Dr. Clara-Auguste Süß

Associate Fellow

Dr. Clara-Auguste Süß is a Doctoral Re­searcher at PRIF‘s Research Depart­ment Intrastate Conflict and member of the Research Group Radi­calization. Her research focusses on Isla­mist radi­calization pro­cesses as well as political trans­formation and margi­nalization in Tunisia.


| since 05/2024
Post­doctoral research fellow / outreach and trans­fer manager of the Merian Centre for Ad­vanced Studies in the Maghreb (MECAM) at the German Insti­tute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA)

| since 2024
Asso­ciate Fellow at PRIF

| 2023–2024
Research asso­ciate at the Goethe Uni­versity Frankfurt

| 2023
PhD in Politi­cal Science, Goethe Uni­versity Frankfurt

| 2022
Visiting stay at Scuola Nor­male Superiore (SNS), Centre on Social Move­ment Studies (Cosmos), Flo­rence/Italy (October–Novem­ber)

| 2019–2023
Doctoral Re­searcher at PRIF

| 2018–2019
Research Asso­ciate at PRIF for the project “Ex­treme Society”

| 2015–2017
Scholar­ship of the Friedrich Ebert Foun­dation (FES)

| 2014–2017
M.A. in Poli­tical Science, Philipps Uni­versity Marburg, Germany

| 2011–2014
B.A. in Politi­cal Science and Commu­nication Studies, TU Dresden, Germany


  • Socioeconomic Grievances, Opportunities, and Frames: Conceptualizing Marginalization and Islamist Radicalization in Post-2011 Egypt and Tunisia, and Implications for PCVE
    | 2024
    Süß, Clara-Auguste; Weipert-Fenner, Irene (2024): Socioeconomic Grievances, Opportunities, and Frames: Conceptualizing Marginalization and Islamist Radicalization in Post-2011 Egypt and Tunisia, and Implications for PCVE, Journal for Deradicalization: 40, 184–241.
  • Ethical Research in the German Social Sciences: Exploring the Significance and Challenges of Institutionalized Research Ethics Practices
    | 2024
    Crawford, Andrew; Fichtner, Laura; Guntrum, Laura Gianna; Jänsch, Stephanie; Krösche, Niklas; Soulier, Eloïse; Süß, Clara-Auguste (2024): Ethical Research in the German Social Sciences: Exploring the Significance and Challenges of Institutionalized Research Ethics Practices, Research Ethics (online first). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/17470161241270787
  • One crisis among many: Russia’s war in Ukraine and its implications for the MENA region
    | 2022
    Süß, Clara-Auguste; Weipert-Fenner, Irene (2022): One crisis among many: Russia’s war in Ukraine and its implications for the MENA region, Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. DOI: 10.1007/s42597-022-00081-9
  • Socio-economic factors of radicalisation in Tunisia and Egypt: What we (don’t) know
    | 2021
    Süß, Clara-Auguste; Weipert-Fenner, Irene (2021): Socio-economic factors of radicalisation in Tunisia and Egypt: What we (don’t) know, ORIENT: 2, 14-19.
  • What Do We Know about Radicalisation? Overview of the Structure and Key Findings of the Focus Section
    | 2020
    Junk, Julian; Süß, Clara-Auguste; Daase, Christopher; Deitelhoff, Nicole (2020): What Do We Know about Radicalisation? Overview of the Structure and Key Findings of the Focus Section, International Journal of Conflict and Violence, 14: 2, 1–5. DOI: 10.4119/ijcv-3875

  • The Pandemic and its Handling as Crisis Intensifiers? Taking Stock of Mobilisation, Terrorism and COVID-19 in the Maghreb
    | 2021
    Süß, Clara-Auguste (2021): The Pandemic and its Handling as Crisis Intensifiers? Taking Stock of Mobilisation, Terrorism and COVID-19 in the Maghreb, in: Bassou, Abdelhak/Tobi, Youssef (eds), Thriving on Uncertainty. COVID-19-Related Opportunities for Terrorist Groups, 60–83.

  • What do we know about radicalization? Key findings, challenges, and policy recommendations
    | 2020
    Junk, Julian; Süß, Clara-Auguste; Daase, Christopher; Deitelhoff, Nicole (2020): What do we know about radicalization? Key findings, challenges, and policy recommendations. Focus Section, International Journal of Conflict and Violence, 14:2.

  • Demokratie unter Druck: Politische Extremismen und hybride Ideologien
    | 2024
    Ahmed, Reem; Albrecht, Stephen; Brost, Lea; Hegemann, Hendrik; Johansson, Susanne; Junk, Julian; Kahl, Martin; Klöckner, Mona; Janina, Pawelz; Stephanblome, Isabelle; Süß, Clara-Auguste (2024): Demokratie unter Druck: Politische Extremismen und hybride Ideologien, in: Bonn International Center for Conversion (BICC)/Leibniz-Institut Hessische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (PRIF)/Institut für Friedensforschung und Sicherheitspolitik an der Universität Hamburg (IFSH)/Institut für Entwicklung und Frieden (INEF) (eds), Friedensgutachten 2024, Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 135–150.
  • Is the worst yet to come?
    | 2021
    Süß, Clara-Auguste (2021): Is the worst yet to come?. Consequences of the COVID-19 crisis and its management in the Maghreb, PRIF Spotlight, 11, Frankfurt/M.
  • Who are these “Islamists” everyone talks about?! Why academic struggles over words matter
    | 2020
    Pfeifer, Hanna; Schwab, Regine; Süß, Clara-Auguste (2020): Who are these “Islamists” everyone talks about?! Why academic struggles over words matter, PRIF Blog.
  • Macron’s plan for fighting Islamist radicalization – and what Germany and other European countries should and shouldn’t learn from it
    | 2020
    Junk, Julian; Süß, Clara-Auguste (2020): Macron’s plan for fighting Islamist radicalization – and what Germany and other European countries should and shouldn’t learn from it, PRIF Blog.
  • Macron’s Plan for Fighting Islamist Radicalisation – Offline
    | 2020
    Junk, Julian; Süß, Clara-Auguste (2020): Macron’s Plan for Fighting Islamist Radicalisation – Offline, GNET.
  • Die Erbsünde der Revolution?
    | 2020
    Süß, Clara-Auguste (2020): Die Erbsünde der Revolution?, Soziopolis.
  • Das Virus als Mittel zum Zweck: Extremistische (Um-)Deutungen der Corona-Pandemie
    | 2020
    Sold, Manjana; Süß, Clara-Auguste (2020): Das Virus als Mittel zum Zweck: Extremistische (Um-)Deutungen der Corona-Pandemie, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung.
  • The Coronavirus as a Means to an End: Extremist Reinterpretations of the Pandemic
    | 2020
    Sold, Manjana; Süß, Clara-Auguste (2020): The Coronavirus as a Means to an End: Extremist Reinterpretations of the Pandemic, PRIF Blog.

  • Co-escalation in Contentious Politics and Radicalization
    | 2024
    Abay Gaspar, Hande; Junk, Julian; Sold, Manjana; Süß, Clara-Auguste (2024): Co-escalation in Contentious Politics and Radicalization, PRIF Working Paper, 62, Frankfurt/M.
  • The Socioeconomic Dimension of Islamist Radicalization in Egypt and Tunisia
    | 2019
    Süß, Clara-Auguste; Aakhunzzada, Ahmad Noor Baheige (2019): The Socioeconomic Dimension of Islamist Radicalization in Egypt and Tunisia, PRIF Working Paper, 45, Frankfurt/M.

Further Activities

| 2022–2023
Board Member of the EuroMeSCo Young Researchers Lab

| 2021–2023
Representative of the board of management for assistants at PRIF

| 2019–2021
Representative in the Leibniz-PhD-Network