Scientific Advisory Board of documenta Appointed

Nicole Deitelhoff

Nicole Deitelhoff advises the Management Board of documenta gGmbH

documenta und Museum Fride­ricianum gGmbH wel­comes Nicole Deitel­hoff as a member of the newly estab­lished Scientific Ad­visory Board. Nicole Deitel­hoff was already Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of docu­menta fifteen in 2022 and played a key role in dea­ling with the anti-Semitic inci­dents. From now on, she will once again advise and support the Super­visory Board and the Manage­ment Board of docu­menta gGmbH on a tech­nical and scientific level. 

The Scien­tific Advisory Board has the task of taking up current social and scien­tific discourses in the specific con­text of documenta gGmbH and making them fruit­ful for the further develop­ment of docu­menta. The members promote the professional and cura­torial net­working of docu­menta gGmbH and contri­bute their own and other relevant inter­national, world-opening and plura­listic pers­pectives from science and research.

Timon Gremmels, Hessian Minister of State for Science and Re­search, Art and Culture, empha­sizes: “With the establish­ment of the Scientific Advisory Board we have taken another key step to­wards the future via­bility and in­creased crisis resilience of docu­menta und Museum Fride­ricianum gGmbH. In so doing, we are sending out a strong signal for the further develop­ment of docu­menta as a global cul­tural event.”

The members are appoin­ted for five years at the suggestion of the Super­visory Board. In addition to Nicole Deitel­hoff, Tania Coen-Uzzielli, Susanne Gaens­heimer, Diane Lima, Christoph Menke and Thomas Sparr were also appointed to the Advi­sory Board. 

Further infor­mation can be found in the docu­menta gGmbH press release.