Lea Deborah Scheu

Doctoral Researcher

Lea Deborah Scheu is a Researcher at PRIF's Research Department Trans­national Politics and member of the Research Group Radicali­zation. Currently, she conducts research on the dealing of state and non-state actors with Islamism and is especially interested in the under­standing of diversity in the police.


| since 2024
Research assistant at Research Institute Social Cohesion Frankfurt (FGZ)

| since 2023
Doctoral Researcher at PRIF's research group Radicali­zation

| since 2021
Researcher at PRIF

| 2020–2021
Intern in the department on Tran­sitional Develop­ment Assistance as a crisis manage­ment instrument at GIZ

| 2019–2020
Participant in the Post­graduate program at the German Institute of Develop­ment and Sustain­ability (IDOS)

| 2015–2019
Master Studies in Inter­national Relations & Peace and Conflict Studies at Goethe University Frankfurt/M. and TU Darmstadt

| 2011–2015
Bachelor Studies in Politics and Public Adminis­tration at the University of Konstanz


  • Von Hoyerswerda bis Hanau
    | 2023
    Mannitz, Sabine; Scheu, Lea Deborah; Stephanblome, Isabelle (2023): Von Hoyerswerda bis Hanau. Inklusive Erinnerungskultur braucht neue Bildungsformate, POLIS, 2023: 4, 11–14. DOI: 10.46499/2245.2934
  • E-Government and Democracy in Botswana: Observational and Experimental Evidence on the Effect of E-Government Usage on Political Attitudes
    | 2021
    Bante, Jana; Helmig, Felix; Prasad, Lara; Scheu, Lea Deborah; Seipel, Jean Christoph; Senkpiel, Helge; Geray, Markus; von Schiller, Armin; Sebudubudu, David; Ziaja, Sebastian (2021): E-Government and Democracy in Botswana: Observational and Experimental Evidence on the Effect of E-Government Usage on Political Attitudes, Discussion Paper / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE), Bonn. DOI: 10.23661/dp16.2021
  • „Frankreich befindet sich im Krieg“ – Und Deutschland?
    | 2019
    Scheu, Lea Deborah; Vestweber, Caroline (2019): „Frankreich befindet sich im Krieg“ – Und Deutschland?, Soziologiemagazin, Sonderheft 4, München, 91–116.

  • Concrete Solutions: Construction and Peacebuilding
    | 2021
    Alt, Mona; Bartels, Matthias; Ganieva, Firuza; Heymann, Andre; Kirchesch, Michael; Klinkhammer, Laura; Kücükali, Sara; Lüdtke, Sebastian; Lange, Marcus; Lempa, Kristian; Mattner, Mark; Naumann, Klaus-Michael; Piechatzek, Nicole; Rohschürmann, Michael; Rubli, Sandra; Selcuk, Muzehher; Scheu, Lea Deborah; Schultz, Jule; Schwaiger, Bärbel; Vernyhora, Viktoriia; Vuzic, Diana; Zupper, Sophie (2021): Concrete Solutions: Construction and Peacebuilding. A Handbook, Eschborn: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

  • Sustainable Leibniz – Transforming research practices towards environmental sustainability
    | 2023
    Oevel, Kristine; Calandra, Ivan; Park, Hyunjin; Renz, Matthias; Cornelis, Rebecca; Mannatullah, Hendaway; Koeksoy, Elif; Plajer, Valerie; Roosen, Doreen A.; Scheu, Lea Deborah; Stolze, Karoline (2023): Sustainable Leibniz – Transforming research practices towards environmental sustainability: Zenodo.
  • Three Years Since Hanau: How Inclusive is Germany's Contemporary Remembrance Culture?
    | 2023
    Mannitz, Sabine; Scheu, Lea Deborah; Stephanblome, Isabelle (2023): Three Years Since Hanau: How Inclusive is Germany's Contemporary Remembrance Culture?, TraCe Policy Brief, 1, Frankfurt/M. DOI: 10.48809/PRIFTraCePB2301
  • Drei Jahre nach Hanau: Wie inklusiv ist die deutsche Erinnerungskultur?
    | 2023
    Mannitz, Sabine; Scheu, Lea Deborah; Stephanblome, Isabelle (2023): Drei Jahre nach Hanau: Wie inklusiv ist die deutsche Erinnerungskultur?, PRIF Blog.
  • Evaluation und Qualitätssicherung in der Kooperation sicherheitsbehördlicher und zivilgesellschaftlicher Akteure in der sekundären und tertiären Extremismusprävention
    | 2022
    Junk, Julian; Koynova, Svetla; Ohlenforst, Vivienne; Ruf, Maximilian; Scheu, Lea Deborah (2022): Evaluation und Qualitätssicherung in der Kooperation sicherheitsbehördlicher und zivilgesellschaftlicher Akteure in der sekundären und tertiären Extremismusprävention, PRIF Report, 8, Frankfurt/M. DOI: 10.48809/prifrep2208