Daniel Agramont

Associate Fellow


| since 2019
Associate Fellow at PRIF

| since 2019
Doctoral Candidate in Political Sciences at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Goethe Uni­versity Frankfurt

| since 2019
Consultant at Latin American Development Bank (CAF). Re­search about landlockness, transport and development for Bolivia

| 2012–2018
Project Coordinator at Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, La Paz, Bolivia

| 2014–2018
Director of the Master Program in International Trade and International Relations at Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, La Paz, Bolivia

| 2015–2017
External Advisor to the Economic Policy Commission of the Plurinational Legislative Assembly of the Bolivian State

| 2016
Consultant at Oxfam Intermon

| 2014–2016
Academic Co-Director of the Master Program in International Negotiations of the University of Barcelona in cooperation with CEDDET Foundation (Madrid)

| 2010–2012
Director of Trade at National Port Service Administration (Ministry of Economy and Public Finances of Bolivia)

| 2008–2009
Master of Arts in Globalization and Development at the institute of International Development (IOB) of the University of Antwerp, Belgium

| 2006–2007
Foreign Service officer at Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bolivia

| 2004–2006
Master of Arts in International Relations at Bolivian Diplomatic Academy

| 2003
Internship at Central Bank of Bolivia

| 1998–2002
Bachelor of Arts in Economics at Catholic University of Bolivia


  • China and the Andean Community: Opportunities and Risks out of the Decoupling Process
    | 2024
    Agramont, Daniel (2024): China and the Andean Community: Opportunities and Risks out of the Decoupling Process, The Chinese Economy, 57: 4, 318–339. DOI: 10.1080/10971475.2024.2350127
  • The growing Chinese presence in Latin America and its (Geo)political manifestations in Bolivia
    | 2018
    Agramont, Daniel; Bonifaz, Gustavo (2018): The growing Chinese presence in Latin America and its (Geo)political manifestations in Bolivia, LSE Global South Unit Working Paper, 2018: 2.
  • Un liberalismo fuera de lugar
    | 2018
    Agramont, Daniel (2018): Un liberalismo fuera de lugar. El fracaso de la cumbre de la OMC en Buenos Aires, Nueva Sociedad.
  • Bolivia mira hacia el sur
    | 2015
    Agramont, Daniel (2015): Bolivia mira hacia el sur. El ingreso al Mercosur y la política exterior de Evo Morales, Nueva Sociedad, 15–26.
  • Potential gains for Bolivia of the subscription of an Association Agreement with the EU
    | 2010
    Agramont, Daniel; Aliaga Lordemann, Javier (2010): Potential gains for Bolivia of the subscription of an Association Agreement with the EU, Documento de Trabajo, Universidad Católica Boliviana, Instituto de Investigaciones Socio-Económicas (IISEC), La Paz.
  • Bolivia en los procesos de integración regional
    | 2010
    Agramont, Daniel (2010): Bolivia en los procesos de integración regional. Desafíos y oportunidades ante las nuevas características del regionalismo, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, La Paz, Análisis, 2010: 1.

  • ¿Hacia la transformación de la economía?
    | 2020
    Agramont, Daniel; Kauppert, Philipp; Prudencio, Nicole Jordán (2020): ¿Hacia la transformación de la economía?. 18 miradas para un diagnóstico de crecimiento en Bolivia, La Paz, Bolivia: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
  • Debates progresistas sobre políticas económicas en Bolivia
    | 2018
    Agramont, Daniel; Kauppert, Philipp (2018): Debates progresistas sobre políticas económicas en Bolivia, La Paz, Bolivia: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
    ISBN: 978-99974-0-466-4
  • Bolivia: un país privado de Litoral
    | 2016
    Agramont, Daniel; Peres Cajías, José (2016): Bolivia: un país privado de Litoral. Apuntes para un debate pendiente, La Paz, Bolivia: Oxfam, Plural editores.
  • El Rostro de la inseguridad en Bolivia
    | 2016
    Miranda, Boris; Agramont, Daniel (2016): El Rostro de la inseguridad en Bolivia. Siete crónicas sobre circuitos delictivos, La Paz, Bolivia: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.
    ISBN: 978-99974-50-20-3

  • La creciente presencia de China en América Latina: ¿Relaciones win-win o una nueva dependencia? Un estado del arte / Daniel Agramont Lechín
    | 2023
    Agramont, Daniel (2023): La creciente presencia de China en América Latina: ¿Relaciones win-win o una nueva dependencia? Un estado del arte / Daniel Agramont Lechín, Economía, La Paz: Fundación Friedrich Ebert en Bolivia.
    ISBN: 978-9917-9854-7-1
  • China-US economic war: opportunities for the Andean Community beyond the decoupling process
    | 2022
    Agramont, Daniel (2022): China-US economic war: opportunities for the Andean Community beyond the decoupling process, 8:2, London: LSE Global South Unit.
  • China’s increased presence in Latin America
    | 2022
    Agramont, Daniel (2022): China’s increased presence in Latin America. Win-win relations or a new dependency? A state of the art, Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin, Lateinamerika-Institut (LAI).
  • El desembarco chino en América Latina
    | 2018
    Bonifaz, Gustavo; Agramont, Daniel (2018): El desembarco chino en América Latina, La Paz, Bolivia: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Plural Editores.