Christopher Daase Elected Chairman

Christopher Daase

FEST’s Academic Board of Trustees appoints new Chair

Christopher Daase has been elected the new Head of the Board of Trustees of the Forschungs­stätte der Evangelischen Studiengemeinschaft (FEST) during the spring meeting on April 19 and 20, 2024.
Christopher Daase has served as a member of the Board since 2019. Previously, he had been a corres­ponding member of the Institute for several years. As Chairman, Daase supports and advises on the planning and im­plementation of FEST research projects.

Since its foundation in 1958, the Forschungsstätte Evangelische Studien­gemeinschaft has aimed to link scientific research with the principles of the Gospel and to assist the Protes­tant Church in addressing current challenges and issues. In four de­partments and cross-sectional projects, the research institute combines interdisciplinary re­search perspectives on religion, law and culture, sustainable develop­ment, peace and natural science. More informa­tion on FEST's research and Christopher Daase's role can be found on the website of the Research Institute.