LOEWE Top Professorship for Nicole Deitelhoff

Nicole Deitelhoff receives Excellence Award from State of Hesse

Frankfurt, 19 May 2023. PRIF Director Nicole Deitelhoff receives a LOEWE Top Professorship from the State of Hesse. The board of PRIF is pleased that the renowned peace and conflict researcher will continue her work in Frankfurt thanks to the excellence funding.

Nicole Deitelhoff will receive a LOEWE Top Professorship from the State of Hesse from 1 June 2023. The LOEWE Top Professorship, which was jointly applied for by PRIF and Goethe University Frankfurt (GU), will be based at both institutions. The LOEWE-funded research group will also work at PRIF and GU. The excellence funding is valid for the period from 1 June 2023 to 31 May 2028. The total funding provided by the state of Hesse and Goethe University Frankfurt for this purpose amounts to almost three million euros. With the LOEWE award, the renowned researcher can be kept in Frankfurt.

The research made possible by the LOEWE funding will follow on directly from Nicole Deitelhoff's studies on the productivity of conflicts. It will focus, among other issues, on the question of how peace orders can be designed in such a way that they promote trust and contain conflicts. The results of the LOEWE research group should be fruitful for European and international security and peace architectures.

"I feel very honoured by the award of the LOEWE Top Professorship and look forward to continuing my work in Frankfurt, at PRIF and Goethe University, and to furthering the joint plans that PRIF and Goethe University have," says Nicole Deitelhoff.

Nicole Deitelhoff has been an executive board member of PRIF since 2016, where she heads the research department "International Institutions". Her research interests include conflicts on international institutions and norms, foundations of political rule, as well as issues of democracy and cohesion. Her academic excellence goes into research networks with national and international reach: for example, since 2021 she has been co-spokesperson of the joint project "ConTrust: Trust in Conflict - Political Coexistence under Conditions of Uncertainty", a cooperation between PRIF and GU. She heads the Research Institute for Social Cohesion (FGZ), which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and investigates, among other issues, how conflicts can stabilise social cohesion. As Principal Investigator of the "Regional Research Centre Transformations of Political Violence (TraCe)", she focuses on how violent conflicts affect inter- and transnational orders.
Nicole Deitelhoff has been invited as a guest researcher to numerous international research institutions. She has conducted research at the New Institute Hamburg (2022), the European University Institute in Florence (2015) and the Center for European Studies at Harvard University (2011). From 2010 to 2011, she worked as a visiting professor at the Hebrew University Jerusalem. Since 2018, Nicole Deitelhoff has been a member of the 15th Advisory Council on Issues of Innere Führung of the Federal Ministry of Defence.
In addition, it is of great concern to her to communicate the results of peace and conflict research to society in a variety of media formats.

To Presse Resease (in German)