Hendrik Simon at IES (UC Berkeley)

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PRIF researcher visiting a leading interdisciplinary research center on Europe in the USA

Hendrik Simon will be a guest re­searcher at the Insti­tute of Euro­pean Studies (IES) at UC Berkeley in April. The IES is regarded as one of the leading inter­disciplinary research centers on Europe and trans­atlantic relations in the USA: Hendrik Simon will be colla­borating with Matthew Specter on topics such as war and inter­national order in the past and present, as well as the his­tory of German peace research. At the IES, he will also present his forth­coming book “A Century of Anarchy? War, Norma­tivity, and the Birth of Modern Inter­national Order” (Oxford UP 2024).

Hendrik Simon is a re­searcher at PRIF in the Research Depart­ment “Trans­national Politics” as well as in the Re­search Alliances ConTrust and TraCe.