Fostering Cooperation in Uncertain Times

Stefan Kroll sits on the podium with four other people. Next to him is a lectern on which the IHK logo can be seen.

PRIF supports Trilateral Seminar Series as academic partner

International se­curity is increasingly charac­terized by hybrid threats. Beyond specta­cular acts of sabo­tage, such as the bom­bing of the Nord Stream pipe­lines in 2022, it is above all cyber secu­rity and economic depen­dencies and asym­metries that charac­terize the security policy debate on hy­brid threats.

The Consu­lates General of the Re­public of Korea, Japan and the United States each orga­nized two seminars on these two topics this autumn, in which PRIF partici­pated as an aca­demic partner. PRIF suppor­ted the conception and planning of the semi­nars and provided the mode­rators, Dr. Thomas Reinhold and Dr. Stefan Kroll.

On 24 October 2024, cyber­security in the face of increa­sing geo­political ten­sions was the first topic at Goethe Uni­versity. In a keynote speech, Frank­furt Professor of Cyber­security Haya Schulmann gave an overview of current threats and approaches to coun­tering them. The event was designed in such a way that repre­sentatives from practice and aca­demia from the three partici­pating countries then dis­cussed the issues raised in greater depth. The focus was on issues of eco­nomic compe­tition, resilience strate­gies and the bene­fits of coope­ration.

The second semi­nar, which focused on secure supply chains and de-risking strate­gies, took place on Novem­ber 18 at the Cham­ber of Industry and Commerce. The key­note address was given by Klaus-Stefan Ruoff, Vice Presi­dent of the Chamber of Com­merce and Industry. Ruoff outl­ined the degree of global eco­nomic inter­dependence and high­lighted the poten­tial as well as the current risks for eco­nomies and com­panies. The dis­tinguished panel first clari­fied the nuances of the con­cepts of de­coupling and de-risking and then dis­cussed the diffe­rent stra­tegies of South Korea, Japan and the Uni­ted States. It was inte­resting to note that while China poses a parti­cular challenge for all, each coun­try has its own expe­riences and strategies. Again, the dis­cussion focused on the possi­bilities for multi­lateral coope­ration and the expec­tations of and for com­panies.

Both semi­nars were well attended, with around 80 guests atten­ding each. The opening of the events with three wel­coming speeches by the acting Consuls General under­lined the impor­tance of coope­ration and the relevance of the topics. A reception follow­ing each dis­cussion provided an oppor­tunity for in-depth dis­cussion and net­working.

24.10.2024: ICT Compe­tition and Cyber Secu­rity in the 21st Century Geo­politics

Key­note speech:
Prof. Dr. Haya Schul­mann | National Research Center for Applied Cyber­security Athene

Panel Dis­cussion

  • Dr. So Jeong Kim (Repub­lic of Korea), Senior Research Fellow | Insti­tute for the Natio­nal Security Stra­tegy (INSS)
  • Dr. Her­mann Gumpp (Japan), Mana­ging Director | Eno­byte GmbH | Special Ad­visor Cyber­security & Data Pro­tection | Deutsch-Japa­nischer Wirtschafts­kreis e. V.
  • John Nix (Uni­ted States of Ame­rica), Direc­tor of Inter­national Develop­ment | SANS Institute
    Mode­ration: Dr. Thomas Reinhold | PRIF

18.11.2024: Secu­ring Supply Chains Against Rising Challen­ges

Key­note speech:
Klaus-Stefan Ruoff | Vice-Presi­dent of IHK Frankfurt

Panel Dis­cussion

  • Rachel Howe (United States of Ame­rica), Director, ICTIME | U.S. Trade Repre­sentative
  • Patrick Shif­lett (United States of America), Senior Na­tional Intelli­gence Officer – East Asia | Federal Bureau of Inves­tigation
  • Takashi Mogi (Japan), Director of Indus­trial Research | JETRO London
  • Sunhyung Lee (Republic of Korea), Assistant Pro­fessor | Montclair State Uni­versity
    Mode­ration: Dr. Stefan Kroll | PRIF

Impressions of the event