Rebecca Wagner

Associate Fellow

Rebecca Wagner is an Associate Fellow at PRIF’s Research Depart­ment Intra­state Conflict. Her PhD focused on resilience of civil society in face of shrinking civic spaces at elections. As part of this project, she conducted field research in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan and a global survey among civil society election observers.


| 2023–2024
Researcher at the Chair of Inter­national Relations and Euro­pean Studies, University of Würzburg

| 2023
Junior Fellow, Electoral Integrity Project Fellowship 

| 2021
Associate Research Fellow­ship at OSCE Aca­demy in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan)

| since 2019
International Election Observer for OSCE / ODIHR

| since 2019
Doctoral Researcher at PRIF

| 2011–2018 
Employee at the Heinrich Boell Foundation in Brussels and Berlin

| 2011
Trainee European Parliament, Directorate General for Ex­ternal Policies, EU Enlarge­ment and Euro­pean Economic Area, Robert Schuman Scholarship

| 2010
Project Assistant at Heinrich Boell Foundation European Union 

| 2009–2010 
Master (MSc) Public Administration and Euro­pean Governance, University of Leiden (The Netherlands)

| 2006–2010 
Scholarship of the Heinrich Boell Foundation

| 2006–2007 
Intern at the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Kingston (Jamaica) and the German Federal Youth Council in Berlin

| 2006–2007 
Studies in Political Science and Inter­national Relations at Bogazici University, Istanbul (Turkey) (ERASMUS scholarship)

| 2005–2008
Bachelor (B.A.) Politics and Administration, University of Konstanz


  • Defending Civic Space: Successful Resistance Against NGO Laws in Kenya and Kyrgyzstan
    | 2021
    Berger-Kern, Nora; Hetz, Fabian; Wagner, Rebecca; Wolff, Jonas (2021): Defending Civic Space: Successful Resistance Against NGO Laws in Kenya and Kyrgyzstan, Global Policy, Special Issue, Restricting NGOs: From Pushback to Accommodation, 84–94. DOI: 10.1111/1758-5899.12976
  • Responding to COVID-19 with 100 per cent Postal Voting: Local Elections in Bavaria, Germany
    | 2020
    Wagner, Rebecca (2020): Responding to COVID-19 with 100 per cent Postal Voting: Local Elections in Bavaria, Germany, in: James, Toby S./Clark, Alistair/Asplund, Erik (eds), Electoral Management Network and International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance.

  • Securing the Vote: How the US Elections Have Become More Resilient to Threats to Election Integrity
    | 2024
    Securing the Vote: How the US Elections Have Become More Resilient to Threats to Election Integrity.
  • Die Republik Kirgistan im Prozess der Autokratisierung: Steinmeiers Reise nach Zentralasien im Kontext nationaler Prozesse und der deutschen Sicherheitsstrategie
    | 2023
    Wagner, Rebecca (2023): Die Republik Kirgistan im Prozess der Autokratisierung: Steinmeiers Reise nach Zentralasien im Kontext nationaler Prozesse und der deutschen Sicherheitsstrategie, PRIF Blog.
  • Wohin blickt Bischkek?
    | 2022
    Wagner, Rebecca; Jahn, Philipp C. (2022): Wohin blickt Bischkek?, zenith.
  • Parliamentary Elections in Kyrgyzstan: Another Relevant Jigsaw Piece in a new Process of Autocratization?
    | 2021
    Wagner, Rebecca (2021): Parliamentary Elections in Kyrgyzstan: Another Relevant Jigsaw Piece in a new Process of Autocratization?, EDP Wire.
  • Die Parlamentswahlen in Kirgistan: Ein weiteres wichtiges Puzzlestück im erneuten Autokratisierungsprozess?
    | 2021
    Wagner, Rebecca (2021): Die Parlamentswahlen in Kirgistan: Ein weiteres wichtiges Puzzlestück im erneuten Autokratisierungsprozess?, PRIF Blog.
  • Deutsche Demokratieförderpolitik in einer multipolaren Welt: Parteipolitische Perspektiven vor der Bundestagswahl
    | 2021
    Wagner, Rebecca; Wolff, Jonas (2021): Deutsche Demokratieförderpolitik in einer multipolaren Welt: Parteipolitische Perspektiven vor der Bundestagswahl, PRIF Blog.
  • At a crossroads
    | 2021
    Wagner, Rebecca (2021): At a crossroads. Kyrgyzstan after the recent elections, PRIF Spotlight, 1, Frankfurt/M.
  • Breaking the vicious circle
    | 2020
    Polianskii, Mikhail; Wagner, Rebecca (2020): Breaking the vicious circle. Can the new Moldovan president Sandu succeed in balancing relations with the EU and Russia?, PRIF Spotlight, 19, Frankfurt/M.
  • Kyrgyzstan before the presidential elections
    | 2020
    Wagner, Rebecca (2020): Kyrgyzstan before the presidential elections, PRIF Blog.
  • Internal Threats to EU’s External Democracy Support in Times of a Pandemic
    | 2020
    Wagner, Rebecca (2020): Internal Threats to EU’s External Democracy Support in Times of a Pandemic. Can the New EU Council Conclusions on Democracy still Kick-off?, PRIF Blog.
  • #Fridays4Future und die Europawahlen
    | 2019
    Wagner, Rebecca (2019): #Fridays4Future und die Europawahlen. Politikverdrossenheit sieht anders aus, PRIF BLOG.
  • The CSO’s Shrinking and Closing Space Tendency – How the EU Institutions Can Support CSOs Worldwide
    | 2016
    Wagner, Rebecca; Dankova, Julia (2016): The CSO’s Shrinking and Closing Space Tendency – How the EU Institutions Can Support CSOs Worldwide, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union.
  • EU Applauds on Human Rights but Where is its Democracy Support?
    | 2015
    Wagner, Rebecca (2015): EU Applauds on Human Rights but Where is its Democracy Support?. Analysis of the EU Action Plan for Human Rights and Democracy, Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union.
  • Building Bridges between Civil Society and Party-Political Actors in the Western Balkans
    | 2015
    Wagner, Rebecca; ENoP, Working Group Democracy Support (2015): Building Bridges between Civil Society and Party-Political Actors in the Western Balkans. The Perspective of Political Foundations, ENoP Policy Paper.
  • EU-Support for Political Parties – Why Does it Matter and How Can it Be Enhanced?
    | 2014
    Wagner, Rebecca; ENoP, Working Group Democracy Support (2014): EU-Support for Political Parties – Why Does it Matter and How Can it Be Enhanced?, ENoP Policy Paper.
  • Supporting Political Parties for Democracy – Food for Thought for European Actors
    | 2013
    Wagner, Rebecca; ENoP, Working Group Democracy Support (2013): Supporting Political Parties for Democracy – Food for Thought for European Actors, ENoP Policy Paper.

Further Activities

| 2011–2017
Member of the Steering Committee of the European Net­work of Political Foundations (ENoP), 2015–2017 Treasurer