Sait Matty Jaw

Associate Fellow

Sait Matty Jaw is Asso­ciate Fellow at PRIF, the Co-founder and Exe­cutive Director of the Center for Research and Policy Develop­ment (CRPD) and lecturer in the politi­cal science depart­ment at the Uni­versity of the Gambia. Since 2018, he is the Afro­barometer National Investi­gator for The Gambia. His main research interests are in demo­cratization and political trans­formations, Gambian politics, and insti­tutions, African regional organi­zations as well as migration and natural resource gover­nance.


| since 2021
Asso­ciate Fellow at PRIF

| since 2021
Researcher in the project “Local per­ceptions of regional inter­ventions: AU and ECOWAS in Burkina Faso and The Gambia”

| since 2018
Co-Founder and Exe­cutive Director, Center for Research and Policy Develop­ment (CRPD), the Gambia

| since 2018
Project Director, Afro­barometer Survey The Gambia, Center for Policy Research and Stra­tegic Studies (CEPRASS), the Gambia

| 2015–2017
Master, Public Administration, Uni­versity of Bergen, Norway

| since 2014
Lecturer, Political Science, Depart­ment of Political Science, Uni­versity of the Gambia (UTG), the Gambia

| 2014–2015
Master, African History, Uni­versity of the Gambia (UTG), the Gambia

| 2008–2011
Bachelor of Science, Politi­cal Science, University of the Gambia (UTG), the Gambia


  • How African Regional Interventions are Peceived on the Ground: Contestation and Multiplexity
    | 2024
    Witt, Antonia; Bah, Omar M; Birchinger, Sophia; Jaw, Sait Matty; Schnabel, Simone (2024): How African Regional Interventions are Peceived on the Ground: Contestation and Multiplexity, International Peacekeeping, 31: 1, 58–86. DOI: 10.1080/13533312.2023.2262922
  • Heimvorteil?
    | 2022
    Witt, Antonia; Bah, Omar M; Birchinger, Sophia; Jaw, Sait Matty; Schnabel, Simone (2022): Heimvorteil?. Lokale Perspektiven auf die Friedensbemühungen afrikanischer Regionalorganisationen, Forschung Frankfurt, 2022: 1, 30–34.
  • The Gambia’s draft Constitution reflects citizens’ preference for term limits, gender quota
    | 2020
    Isbell, Thomas; Jaw, Sait Matty (2020): The Gambia’s draft Constitution reflects citizens’ preference for term limits, gender quota, Afrobarometer Dispatch No. 338.
  • The Complicated Quest for Truth, Reconciliation and Justice in The Gambia
    | 2019
    Jaw, Sait Matty (2019): The Complicated Quest for Truth, Reconciliation and Justice in The Gambia, West Africa Insights, 6: 4, 14–18.
  • Victory for ACDEG: The Gambia’s Post-Election Crisis and Lessons for Africa
    | 2017
    Jaw, Sait Matty (2017): Victory for ACDEG: The Gambia’s Post-Election Crisis and Lessons for Africa, Africa’s Democratic Dividends and Deficits. African Governance Newsletter. V4. January–June.

  • “Siding with the people” or “Occupying force”? Local perceptions of African Union and ECOWAS interventions in the Gambia
    | 2023
    Birchinger, Sophia; Jaw, Sait Matty; Bah, Omar M; Witt, Antonia (2023): “Siding with the people” or “Occupying force”? Local perceptions of African Union and ECOWAS interventions in the Gambia, PRIF Report, 3, Frankfurt/M. DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2303
  • #GambiaDecides2021: A Sign of Democratic Hope?
    | 2021
    Bah, Omar M; Jaw, Sait Matty; Birchinger, Sophia (2021): #GambiaDecides2021: A Sign of Democratic Hope?, PRIF Blog.
  • Gambians with clear message to government: Focus on service delivery
    | 2019
    Jaw, Sait Matty; Isbell, Thomas (2019): Gambians with clear message to government: Focus on service delivery, Afrobarometer Dispatch No. 322.
  • Gambians trust the armed forces but are split over the presence of ECOMIG
    | 2019
    Jaw, Sait Matty (2019): Gambians trust the armed forces but are split over the presence of ECOMIG, Afrobarometer Dispatch No. 317.
  • Gambians expect Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission to heal the nation but want human-rights violators prosecuted
    | 2018
    Jaw, Sait Matty (2018): Gambians expect Truth, Reconciliation and Reparations Commission to heal the nation but want human-rights violators prosecuted, Afrobarometer Dispatch No. 249.
  • All Gambians need to rebuild their country, even members of the old regime
    | 2017
    Jaw, Sait Matty (2017): All Gambians need to rebuild their country, even members of the old regime, The Guardian.
  • Holding Political Parties Accountable in Gambia: Should it be the duty of the Independent Electoral Commission?
    | 2015
    Jaw, Sait Matty (2015): Holding Political Parties Accountable in Gambia: Should it be the duty of the Independent Electoral Commission?, WATHI.