International Conference 2023 "Internationalizing Security – Securitizing the International"

Panel "Opening yet another Pandora’s box: The impact of just war theories on rules applicable in armed conflict" with Farnaz Desfouli Asl and Thilo Marauhn

   International Conference'23 Internationalizing Security – Securitizing the International

With the Russian war against Ukraine, the discussion about what is to be understood by inter­national security has flared up again. While for many years, scholars have criticized state-centric understandings of security, the tides seem to change. For instance a return of geopolitics, territorial conception of security, and invo­cations of sovereignty can be observed. Attempts of achieving security through liberal modes of global governance and trans­national formats recede into the back­ground in favor of a new discourse on international security, as are individual-centered understandings of security such as human security. With the conference the organizers aim to address this momen­tum by a shift in perspective. Instead of presupposing the inter­national as a given and fixed entity, they want to investigate how it takes shape in practices of security: How do concepts and repertoires of security articulate the inter­national? With this question, the organizers seek to elaborate the multiple ways in which security becomes inter­nationalized and the international securitized. Contri­butions are invited that explore the topic with a focus on (a) the historicity, (b) the procedures and devices, and (c) the exclusions of inter­national security.
Farnaz Desfouli Asl (Chair) and Thilo Marauhn (Speaker) provide the panel "Opening yet another Pandora’s box: The impact of just war theories on rules applicable in armed conflict" on November 2, 2023 from 3 to 4.30 p.m. at the auditorium.

When: November 2, 1.30 p.m. – November 4, 2023, 3.30 p.m.

Where: Justus Liebig University Giessen. All plenary sessions will be held at the auditorium (Ludwigstraße 23). Most of the panels will take place in the same building, either in the Senate room or the Gustav-Krüger-Saal (GKS). The other panel location is Goethestraße 58, Room 201.

Chair: Farnaz Desfouli Asl
