Karina Kosmukhambetova

External Funds and Procurement Manager

Karina Kosmukhambetova is in charge for external funding and procure­ment administration at PRIF since 2024. She previously worked at the Data Lab of the Deutsche Gesell­schaft für die Inter­nationale Zusammen­arbeit (GIZ) GmbH and is currently studying ISFK (Inter­national Studies/Peace and Conflict Research) at Goethe University Frankfurt/M. and Technical University Darmstadt.


| since 2024
External Funds and Procurement Manager, PRIF

| 2023
Intern at the GIZ Data Lab (Deutsche Gesell­schaft für Inter­nationale Zusammen­arbeit) GmbH

| since 2022
Master of Arts in Inter­national Studies/Peace and Conflict Research at Goethe University Frank­furt/M. and Technical University of Darmstadt

| 2018–2021
Teaching and Research Assistant at the Chair for Quali­tative Empirical Methods in the Social Sciences at Goethe University Frankfurt/M.

| 2016–2021
Bachelor of Arts in Political Science with Law Minor at Goethe University Frankfurt/M.

Further Activities

| 2019
Jury member for the COMPASSS Best Quali­tative Compa­rative Analysis (QCA) Paper Award 2019

| 2019
 Scholarship recipient of the Johanna Quandt Scholarship, Goethe University Frankfurt/M.