The Rise of Police Killings in Brazil and the Philippines (2016-2022)

Einschusslöcher in einer Wand/Bullet holes in a wall

© iStock 179084081 / Amit Erez (amite) | 2008

New PRIF Report by Ariadne Natal and Peter Kreuzer discusses the causes and background

What role do con­trol institu­tions play in the rise in police killings in Bra­zil and the Philippines bet­ween 2016 and 2022? The new PRIF Report by Ariadne Natal and Peter Kreuzer shows how radical presi­dents in both countries were able to emas­culate demo­cratic institu­tions tasked with up­holding due procedure and rule of law, as well as con­trolling the exe­cutive, from inter­nal police over­sight to the judi­ciary and the legis­lative. They show that control fails as long as these institu­tions are not staffed with people who are pre­pared to resist in crisis situa­tions in order to uphold the norma­tive and legal foun­dations of the demo­cratic order and thus ensure demo­cratic resi­lience. 

Dr. Ariadne Natal and Dr. Peter Kreuzer are Senior Resear­chers at PRIF’s Research Department Intrastate Conflict. Ariadne Natal’s research focuses on Brazil, police legiti­macy and use of force as well as vigil­antism, Peter Kreuzer focuses on poli­tical vio­lence in the Philip­pines and maritime conflicts in the South China Sea.

Download (pdf): Natal, Ariadne/Kreuzer, Peter (2024): Violent Mandates: Presidential Power, Institutional Failure, and the Rise of Police Killings in Brazil and the Philippines, PRIF Report 6/2024. Frankfurt/M.