 2014
Project leader on collective security in a collabo­rative research project funded by the German Research Foundation “Dynamics of Security. Securiti­zation in a Histori­cal Perspective”

| since 2012
Member, Inter­national Humani­tarian Fact-finding Commission (IHFFC), Geneva

| since 2008
Member, Advisory Board, German Foreign Office on the United Nations

| 2008–2011
Project leader in a colla­borative project as part of the EU’s 7th Frame­work Program “Regu­lating Privati­sation of ‘War’: The Role of the EU in Assuring Compliance with Inter­national Humani­tarian Law and Human Rights”

| since 2006
Liaison Professor, German National Aca­demic Foundation (Studien­stiftung des deutschen Volkes)

| since 2004
Member, African Law Asso­ciation; Chair­person (2009–2013)

| 2003–2013
Member, Scientific Advisory Board, PRIF; Chair­person (2006–2013)

| 2002–2009
Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Federal Ministry for Economic Co­operation and Develop­ment; Chair­person (2006–2009)

| since 2001
Member, German Society of Inter­national Law; member of the Council (since 2009)

| since 2000
Member of the Asso­ciation of German Constitu­tional Law Scholars (Vereinigung der Deutschen Staats­rechts­lehrer e.V.)

| since 1995
Member, Advisory Commit­tee on Inter­national Humanitarian Law of the German Red Cross; Deputy Chair­person (since 2011); Chair­person (since 2014)

| 2010
Prize for Excellency in Teaching (Hertie Foundation and State of Hesse), awarded in recognition of the project “Refugee Law Clinic”

| 2003
Wolfgang Mittermaier Prize, awarded for excellency in teaching

| 2000
Werner Pünder Prize, awarded in recognition of the best academic thesis on the topic of freedom and authority