Prof. Dr. Thilo Marauhn
Prof. Dr. Thilo Marauhn is Professor of Public Law and International Law at the Justus Liebig University Giessen. As an Associate Fellow at PRIF he heads the Research Group International Law. His research focuses on international humanitarian law, international criminal jurisdiction, human rights, disarmament and arms control.
| since 2021
Extraordinary Professor of International Arms Control Law, Asser Institute, The Hague
| since 2016
Head of PRIF's Research Group on International Law
| 2016
Senior Fellow, Research Group “The International Rule of Law – Rise or Decline?”, Berlin
| 2014
Invited to the Professorship of International Law, Faculty of Law, University of Basel, Switzerland (declined)
| 2012
Visiting Professor, California Western School of Law, San Diego, USA
| 2009–2016
Member of the Board of Directors, Centre for International Development and Environmental Research, Justus Liebig University Giessen
| 2009–2013
Member, Academic Senate, Justus Liebig University Giessen
| 2006–2009
Dean, Faculty of Law, Justus Liebig University Giessen
| 2005–2015
Visiting Professor, Law School, University of Wisconsin, Madison/Wisconsin (USA) (2008, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015)
| since 2001
Permanent Visiting Professor of Constitutional Theory, University of Lucerne, Switzerland
| since 2001
Professor of Public Law and International Law, Faculty of Law, Justus Liebig University Giessen
| 2001
Professor of Law, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
| 2000
Habilitation, Faculty of Law, Goethe University Frankfurt/M.
| 1995
Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.), University of Wales (UK)
| 1994
Dr. iur. utr. (S.J.D. equivalent), Ruprecht Karls University Heidelberg
| 1990–2001
Research Fellow and Senior Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law, Heidelberg
| 1990
First State Exam (J.D. equivalent), Heidelberg
| 1986
Diploma in International Law and International Relations, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth (UK)
| 1983–1990
Studies in Law and International Relations in Mannheim, Aberystwyth/Wales (UK), Bonn and Heidelberg
- Cluster for Natural and Technical Science Arms Control Research (CNTR)
- German-Colombian Peace Institute CAPAZ
- The Collectivization of International Security through Processes of Institutionalization in Public International Law
- Heuristics and Repertoires of Collective Security: A Comparative Analysis in the Field of International Law
- Arms Control Approaches to Nanotechnology – The Contribution of Public International Law
- UN Policing – Legal Basis, Status and Directives on the Use of Force
- Fact-Finding in the Law of Armed Conflict
- Deutsche Außen- und Verteidigungspolitik vor dem BVerwG: extraterritoriale grundrechtliche Schutzpflichten bei US amerikanischen Drohneneinsätzen
| 2021
Marauhn, Thilo; Mengeler, Daniel; Strobel, Vera (2021): Deutsche Außen- und Verteidigungspolitik vor dem BVerwG: extraterritoriale grundrechtliche Schutzpflichten bei US amerikanischen Drohneneinsätzen Zugleich Besprechung von BVerwG, Urteil vom 25. November 2020 - 6 C 7.19, Archiv des Völkerrechts, 59: 3, 328–351. DOI: 10.1628/avr-2021-0018
- Natural Resources in Times of Occupation
| 2021
de Vries, Barry; Marauhn, Thilo (2021): Natural Resources in Times of Occupation, in: Fremuth, Michael Lysander/Griebel, Jörn/Heinsch, Robert (eds), Natural Resources and International Law – Developments and Challenges. A Liber Amicorum in Honour of Stephan Hobe: Nomos. - Fact-Finding as Diplomacy: The “Good Offices” of the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission
| 2021
Marauhn, Thilo (2021): Fact-Finding as Diplomacy: The “Good Offices” of the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission, in: Hofmann, Rainer/Malkmus, Moritz (eds), 70 Jahre Genfer Konventionen. Stand und Perspektiven des humanitären Völkerrechts, Berlin, 99–114. - An Introduction to Michael Bothe’s Writings on “Legal Restraints on the Use of Military Force”
| 2021
Marauhn, Thilo (2021): An Introduction to Michael Bothe’s Writings on “Legal Restraints on the Use of Military Force”, in: Marauhn,Thilo/Vries, Barry de (eds), Legal restraints on the use of military force, Leiden/Boston: Brill | Nijhoff, 1–12.
Publication - How Many Deaths Can Art. 2 (4) UN Charter Die?
| 2021
Marauhn, Thilo (2021): How Many Deaths Can Art. 2 (4) UN Charter Die?, in: Brock,Lothar/Simon, Hendrik (eds), The Justification of War and International Order, Oxford: Oxford Scholarship Online, 449–470.
Publication - Not a love affair
| 2020
de Vries, Barry; Marauhn, Thilo (2020): Not a love affair The relationship between the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, in: Dunworth, Treasa/Hood, Anna (eds), Disarmament Law. Reviving the Field, London: Routledge.
Publication - Jumelage und Alliance for Multilateralism: Partnerschaften als diplomatisches Spezifikum der deutschen Außenpolitik
| 2019
Deitelhoff, Nicole; Marauhn, Thilo (2019): Jumelage und Alliance for Multilateralism: Partnerschaften als diplomatisches Spezifikum der deutschen Außenpolitik, in: Christian, Ben/Coni-Zimmer, Melanie (eds), Deutschland im UN-Sicherheitsrat 2019–2020. Eine Halbzeitbilanz, Frankfurt/M, 36–39. - Menschenrechte im Rahmen von Auslandseinsätzen der deutschen Polizei
| 2019
Marauhn, Thilo; Thorn, Judith (2019): Menschenrechte im Rahmen von Auslandseinsätzen der deutschen Polizei, in: Kugelman, Daniel (eds), Polizei und Menschenrechte, Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 222-236. - Der Beitrag der internationalen Schutzverantwortung zu einer Ethik des gerechten Friedens
| 2019
Marauhn, Thilo (2019): Der Beitrag der internationalen Schutzverantwortung zu einer Ethik des gerechten Friedens, in: Werkner, Ines-Jacqueline/Marauhn, Thilo (eds), Die internationale Schutzverantwortung im Lichte des gerechten Friedens, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 143-150.
Publication - The International Rule of Law in Light of Legitimacy Claims
| 2019
Marauhn, Thilo (2019): The International Rule of Law in Light of Legitimacy Claims, in: Krieger, Heike/Nolte, Gerorg/Zimmermann, Andreas (eds), The International Rule of Law. Rise or Decline? Foundational Challenges, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 277-301.
Publication - Power, Security, and Public International Law: An Intricate Relationship
| 2019
Marauhn, Thilo; Stenzel, Marie-Christin (2019): Power, Security, and Public International Law: An Intricate Relationship, in: Kreide, Regina/Langenohl, Andreas (eds), Conceptualizing Power in Dynamics of Securitization. Beyond State and International System, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 265-289.
Publication - The Notion of Meaningful Human Control in Light of the Law of Armed Conflict
| 2019
Marauhn, Thilo (2019): The Notion of Meaningful Human Control in Light of the Law of Armed Conflict, in: Heintschel von Heinegg, Wolff/Frau, Robert/Singer, Tassilo (eds), Dehumanization of Warfare. Legal Implications of New Weapon Technologies, Cham: Springer, 207-218.
Publication - Kapitel 16: Privat- und Familienleben
| 2013
Thorn, Judith; Marauhn, Thilo (2013): Kapitel 16: Privat- und Familienleben, in: Dörr, Oliver/Grote, Rainer/Marauhn, Thilo (eds), EMRK/GG. Konkordanzkommentar zum europäischen und deutschen Grundrechtsschutz, 2.Aufl., Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
- Research Handbook on International Arms Control Law
| 2022
Myjer, Eric P.J.; Marauhn, Thilo (2022): Research Handbook on International Arms Control Law, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Publication - Legal restraints on the use of military force
| 2021
Marauhn, Thilo; de Vries, Barry (2021): Legal restraints on the use of military force Collected Essays by Michael Bothe, Leiden/Boston: Brill | Nijhoff. - Die internationale Schutzverantwortung im Lichte des gerechten Friedens
| 2019
Werkner, Ines-Jaqueline; Marauhn, Thilo (2019): Die internationale Schutzverantwortung im Lichte des gerechten Friedens, Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
- Politisierung in Zeiten schwacher politischer Normen: Zum Klima-Gutachten des Internationalen Seegerichtshofs
| 2024
Kroll, Stefan; Marauhn, Thilo (2024): Politisierung in Zeiten schwacher politischer Normen: Zum Klima-Gutachten des Internationalen Seegerichtshofs, PRIF Blog.
Publication - Expect the worst, prepare for the best: Frieden verhandeln
| 2024
Deitelhoff, Nicole; Dembinski, Matthias; Driedger, Jonas J.; Gromes, Thorsten; Hirschler, Helena; Marauhn, Thilo; Peez, Anton; Polianskii, Mikhail; Schreiber, Franziska (2024): Expect the worst, prepare for the best: Frieden verhandeln, in: Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC)/Leibniz-Institut Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (PRIF)/Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg (IFSH)/Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden (INEF) (eds), Friedensgutachten 2024, Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 115–129.
Publication - Chemical Weapons Allegations and Russia’s Invasion in Ukraine
| 2022
Burck, Kristoffer; Jakob, Una; Jeremias, Gunnar; Kelle, Alexander; Marauhn, Thilo; Meier, Oliver; Nixdorff, Kathryn; Trapp, Ralf; de Vries, Barry (2022): Chemical Weapons Allegations and Russia’s Invasion in Ukraine, CBWNet News.
Publication - Russian allegations of biological weapons activities in Ukraine
| 2022
Jakob, Una; Jeremias, Gunnar; Kelle, Alexander; Marauhn, Thilo; Meier, Oliver; Nixdorff, Kathryn; Trapp, Ralf; de Vries, Barry (2022): Russian allegations of biological weapons activities in Ukraine, PRIF BLOG.
Publication - Sicherheitspolitische Zeitenwende: Welche Fähigkeiten braucht Deutschland, um den Frieden zu sichern?
| 2022
Brockmeier, Sarah; Daase, Christopher; Deitelhoff, Nicole; Dembinski, Matthias; Fehl, Caroline; Junk, Julian; Kroll, Stefan; Marauhn, Thilo; Peez, Anton; Schörnig, Niklas (2022): Sicherheitspolitische Zeitenwende: Welche Fähigkeiten braucht Deutschland, um den Frieden zu sichern?, PRIF BLOG.
Publication - Frieden am Ende? Die Eskalation im Russland-Ukraine-Konflikt und die Rolle der Friedenspolitik
| 2022
Daase, Christopher; Abb, Pascal; Dembinski, Matthias; Fehl, Caroline; Kroll, Stefan; Marauhn, Thilo; Peez, Anton (2022): Frieden am Ende? Die Eskalation im Russland-Ukraine-Konflikt und die Rolle der Friedenspolitik, PRIF BLOG.
Publication - Verletzung von Schutzpflichten durch die Bundesrepublik in Afghanistan?
| 2021
Marauhn, Thilo; Mengeler, Daniel; Strobel, Vera (2021): Verletzung von Schutzpflichten durch die Bundesrepublik in Afghanistan? Verfassungsrechtliche und völkerrechtliche Implikationen im Fall der Beendigung einer militärischen Intervention, VerfBlog.
Publication - Less is More: Limited Fact-Finding to Avoid Overburdening the European Court of Human Rights in inter-State Cases
| 2021
Marauhn, Thilo (2021): Less is More: Limited Fact-Finding to Avoid Overburdening the European Court of Human Rights in inter-State Cases, Völkerrechtsblog.
Publication - Institutionelle Friedenssicherung: Vereinte Nationen unter Druck. Wo sich ein deutsches Engagement lohnt
| 2019
Bethke, Felix S.; Coni-Zimmer, Melanie; Deitelhoff, Nicole; Dembinski, Matthias; Hofmann, Gregor P.; Junk, Julian; Marauhn, Thilo; Niemann, Holger; Peez, Anton; Peters, Dirk; Ulbert, Cornelia; Wisotzki, Simone; Witt, Antonia (2019): Institutionelle Friedenssicherung: Vereinte Nationen unter Druck. Wo sich ein deutsches Engagement lohnt, in: Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC)/Leibniz-Institut Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (HSFK)/Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg (IFSH)/Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden (INEF) (eds), Friedensgutachten 2019, Berlin: LIT Verlag, 115-135.
Publication - Friedenssicherungsrecht und humanitäres Völkerrecht unter Druck
| 2017
Marauhn, Thilo; Thorn, Judith (2017): Friedenssicherungsrecht und humanitäres Völkerrecht unter Druck, in: Schoch, Bruno/Heinemann-Grüder, Andreas/Hauswedell, Corinna/Hippler, Jochen/Johannsen, Margret (eds), Friedensgutachten 2017, Münster: LIT Verlag, 56-68.
Further Activities
| since 2022
Principal Investigator at the Regional Research Center Transformations of Political Violence (TraCe)
| since 2017
President of the International Humanitarian Fact-finding Commission (IHFFC), Geneva
| since 2014
Project leader on collective security in a collaborative research project funded by the German Research Foundation “Dynamics of Security. Securitization in a Historical Perspective”
| since 2012
Member, International Humanitarian Fact-finding Commission (IHFFC), Geneva
| since 2008
Member, Advisory Board, German Foreign Office on the United Nations
| 2008–2011
Project leader in a collaborative project as part of the EU’s 7th Framework Program “Regulating Privatisation of ‘War’: The Role of the EU in Assuring Compliance with International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights”
| since 2006
Liaison Professor, German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes)
| since 2004
Member, African Law Association; Chairperson (2009–2013)
| 2003–2013
Member, Scientific Advisory Board, PRIF; Chairperson (2006–2013)
| 2002–2009
Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development; Chairperson (2006–2009)
| since 2001
Member, German Society of International Law; member of the Council (since 2009)
| since 2000
Member of the Association of German Constitutional Law Scholars (Vereinigung der Deutschen Staatsrechtslehrer e.V.)
| since 1995
Member, Advisory Committee on International Humanitarian Law of the German Red Cross; Deputy Chairperson (since 2011); Chairperson (since 2014)
| 2010
Prize for Excellency in Teaching (Hertie Foundation and State of Hesse), awarded in recognition of the project “Refugee Law Clinic”
| 2003
Wolfgang Mittermaier Prize, awarded for excellency in teaching
| 2000
Werner Pünder Prize, awarded in recognition of the best academic thesis on the topic of freedom and authority