Peace Report 2024

German peace research institutes present recommendations for tackling current wars and conflicts

Berlin, June 10, 2024 – The global death toll from wars and conflicts is at an all-time high: The wars in Ukraine and Gaza, military coups and jihadist violence in Africa result in tens of thousands of victims. At the same time, the fight against climate change, poverty and hunger falters. In Europe and the USA, authori­tarian and extremist move­ments are putting democracies under pressure. This is the global political starting point for the Peace Report 2024, in which Germany's leading peace research institutes make recom­men­dations to policymakers on how to reduce the causes of conflict and break the spiral of violence. 

Many of the political successes of the 1990s and 2000s seem to have vanished. Multilateral treaties have eroded, inter­national institutions have lost influence, and democratic achieve­ments, such as the inde­pendence of the judiciary or freedom of the press, have been curtailed even in European countries. In this world, which seems no longer to have a compass, Germany's leading peace research institutes offer points of reference in the latest Peace Report.

Brutal Attack and Human Suffering: Gaza as a New Trouble Spot

The Hamas attack on October 7, 2023 has deeply shaken Israel: more than 1,000 people were murdered in the brutal massacre and another 250 were abducted. The atrocities committed by Hamas, which denies Israel's right to exist, have shocked the inter­national community.   

Despite the right to self-defense, the peace research institutes are critical of the Israeli army's military response in the Gaza Strip due to the many civilian casualties. According to the peace researchers, Israel is violating international human­itarian law, and the German govern­ment should advocate for Israel’s compliance with the decisions of the international courts. The Report insists that in order to provide short-term relief for the people on the ground, the first priority must be to improve the human­itarian situation in the Gaza Strip, work towards the release of the hostages, and achieve a ceasefire. At the same time, work must be done on a viable peace solution for the entire region. Despite all political resistance, the German govern­ment should work towards an inter­nationally responsible transition phase for the Gaza Strip after the end of the war that allows for human­itarian supplies, economic recovery and political prospects. In the long term, the German govern­ment should work towards a two-state solution, even if this is hardly feasible at present.

Weapons, Diplomacy and Inter­national Support for Ukraine

In the war against Ukraine, military logic and diplomatic approaches must be intelligently combined. The peace report’s experts advocate for main­taining pressure on Russia – for example, in the form of sanctions – and continuing to support Ukraine militarily. In order to be able to enter into peace negotiations with Russia in the medium term, Ukraine needs reliable security guarantees from the West. The form and content of peace negotiations should be prepared now and potential third parties should be sounded out.

Defining Develop­ment Cooperation with Putschists and Autocrats

More than half of the world's violent conflicts take place in sub-Saharan Africa, mostly as battles between govern­ments and jihadist armed groups. In recent years, seven coups d'état in West Africa have exacerbated the unstable situation. The three military regimes in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger have found a new security partner in Russia in particular. All three countries play a central role in the further develop­ment of the Sahel region. In addition, their human­itarian and security policy develop­ment is of transnational importance, especially with regard to migration and illegal trade. Germany should therefore continue its diplomatic and develop­ment policy engage­ment in the region and define guide­lines for dealing with putschists and autocrats.

Poverty, Hunger and Violent Conflicts are Mutually Dependent

Limiting climate change and combating poverty, hunger and social inequality have not been as successful as they should be. Only 15% of the Sustain­able Develop­ment Goals set by the global community in 2015 have been achieved so far. The experts in the Peace Report recom­mend involving local actors and structures more responsibly in develop­ment cooperation in the future and at the same time embedding them in inter­national and national aid structures.

2023 was the warmest year since weather records began. Crop failures, flooding and other conse­quences of climate change are destroying live­lihoods. Poverty and social inequality are on the rise, particularly in countries of the Global South – the most common causes of violence, as the military coups in West Africa show. If the number of armed conflicts increases, the number of displaced people also rises.

Reducing the Risk of Nuclear Escalation Through Arms Control

In 2023, global arms spending increased. An effective arms control policy can contain expensive arms-race dynamics, the risk of further military confron­tations, and the danger of nuclear escalation. New techno­logies such as artificial intel­ligence and unmanned weapons systems revolutionize warfare. At the same time, they increase the ability to react on the battlefield and thus increase the risk of esca­lation in conflicts. Inter­nationally binding rules for the develop­ment and use of these techno­logies are urgently needed. Additionally, IT systems and critical infra­structures should be better protected against cyber attacks.

Strengthening the Resilience of Democratic Institutions

While wars and conflicts determine foreign policy, democracies are also under pressure domestically. Many people have lost trust in demo­cratic institutions, while populist, extremist and authori­tarian movements have gained influence. Politicians should take dis­satisfaction and social grievances seriously and work to strengthen democratic institutions to ensure their independence even in the face of changing majorities.

Press Release (PDF)