Regine Schwab Speaks at Conference on International Humanitarian Law of the German Red Cross

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On violence against civilian infrastructure in armed conflicts in the MENA region

On April 26 and 27, 2024, the 33rd Conference on Inter­national Humanitarian Law of the Baden-Württem­berg branch of the German Red Cross (DRK), in coope­ration with the DRK General Secre­tariat and the German Armed Forces, took place in Stutt­gart. Regine Schwab spoke on the topic of “Violence against civilian infra­structure in armed conflicts in the MENA region”.

Around 100 experts from the Red Cross and the German Armed Forces met for specialist presen­tations and net­working on the conference topic “75 years of the Geneva Con­vention - current and future challenges of inter­national humanitarian law”. After an over­view of the basics of inter­national humanitarian law, the conference focused on the Bundes­wehr medical service and the support provided by the German Red Cross in armed conflicts, the activities of the Red Cross and the Bundes­wehr to disseminate inter­national humanitarian law, the role of the Red Cross in civil protection, the legal frame­work for humanitarian aid and perspec­tives on the Middle East conflict under inter­national law.